4:23am Apr 28 2010
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Damion scratched his head cluelessly as he watched Kyle walk away. He shrugged. He walked off, and wandered aimlessly around the school. Since it was the day after the holidays, the school decided to be easy on them, so the students were told that they only had to come at 12:00 in the afternoon. Damion checked his watch. 9 in the morning. He stifled a sigh, and decided to bring his dog for a walk, to Club Majyk of course. --- Serena watched Julian walk off. She tilted her head questioningly. 'He way too serious.' She thought, and decided to check out what was for breakfast in the dining hall. She licked her lips, and hoped that the staff would provide Lucky Charms. 'Mmm...' Serena thought dreamily. Lucky Charms were her favorite brand of cereal, and a good way to perk her up in the morning.
5:04am Apr 28 2010
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Rain walks into the dining hall, to find Serena there, licking her lips. Rain muttered, "Gosh...I sure want some Japanese steamed rice by now." Rain sighs. Her heritage included her mother being Japanese, how her steamed rice gave Rain a comforted look. However, she knew, in S Academy, they were not really international. Ken asks around. "Where is Rain?" he knew, at that instant, that she was at the dining hall. Racing there, he was ready, in his best suit, to ask for her to be his girlfriend. He found her, got out his present, a bear, with chocolate, and said, "Rain, could you be mine?" Rain was flattered- she knew Ken since kindergarten. However, her reply was stiff. "Ken... I can't love you... not that I do not want to, but, according to the rules of my life, I cant date... it will affect my studies." she walked away, depressed, however, she knew, she hurt Ken.
5:46am Apr 28 2010
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Serena looked on, an eyebrow raised. "That was quick." She muttered to herself, as she watched her roommate walk away from Ken. "Um, good luck?" She attempted to comfort Ken. Starting to feel it a bit awkward, Serena darted off to join Rain. "That was kind of blunt, roomie." Serena started to match Rain's stride. "I hope there's Lucky Charms today!" She pipped up.
6:38am Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 6:43am Apr 28 2010)
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Julian wandered out of the main hall and into one of the hallways that lead back to the dorms. Yawning as he walked, he placed both hands back into his pockets as a number of students strolled past, eyeing the tall blonde with wary eyes. Honestly... New students scare too easy.
Within a couple of minutes, the "Joker" came to a stairway that led upstairs to the boy's dorms, he stopped for a moment, his eyes looking up as though expecting someone to be there, stood on the landing. He sighed quietly, and continued down the hallway, pas.sing the stairs without another thought.
He continued this way for some time, eventually coming to yet another hallway, stopping outside a rather flamboyant looking door. The door to Club Majyk.
Well... Julian always came here when he nothing else to do, besides, he was currently looking for the King anyway, so that they could discuss exactly how things we're going to unfold for all the new students. He placed a slender hand on the door handle and opened it, slipping inside and then closing it with a small snap behind him. Flicking a switch, the lights illuminated all along the walls, revealing a spacious and rather extravagant looking room.
He walked over to one of the comfortable chairs and sat, running a hand through his white blonde hair. He'd await the King here, seeing as Damion would most likely show up here at some point. It made far more sense than Julian having to go looking for him, afterall.
8:00am Apr 28 2010
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Damion fetched Berscuser, who was extremely eager to leave the room. When Damion approached the room of Club Majyk, he noticed that the light was already on. Damion glanced at Berscuser. The dog seemed indifferent to the fact that someone was most likely in the room. Damion shrugged, meaning that the person in the room was most definitely a member. When Damion walked into the room, he saw Julian, the club Joker, sitting in one of the chairs. Berscuser wagged his tail, and immediately ran to sit by Julian. Damion laughed. "Traitor." He whispered to the dog. Damion walked to stand in the middle of the room, and snapped his fingers. The effect was immediate. Luscious green vines crawled over the wall, sprouting flowers of every color as it grew. Fragments of trees lined the walls, as if the room was beingi nvaded by nature. A small pond sprouted, with clear water and rocks lining the pond. Beautiful, fat koi swam serenely inside the calm waters. Berscuser, who had transformed into Cerberus, woofed and bounded over to gaze at the fish. Damion smirked at Julian. "I thought I would revamp the room, since a new year demands new furnishings."

4:19am Apr 29 2010
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[[Where is everyone? :d]]
6:54am Apr 29 2010
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~(I don't know. This better not die, I like this roleplay~ D:)~
8:24am Apr 29 2010
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[[Ahaha XD There is still the 'be active' rule. I'll send a mail to people who have not been active for a week. Or is that too long? : D ]]
9:41am Apr 29 2010
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~(Psh. Too long. *Impatient* xD ♥)~
9:45am Apr 29 2010
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[[Eh. Let's just continue the RP while we wait :d ]]
9:37pm Apr 29 2010
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[[Bumps :| ]]
11:27pm Apr 29 2010
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Jai walked into the Dining hall to find a scattering of students. Two girls walked stride for stride towards the counter to get breakfast. She shook her head, then fixed the pencils that threatened to fall out of her hair. Why do these people eat breakfast so late? She wondered, shrugging. She pulled a chair and sat down, pulling a notepad from the pocket of her pants and a mechanicle from her hair, and started sketching.
