11:00pm Aug 15 2011
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Kentaro's uncle(whom i will call Kaido for now) turned and bowed to the mistress. "Ah young mistress.. How nice to see you. However, as you can see, i must mend the masks of the many ladies here and some from the ladies in the palaces.. But.. I think my young nephew may be abke to help." He walked into the back and pulled out a beautiful mask laid with golden rim and dark garnet jewels. The dark mask made for a young man. He held the second mask, one that contrasted. The rim of shimmering blues and sapphires. "These are some of the masks he makes. If you are interested in this embroidery styling.. Kentaro! Get over here now!"
The boy jumped and quickly ran over. He tied his leather apron around his waist. The pockets full of tools he used to make the masks and some pait rushes. He had to touch up his uncle's sign. He looked at the woman and her billowig dress. He bowed his head. "Good morning Mistress.. How can I be of assistance to you?" He picked up a mask that had fallem from the wall and broken.
"The young lady would like a new mask Kentaro. As you saw as you walked in.. Those women are waiting to have masks mended. I'll be very busy. I need you to make her a mask. Now, please take the order as I get to work." He gathered the masks and walked into the back to start the masks.
Kentaro looked at the pair. "Anyways... Good morning once again. Now, what is itthat you would like?"

11:00pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 11:42pm Aug 15 2011)
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Bliss stood looking in the mirror and adjusted her mask looking at her dress. The golden silk reached the floor in ruffles, the tight bodice complimenting her curvy figure. She rolled back the flared sleves to tame her curly mass of blonde hair. When satisfied she rolled down the sleeves and stepped into a pair of shoes a walked outside her room. She didn't have to work yet so she went into town and searched through the shops. Bliss stopped at a jewelery store and began to look through the wares. Something caught her eye and she turned back to look at it. It was a golden chain with a diamond flower pendant on it. Bliss purchased it and did the clasp on her neck fingering the gem. "Perfect." She muttered and went out the door. Bliss walked into a mask shop a couple blocks away. She saw a rich looking woman in an elegant dress accompanied by a man who looked to be albino. She began requesting a beautiful sounding mask. It involved gems and beautiful colors. She fingered her pink and gold mask with diamonds embedded. Well I guess mine is nice as well. she thought.

11:42pm Aug 15 2011
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For a split second Maria almost gave the girl entering a full once over, though that short time was long enough to write her off as one of no importance. While it may be that servants to the Queen are considered of high rank, they are still low born and not worth her attentions. So instead Maria turned her attention back to the young craftsman, her smile sweet and warm as she flashed him a look from those bright green eyes. "Something similar to this one with the sapphires, though... Lighter. I need something that sparks ice and cold, long winter nights in the eye of the beholder. That is my theme for the dress, you understand. The dress will be of midnight blue silk dotted with diamonds of varying sizes to look like stars, and the edges all the way around will be pearl and diamond encrusted to look like ice. I also imagine that there might be some opal. The under dress will be white, and all the lace and embroidery will be silver, with a high collar of sterling silver in a very pretty lattice formation. I am having the finest silversmith in the city do it. All of this must match perfectly. I would be willing to pay for all the materials you require up front, of course, since I desire that no expense be spared. Money is no issue." She kept her back straight, the smooth, delicate contours of her torso in keeping with the elegant styles demanded by high society.
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11:51pm Aug 15 2011
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((How do you think of the dresses 0.0 I suck with clothes)) Bliss listened curiously and moved slightly closer listening to the lady describe a beautiful dress. Wow I wish I had dress like that... her mind wandered as she daydreamed. She shifted her elbow and it landed atop a mask. Denting in inwards. She gasped at the now ruined mask that would have looked beautiful on anyone. " Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" she gushed for anyone to hear.
12:13am Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 12:21am Aug 16 2011)
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Kentaro wrote down what she was saying, ignoring the look in her eyes. He couldn't afford to know any of the people in the high places. He might be theiving them one of these days. "Of course, I require the money upfront.. My uncle accepts no money after for ones of this high quiality." He smiled and that smile qwuickly faded with the noise. "You're kidding..." He sighed and walked around the counter. He took the mask and looked at girl. "And I assume you're also here for a new mask or getting one fixed?" He held the mask in his hand and walked back around the counter. "Dutchess, Duke.. If you'll please wait while i give you the amount. I need to take care of this matter first. He placed the mask down and looked at the girl who had dented it. "Now, what you're doing here right now."
