1:29pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; joins?
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
1:50pm Apr 25 2010
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Name: Kyle Sanders Gender:Male Age: 18 Power: He can read and comunicate through minds. ^-^ Position: Jack? Deion: Kyle is pretty short for a guy, around 5' 8" and has an athletic build with some muscle. He lifts weights to be buff, getting made fun of a lot for being short. He has pretty pale skin and light blonde hair that has specks of gold in it. His eyes are dark blue, almost black and seem to glitter in the sun. He's almost always seen with dark shades on and jeans. Personality: Kyle is pretty... fun. He loves to be loud and exciting, but always knows when to shut his mouth. He is a bit of a flirt, trying to keep away from having a relationship, most girls he meets are so annoying. Kyle is pretty loyal to his friends, and loves to meet more. Relationship/Status: Nothing, and that's the way he likes it. Other: Uhh.... Nothing really. :3
2:13pm Apr 25 2010
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~(Kink, isn't the Jack position reserved for Dust? O_O)~
2:59pm Apr 25 2010
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((Dust quit... o-o))
4:06pm Apr 25 2010
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~(Oh yea. xD)~
4:10pm Apr 25 2010
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((xD Very nice. :3 Hope they accept me. o-o Bump ^See that... It makes this post be non-spam. xD))
4:51pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Jai walked along the path outside, her denim messenger-bag strap over both shoulders while the bag itself hung down her back. She shook her head and frowned at some thought or another, ignoring or not noticing the stares she got from people. She had almost expected the sort of thing after deciding to wear the neon green shirt, red pants, and yellow garden shoes, but they were comfortable so every one else just had to deal with the child-sized girls fashion sence. She looked around the school yard and followed a group of girls as they split off towards the girls' dorms. ((Haha. Phail))
Resident mounted archer
6:52pm Apr 25 2010
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OOC: Kuro [is it okay to call you that? ;3... I should read people's profiles more often...O.o] oh I didn't realize. o.e
2:32am Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 2:38am Apr 28 2010)
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Rain woke up. The young girl looked up. She could see Serena Rainfield sleeping soundly, peaceful, undisturbed. Rain tried not to wake her roommate up, quietly she sneaked around. She went outside, to get a breath of crisp air. Ken had no idea where was his dorm. He spent the past night outside the girls' dorm, outside Rain Quinn's and Serena Rainfield's dorm. He saw Rain coming out, and immediately rushed to her. "Hi, Rain, nice to, uh, see you." Rain was flattered. "Hi, Ken." she walked back into her dorm. Ken was totally crazed. "Ahh, Rain." ((decided i need a boy character too. hope im in time? Keeping the boy ratio even. :D ) Name: Ken Jaycool Gender: Male Age: 17 Power: He is rather normal- looking , but dont let that fool you. He has the ability to charm girls, just by p*censored*ing them. Rather deadly-poisonous. Position: Jack? regular member <3 Deion: Ken , too, stands tall, like the others. His face is rather like a Korean, his hair flat, small black eyes, and a pretty little mouth. His normal attire is a formal tuxedo-like one, but with a jacket, instead, a black shirt and a white tie. Often, he goes out with black jeans. Personality: He is kind, gentle and sweet, probably the charm to attracting girls. Many say he is also a clever person, but he often denies it. He has a knack for buying candies for his loved ones too. Relationship/Status: Crush: Rain Maybelle Quinns, trying to get her attention :O Other: Bieberblast- HA!

6:42am Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Of course you can join, Casanev! Sorry Twintkitty, but Kink beat you to the position xD And I'm thinking of reinforcing a 'no same character love', because I think that it defeats the purpose of this RP :I Hope it's okay, and Ken is now a member. But it's okay, I think I'll enforce it tomorrow. By the way, I think I'll let just a few more 'gifted' teens into this RP, and close it off. The people after that may join, but only as ordinary kids. No worries, Club Majyk will still hold tests for those who may possibly have majic in their blood.]] Serena woke up, yawning and stretching. She sighed, and peeked outside her room. There was no sign of her roommate, Rain. She rolled her eyes. Rain was always the early bird. Serena dressed up, and hoped she looked decent enough. Today was a new day, and hopefully it would just be filled with introductions from nervous new students. Serena smiled, and walked out of the room, a bag by her side just in case some teachers do hand out stuff. 'Which is 100% likely, Serena.' A small voice told her in Serena's head. She smirked, and walked on. --- Damion entered the school. He already saw a few people there. He rolled his eyes. 'Freaks.' He thought. Then a retort shot inside his head. 'Doesn't that make you one?' He smiled at himself. 'Maybe the holidays just dazed me a bit.' He thought to himself. 'Whatever.' Damion accidentally bumped into a tall guy, around his height. "Whoops, sorry." Damion said, and paused. "Hey, you're Kyle!" Damion grinned and slapped him on the shoulder. "How was your holidays?"

6:49am Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 6:51am Apr 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Well... He was right.
The entire inside of the school building was buzzing with anticipation, thanks to the arrival of all the new students. Why people got so excited over such things, who knew... Julian's tall form made his way across the entrance hall, merely glancing at all the new faces, and of course, the old ones also; His train of thought jumping track as he walked. Ah... The new students, Damion was going to want to test them all, surely... It was almost a tradition, afterall.