Resident mounted archer
3:19am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,576
"Blunt?" says Rain questioningly to her roommate. "Serena, I know I hurt him, but maybe someone else can have my gift of love.." Ken was depressed; his power failed him for the first time; to Rain, too. He had a horrible impression of her now; broke up; fiends. He screamed, "RAIN MAYBELLE QUINNS, FROM NOW ON, KEN JAYCOOL SHALL NOT LOVE YOU ANYMOREEE!!" ._.
6:53am Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 7:08am Apr 30 2010)
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~(Whoa Tld. I thought Damion controlled the wind? xD)~ Julian looked over at the sound of the door, watching with an indifferent ex pression as Damion entered the room; Berscuser, the Club dog, immediately running over to sit by the Joker. Julian snorted slightly, a small smile on his face as he placed a hand on the dog's head, gently scratching behind the ears and allowing his eyes to focus on the King of the Club. The tall, blonde haired student watched as the room began it's change, thanks to Damion, his face betraying no hint of surprise at this rather unusual occurance. He was, technically, very used to this sort of thing, having being a member of Club Majyk for as long as he had; Not to mention... The Club and it's members were supposed to be unusual, that was, afterall, the entire point.
Julian chuckled quietly, his smile still in place. "We're going green now, huh?~" His eyes analyzed the new decoration, glancing over the new tree trunks and brightly coloured flora whose origin seemed to be of some tropical paradise. The King had really outdone himself this year, that much was certain~
Pulling himself up a little, he looked back over at Damion, a question on his face.
"There moving me from my dorm, did you know?" He sighed and placed his head on a hand, closing his eyes for a moment as he did so. "New students..." He allowed his gray eyes to open slightly before looking over at the King again. "Which reminds me... When are you planning on starting the tests for potentials this year?"
10:24am Apr 30 2010
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[[Of course he does XD The room is revamped, meaning other people did it. And the transformation is activated by the King, Queen, Jack and Joker of Club Majyk.]] Daemon was trying to feed the fish swimming lazily in the small pond. He lifted his head when Julian asked the question. Daemon shrugged in response. "I was thinking soon, but I should wait for the Queen, Jack and Joker to have a say in it." Daemon replied simply. "And about the roommates... aren't we going to be roommates?" Daemon lifted his hand to scratch his neck. Cerberus panted happily, as he dozed under half a tree.
6:40pm Apr 30 2010
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((Is there anything I could do to interact))
Resident mounted archer
2:29am May 1 2010
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[[Well, Jade could interact with Serena and Rain. Or she could talk to Damion.]] Serena looked back at Ken's little freak-out. "Um... Maybe you could have been nicer." Serena said nervously. The boy looked like a total wreck.
6:19am May 1 2010 (last edited on 7:05am May 1 2010)
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Julian had allowed his eyes to close again, his head resting on his hand as he seemingly dozed in his chair; Surrounded by the beautiful and still growing greenery that now inhabited the room of Club Majyk.
The Joker opened a gray eye, focusing on the King and his attempt to feed the Koi that now resided in the room's new pond as he spoke. Moving his head from it's position on his hand, the tall, blonde teen lifted himself from the chair and stretched, running his other hand roughly through his hair as he glanced over by the door.
"Rooming with you?..." He replied, his eyes moving from the door to the vines and exotic flowers that now framed it; Slight amusement in his tone. "That's not too bad, I suppose." He chuckled, placing both hands in his pockets, looking away from the fiolage and back towards Damion, a raised eyebrow on his handsome features.
"You wouldn't happen to know where the others are, by the way?"
7:23am May 1 2010
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Daemon gave another shrug. His shoulders were probably rolling their eyes with boredom. "Rooming with me will be awesome." Daemon grinned and Julian. "Imagine rooming the King and the Joker together!" Daemon rubbed his handswith feigned glee. Daemon stood up, and sat on a chair, carefully brushing away petals that had fallen on it. Cerberus gave a 'whuff' of joy, and loped over to sit by Daemon. "The others? Not too sure. I just saw you." Daemon paused. "Oh, and I ran into a nervous Kyle on the way too."
1:22am May 4 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Alright. This is gettin annoyin..." Jai made a noise in the back of her throat and put her stuff in her bag, atanding up. Her pencil went back into her hair as she walked out, messenger bag worn as it almost always was; the strap going behind the neck and over both shoulders. It was considerably warmer when she was outside and she took a while, tugging down the hem of he sweatshirt before clearing her throat and emiting possibly the loudest human shreik possible and running as iff demons were chasing her, "Outta me way!! They after me lucky charms!" ((.....Im bored and am therefore posting stuff I've done in real life. ^^;))
Resident mounted archer