12:19am Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 12:50am Aug 16 2011)
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((You scare me :O your charrie I mean. I want my folf. and ima go sleepy night night. Im tired x,x))
12:40am Aug 16 2011
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Raine moved to the enterance of the mask shop but quickly stopped noticing the Comtessa Maria and the Duke. She paused glancing back at Julien before sighing. "We must wait. It would be rude to barge in on them. They are higher than us..." Raine sighed. She watched the girl get scolded before moving through the doors though she stayed off to the side not addressing anyone and keeping quiet. When the mask maker was ready for her she would put in her order and leave as soon as possible. Who knows if the Queen or King needed her. Raine brought her hand up and pulled the silver edge of her hood down to cover the top of her mask and shifted slightly so that Julien could enter. She knew how much he hated going out of the castle but also knew how charming he was not to let her go alone. Julien stepped inside the shop and placed his hand on her arm as he stood tall next to her watching the duke and comtessa infront of them. It looked like the Maria was ordering a mask for her new elegant gown. He smirked slightly only to loose it a few seconds later as he looked around the shop out of curiosity. Some poor soul was going to have to wear these masks as soon as they turned seventeen.

1:02am Aug 16 2011
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((should I just have Kentaro take her mask order or wait??))
8:59am Aug 16 2011
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ooc:// First: I'm good at thinking up dresses because I design my own Rennaissance era costumes for most formal events, as well as for the medieval reeactment society I'm in. I'm an artist, a poet, and a bard. Being long-winded in my deions just comes naturally. Also, to clarify: In the Italian courts, Comte/Comtessa: Count/Countess Duce(pronounced doochay)/Ducessa(pronounced doochessa): Duke/Duchess I could go on for hours about how Counts and Barons are Your Grace and Dukes are Your Excellency, and the other finer details of how to properly address someone of a higher rank than yourself and etiquette and all that, but I have no doubt that you lot would just fall asleep. I did too, when I first started learning. Being a lady-in-waiting was rough. ^-^ bic:// Her eyes widened briefly at the boy's manner of addressing her, a brief fash of humor followed indignation and what could of been outrage. "Oh, no, we are not together, and I am not his lady ducessa. I am the Comtessa Maria Sophia. He is the Duke de Grafton. I understand that you made a mistake, but such things are very important to keep apart." Her smile returned, the slight lilt of her Italian accent adding a lyrical breezy-ness to her words. Alexander grinned at the boy, shrugging. "What can I say? When one has so few things to worry about, one always ends up worrying about them too much." This earned a glare from the comtessa, who huffed then returned her attention to the young man. "Of course. I understand that there are more pressing matters than yet another mask. I shall wait my tun for work as lovely as yours."
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12:18pm Aug 16 2011
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((sorry ive been busy ill post now XD)) Kirsty was in the garden teanding to the roses when a familiar cat arrived, it's body was mostly white with big spots of ginger and black on her back and a multi coloured tail with a white tip, the cat ran to Kirsty and began rubbing her head against Kirsty's knee. "Hello Rosie" Kirsty said to the cat petting her head making the cat purr in happyness. Kirsty smiled and kept tending to the garden walking around. Rosie following her every move, Kirsty looked back and laughed at the cat, she fixed her mask so it didn't fall off before moving onto the watering of the plants. She had finished with the weeding and the trimming it was just watering left.
12:55pm Aug 16 2011
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(Folfy I dunno what to post x.x))
1:01pm Aug 16 2011
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((post anything XD))
1:06pm Aug 16 2011
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((I cant x.x))
1:08pm Aug 16 2011
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Fine)) Bliss dug some money out of her pouch and put it on the counter and hurried outside. She walked through the winding streets until she came back to the castle. And noticed a girl greeting a cat. ((Meh. See I told you I couldnt x.x))
4:17pm Aug 16 2011
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Kentaro looked at the pouch of money. He put it under the counter and sealed it away. He sighed and put his hand on his head. "Sorry, but I could really care less about the titles here. I'd rather just say mistress and Duke.. Trust me, i don't tend to keep the titles all too seperate." He got a firm whack on the head for what he said. His stomach hittin the counter. He coughed.
