5:41pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm Jul 29 2010)
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Posts: 776
Name: Katsudo Imuri (Kas for short) Age:16 Gender: Male Personality: Independent, Likes to have fun, Sensitive, and overall very happy and colorful personality when he is not worried about his friends. He tries to bring the best out of the worst situation. Appreance:  Wing Appearance:  Eye Colour: Bright Blue Special Abilites?(max 3)Psionic Blas (He can bring back memories and cause people physical and mental pain through their mind) More will come later. Crush: None Bf/GF: None S.O.: Gay Other: Nothing I can think of. ^.^
6:06pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((when we start??))

6:09pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 6:32pm Jul 29 2010)
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Mr. Biography Man. Name: Ikona "Iko" |:| Anoki "Oki" Age: 16 |:| 16 Gender: Female |:| Female Personality: Roleplay it out, if possible? |:| Same Appreance: White hair, though the tips are silver. A single black streak on the left side of her hair. She has bangs that sweep across her face, covering her left eye. She stands at 5'7", or maybe even taller than that, seeing as she doesn't really measure herself. She has a small waist, even though she tends to eat brownies by the dozen. |:| Oki has silver hair, with white tips, and a black streak. She has bangs covering her forehead, nearly covering her eyes. She stands at the same height as her sister. The only way you can tell them apart are their eye color, and the fact that Oki has straight, shoulder-length hair where as her sister, Iko, has waist-length wavy hair. Wing Appearance: The primary feathers are pure white, and the secondaries are white, though as if dusted with a silver powder. |:| The primary feathers are silver, and the secondaries are dusted with white. Eye Colour: A sparkling ocean blue. |:| A dazzling forest green. Special Abilites?: Iko:
- Able to change her appearences. - Can withstand extreme temperatures. - Is able to look through objects. Oki: - Has super speed. - Power over water element. Crush: Open |:| Open Bf/GF: Open |:| Open S.O.: Straight |:| Straight Other: Iko and Oki are twins. =]. How they got their names, Ikona named herself that, and Anoki decided she liked that name, too, so she took Ikona's name and switched it around.
6:11pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((we need people below the age og 15!!! :( i'll make another charrie!))

6:19pm Jul 29 2010
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ooc; I'll post first :0 Seeley awoke in their makeshift house, a small cabin in the middle of nowhere, rather smewhere in Virginia. His long, kind of musucular arms stretched above his head as he yawned. Walking to their ktchen he glanced at the only clock in the house, it read; 6:54 a.m.The flock will be up soon, he thought. Except for maybe Temperance. His sister rarely woke up with the rest of the floc. I guess she needs more energy to remain calm through everything. He shrugged his shoulders at the thought and went to wake everyone up.
6:21pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; I'll change Tempy's to 14
6:22pm Jul 29 2010
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name:joey age-6 personality- He is very outgoing and happy. He is a very playful and colorful person. He isn't afraid to go up to a random person and start talking. He can usually make friends withing 5 minuets. Appreance:  <-- its haley jole osmet! Wing Appearance:  Eye Colour: light brown
Special Abilites?- he can sense dead people around him ((hehe)) he can grow plants with a touch of his hand.
Crush:no way
Bf/GF:i really hope not!
S.O.:stright Other:he is horizons little brother

6:26pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Horizon woke early. She could see that Seeley was already awake. She looked around the cabin and saw that everyone else was asleep. Joey was sleeping silently in the bed next to her. She smiled and brushed his light blonde hair out of his face. She loved to watch her little brother sleep. She got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. "good morning" she smiled to seeley when she entered the kitchen. :who's going to make breakfast today?" she asked him. She couldn't cook. If she tried it would either turn up to be terrible or she would burn it. ((i got that from max i hope its okay.))