Sighing slightly, the tall, blonde student decided to stop here. Going to the dorms would be pointless, seeing as most of the students would probably be located down here, fussing over all the new blood. Not to mention, it gave Julian a chance to look them all over. If they we're going to be tested, he wanted to be somewhat familiar with faces.
He came to a stop just beside the door that led to the hallway to the boys dorms, leaning back, crossing his arms and placing one foot against the wall; His eyes reading and locating every new student who walked through the entrance doors.
1:10pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 1,551
"Hey, you're Kyle! How were your holidays?" Jeff felt a creeping feeling of dread wash over him. He stared at the piece of paper with his room number... And sure enough, it didn't match the one on the door ahead of him. Ack... Wrong room. "Sorry," he said apologetically, "Wrong room." He stifled a sigh. -x-x-x- Trinity stared at her room. It was fairly spacious and two beds were in it. She felt a sudden pang of sadness. Don't you dare start getting homesick. She sighed and dropped her various bags she had been holding on one of the beds and then ran her fingers through her hair. I wonder who my roommate is? The thought scared her a bit.
3:29am Apr 27 2010
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Serena grew tired of sitting by the entrance, staring at the warm sun and the happy blue skies. It made her feel nostalgic. She huffed a bit, and heaved herself up from her sitting position, and started down the hallways. It was there, when she saw a familiar face. "Hey, Julian!" Serena smiled and waved at the tall boy.
4:52am Apr 27 2010
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Jai heard a girl call out a name and turned to face her general direction, then turned a full circle to see who this 'Julian' was. She shook her head, becomong confused by the people that went by, not knowing how the world she had expected to draw one out.
Resident mounted archer
5:17am Apr 27 2010
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Julian had still been in the process of reading faces when a famliar voice rang through the hall. His gray eyes immediately sought out the face that belonged to that voice, and sure enough, he found Serena waving at him from across the room, stood on the other side of a group of new students.
He closed his eyes and smiled slightly, then raised a hand in silent greeting, allowing his eyes to open and continue their survey of the students in the hall. Serena. She was one of those who had failed the test, one of many who showed little to no promise when she had been brought before them. Of course... The Club couldn't accept people like that, it kind of bypas.sed the entire point otherwise.
The tall, blonde haired "Joker" pushed himself away from the wall, ditching that train of thought and making a small path through a number of people as he approached Serena, hands in his pockets.
"Yo. Your early."
9:03am Apr 27 2010
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Serena puffed out her cheeks, looking like a squirrel with her face full of nuts. "I almost thought you weren't going to wave back, mister!" She said, and started to walk along with him. "Of course I'm early. Today is a new day, and well, I'm an early bird! I think..." She trailed off... She wondered what Julian was thinking of. Serena had heard that he was the Joker in the infamous Club, but she already forgot the name... Serena tried to dig into her memory... 'Started with an M...' She thought to herself. 'Or was it a C?' She waved that thought away.
2:19pm Apr 27 2010
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Trinity was still sitting flopped on her bed. She wondered if she would even get a roommate. This... Sucks... She stifled (yet another) sigh. She hadn't met anybody yet. She was completely confused. And she felt a creeping feeling of doom that she was going to hate this place. Of course she was only thinking this way due to her bad mood she had just slipped into... She remembered randomly how the person who had told her where to find her room about a club. Her thoughts perked up-- a little. Could be cool she thought. She decided to walk out of the room. She walked back into the large room and then walked down a hallway. She spotted a group of people. What the heck? She might as well meet them. She walked over and smiled (hopefully looking nice and outgoing and not like she'd been sulking ten seconds ago). "Hey," she said.
2:32pm Apr 27 2010
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Julian shook his head slightly. Serena was way too cheerful sometimes, of course... He'd never say it out loud. Afterall, she'd probably just say it was his fault for being so serious all the time.
He chuckled quietly at Serena's "Early bird" comment. Well that was sure true... Saying that, the same probably went for him. He watched her carefully as she stumbled over something, and Julian quite distinctly knew she was tripping over the memory of the club. The very Club that had been erased from her mind.
He pulled both hands out of his pockets, and put them behind his head as he came to a stop, his eyes looking, once again, over the new students. There'd probably be a meeting with the King later, he as.sumed. Afterall, the Club would need to prepare for any new talent. He looked at Serena, dropping both arms and nodding.
"I'll talk to you later, I need to see Damion." He glanced once more at the students in the hall, then smiled once at the black haired girl beside him before turning and strolling back through the hall, heading towards the dorms.
6:29pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Jai shrugged, wondering how to introduce herself to people. She winced; being new was never any fun. Her fingers itched to snap, create friction, then nurse a flame, just a tiny one.....she shook that thought away and made a noise in her thoat, her hands twitched and she stood up a little before sitting on them. A small group had gathered nearby. Now one was walking away. She wondered how so many people could know eachother.
Resident mounted archer
2:43am Apr 28 2010
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Back in the room, Rain sighs. There was Serena's, her roommates, empty bed. "Is she awake already?" she shrugs.