Kaido held the rolled paper he smacked his nephew with. "Sorryfor his innolence.. He's still learning to be a gentlman." He held out a paper to her. "That is the coat of everything he'll need.. No more and no less. He'll habe it done soon too.. Excuse him for his comments as well." He whacked Kentaro again.
Kentaro looked up. "Sorry... I'm still learning.." He stood up and smoothed out his apron, bowing his head. "I'll get to work as soon as I get the money to buy what I need. My friends work in all the shops that have the wears.." He looked at the Duke, maybe he could get alon with him.
4:54pm Aug 16 2011
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At the little scene Maria giggled, reaching into a purse that was carefully hidden in the myriad folds of her skirts and handed it to the young craftsman. "It's alright. Just call it a woman's pickiness. I trust you to spend it well, and whatever's left is yours to keep." The purse was ajingle with shining gold rings, quite a bit more than the cost of materials and th usual cost for such services, and well the comtessa knew it. But this was a very special mask. "I do have a small request for the mask itself, though. When making the holes for the eyes, I would have you make them just a slight bit larger than usual. Like these." She leaned across the counter, pointing to the eyeholes of the mask she currently wore, which were large enough to outline her eyes perfectly, even allowing the lights to reach them, creating a perfect setting for their shining emerald depths. "See? For what can I do if I cannot flirt with my eyes? This detail is of the utmost importance." Alexander sighed, shaking his head. "Master craftsman, I think I will accompany you. I must make certain that the lady's coin is well spent, and she should be allowed to rest a while. Surely such a delicate lady must not be used to so much walking." His eyes flashed, and Maria fell silent before recovering. "Of course, Your Excellency. I shall wait for you, so that I do not recieve another chiding for going about town by myself."
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5:22pm Aug 16 2011
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Julien watched the exchange between comtessa Maria and the duke Alexander. He smirked slightly before bringing his hand up lifting Raine's chin so that she was looking up at him. Thus he quickly dropped his hand and addressed her. "Does this servant require a special mask or will any do?" He asked quietly looking around the shop. "It can't be too flashy. We are mere servants but I don't want it to be full like mine. She has to show how pretty she is through her smile" Raine sighed softly watching the man behind the counter who was addressing the comtessa and duke. "Some of us...arn't that lucky" she whispered bringing her hand up and running through her long brown hair. She made sure it framed her mask. Most women wore these elegant masks that represented their personality but Raines was only solid white. The only details it had was red swirls under and around her left eye. Julien glanced at Raine before rolling his eyes. "No hood" he stated reaching up pulling the royal blue hood off to reveal her past shoulder lenght brown hair with blonde highlights. "If you can't show your face you can always show your hair. Don't let this get to you...Your beautiful either way" He stated moving away from her side allowing her to be alone for a few moments while he browsed around.

5:41pm Aug 16 2011
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((Kirsty isn't very observant haha) Kirsty carried on watering the plants. When she tended to the plants or the two animals she was friends with she didn't notice anything else in the world. There could be a fight going on behind her and she wouldn't notice unless one of them bumped her or they shouted too loud thats when she would notice. As she watered the plants a fox ran out and began yipping at her. She laughed at the fox and bent down to it "Ok tod i got you and Rosie some food. Here" she said giving them both some food she had kept from her breakfast. She didn't eat that much she insteal of waisting it she saved it to give to them or anyone else who needed it. She knew she wasn't meant to and would get in trouble for it but she couldn't help it.
11:14pm Aug 16 2011
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Kentaro looked at the bag and nodded to the duke. "Fine. If you wouldn't mind waiting for me really quick. I will be around the front right now." He untied his leather apron and folded it up. He took the pouch and walked intothe back. He walked into the alley and grabbed his black long jacket. He walkedto the front and looked atthe duke. "Please come with me if you please."
Kaido looked at the others. "The servant can hae any mask.. I don't mind making her a new one like the one she is wearing." He smiled.
2:24pm Aug 20 2011
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