6:30pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany opened her eyes, her body sore, and she felt extremely groggy. She let her head fall back to her "pillow". "Ugh..." She pushed her body up, and wiped her face. "Food?" She yipped, excitedly to Horizon. "I could cook, but if you get sick afterwards it's not my fault." She smiled deviously, and walked into the kitchen.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:34pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Seeley laughed as he walked back into their kitchen, "I'll cook guys. Kay?" Thinking about this he heard Temperance come out of her room. Once she walked in she shot her brother a glare and sat down. "Or maybe" he continued, "Tempy should, I'm not the best cook here" Temperance walked into the room, glared at her brother and after hearing him offer her o do the coking she said, "Fine.We're having eggs." she snapped before turning to Horizon and Bethany and asking, even though she knew their answers, "Scarmbled or fried?"
6:36pm Jul 29 2010
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"Fried, please." She smiled, then grabbed a loaf of bread off of the counter. She took out two peices for herself "Anyone else want some?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:38pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Seeley nodded at Bethany then spoke, "Two please" as he wacthed his sister start cooking, something he could do, but not greatly. Temperance spoke up, "I'll have one."
6:38pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Horizon looked at bethany. "No i don't thinkI'll take the risk" she smiled to her. She looked out the window. There was a big apple tree out side. She smiled "maybe we could get Joey to grow us some apples." she said but thought twice of it. "No, he only likes to use his powers in emergencies. We can't make him do that if he didn't want to." Joey woke up suddenly breathing hard. He looked around. He saw Horizon was gone, Seeley was up to. Bethany had dissapered also. He was still breathing hard from the thought of the dream he had just had. He shook his head and his breathing became steadier. He got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. He looked at his sister "make me do what?" he asked her.

6:39pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 776
Kas yawned pushing himself out of bed hearing the faint conversation of food. He ran his hand through his black hair and making his way towards the others. "If you guys wanted a cook, you could have shoved me out of bed instead of recruiting people" he said looking around. Yes he knew how to cook, but his favorite thing to cook was sweets. He was a big desert person.
6:40pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Anoki gently brushed her long, pale fingers through her sister's long hair. Gently combing out any knots, Oki concentrated hard to keep her attention focused on her sister. "Ikona, this is taking extremely long," Oki commented. You would think that combing someone's hair would be an easy task, right? Well, not for Oki. Each time she would run her fingers through her sister's pale hair, she would douse it a bit with water, making it easier for her to comb it. But that took a lot of concentration. "Oh, stop whining," Ikona grumbled, pushing away her sister's hands. Standing up, she gathered her hair atop her head in a high pony-tail using a blue ribbon she had found lieing around the cabin. "Let's go eat," she added, before linking her am throught her sister's and pulling her toward the kitchen. "Hello, fellow flock members." Iko started. "What's for breakfast?" Oki finished for her.
6:41pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 6:42pm Jul 29 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
" Okay then, want any Kas? Anoki, Ikona?" She asked as she got out 3 peices of bread.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:43pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Horizon looked at her little brother. "Nothing" she whispered to him. "Well we don't like to shove people out of bed" She told kas. "I'll have scambled." she smiled. Joey nodded meaning he wanted scambled too "And a slice of toast please" he smi;ed to them. He loved to spen time with the flock, especially his sister. He loved her.

6:45pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 776
"Yes please. Just a little bit of Scrambled eggs will get me far" Kas said before looking at Horizon. "Eh. So maybe not so much shove but poke" he laughed lightly shaking his head. "I love to help out, so waking me up for cooking won't be a problem"
6:45pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Iko and Oki nodded in unision. "Buttered please," Iko confirmed. Oki just shook her head. She couldn't understand why her sister liked butter so much. Wasn't butter just fat and salt? But of course, Iko would always deny it... "No butter on mine please." Oki said. "Oh, is that eggs I smell?" Iko sniffed the air, her heightened smells going into hyper alert. "I want scrambled!" she yelled to no one in particular. "Oki wants fried." she said, before Oki could open her mouth.
6:48pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany put two peices of bread in the small toaster. "Now we wait." She walked over to the refridgerator and ook out the butter, she set it on the counter and grabbed a butter knife from a drawer.
Why the cloud, Sunny?