1:22am Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 1:23am Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
The one thing about flying was that it burned energy like a bonfire. Everything else was amazing. The bittersweet feeling that rose in her chest whenever she simply dropped from a cliff and soared high above the world; the view; the freedom. It was everything she had dreamed about for fourteen years while she was locked in that hellhole. Demi's pure white wings beat down powerfully, causing her to rise slightly. Thirteen feet across and, despite looking a bit ragged, beautiful in the warm sun. It was a cloudy day. That meant she could fly around without fear of being seen. Right now she was soaring over a town. Town. Something unknown to her before two weeks ago, when she had successfully escaped from the School. As she dipped lower, going through a cloud as she went, she saw that the streets were bustling with people. It was actually a quiet, obscure town, but how should she have known? Even ten people seemed like a lot to her. So yes, flying was tiring. And she had only learned last week- she still had to stop often, though she was getting better. A demanding growl from her stomach told her that she'd better go get something to eat, or she would be getting dizzy in less than an hour. Demi lost some altitude so that she could scan the area below without the clouds blocking her view. Forest, more forest, a body of water, more forest...
Oh. Demi's crimson eyes widened as she spotted a house a little ways from the big pond. It was far from the town, and quite small compared to the houses she'd seen- was it a cottage?
A cottage meant food. A grin spread across Demi's pale face, and she folded her wings against her back and plummeted towards the ground.
After making sure her wings weren't visible, just in case, Demi walked towards the cottage. She peered through the thick leaves, then drew back suddenly. There was a little boy holding an apple, as well as an older girl. They looked happy, and clean, and well-fed. They wouldn't notice if some of their food disappeared, would they?
She walked in a wide arc around the cottage, so she was at the back. She darted forward towards the back door. There was a lock on it. Luckily, Demi had the power to manipulate metal. She grabbed the lock, then ripped it in half easily, dropping it beside her.
Gently she turned the knob and pushed the door open, poking her head inside a bit to see if anyone was there. The smell of food wafted her way from the next room over- presumably the kitchen. So there were people there after all. Demi cursed quietly. What would she do? Just run in and grab the food and split? It was dangerous, but she needed food...
(( Sorry that was so long. P: It was just for the intro. They'll be shorter in regular posts. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:32am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 509
(Are Horizon and Joey Twins or something?) After Finishing her apple, Charlotte broke off in a run. Unfolding her black wings, she swept up into the air. As she picked up speed, she felt the wind burn her cheeks. Charlotte slowed down a bit to look at the birds around her. "I wish I were like them. Not hunted, and free." She thought. Then a hought crossed her mind. She had left Horizon and Joey! With one sweep of her wings, she turned around and headed for home.
1:33am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((horizon is 16 and joey is 7 what do you think??))

8:56am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Seeley headed outside with Temperance hot on his heels. Once he reached the apple tree he reached up and picked even some of the highest apples with ease. Of course he could have flown up to get them but he didn't want to tire out his wings because he knew they had a journey coming up, he just knew it. Temperance watched her brother get the apples and pas.s them out. Once she got hers she didn't hesitate to bite into it's white flesh covered in the shiniest red skin. Once she finshed the apple, core and all, she walked over to Joey and picked him up, giving him a huge hug. "Thanks bud" she said "These apples are grea- as always."
8:58am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; No problem Dust, I loooove reading posts like that :0 It means you took the time to make a good addition to the RP
11:58am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,584

12:35pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Did anything special happen?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:37pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((joey grew a bunch of apples on the apple tree))

12:42pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 12:47pm Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; How about actually posting, minirent? ;P BiC; Seeley heard something and said, "Someones in the house. I can hear it" Even though the house was a good 50 yards away he could hear the footsteps as someone walked through their house. "I'll be right back guys." he said as he ran towards the house. Swinging the door open he looked for anything thatight threatn them, Erasers, Flyboys etc.. but saw nothing. Turning the corner and heading into the kitchen he saw Demi, "Who are you?" he snapped not thinking about his wings that were still half open at his side, "What do you want?" Crap. He thought to himself quickly tucking in his wings, Know, if she works for Them she'll know its us.
12:50pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((kk)) Joey smiled as he was taking up in temps arms. "Thank you!" he told her looking at the whole flock. He like to see them all happy. He liked to make them happy. He took his own apple that he had gotten from the top of the tree and ate it himself. Horizon watched as joey was held in Temprences arms. She smiled an knew that joey loved temp just as much as he had loved her.Horizon loved to see her little brother smiling and happy becaus a lot of the time he wasn't due to one of his powers. He was scared a lot because he could see and feel dead people around him and it scared him. She smiled and the thought flew out of her head.

12:50pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany picked up an apple quickly and tossed it in the air, and caught it. She continued tossing and catching the fruit for a few more minutes, and finally bit down on it's crunchy flesh. "Yummy." She swallowed her bite and quickly continued eating until only the core was left.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:55pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 1:00pm Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
Watching Seeley run towards the house Temperance asked, rather loudly, "How did he hear that?" ooc; Fail I is braindead right now ... :(
1:12pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 1:13pm Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Demi's heart seemed to freeze when she heard footsteps. It was too late to run; the tall, dark-haired boy was already glaring at her from inside. "Who are you?" He snapped coldly. Her heart gave a little kick of terror, sending adrenaline shooting through her veins at the sound of his menacing voice. He certainly wasn't friendly. As she wrenched herself out of the doorway she caught a glimpse of his wings, casually half-folded.
He was like her.
Though she was still tense and her heart was still racing, the sight of the wings made her pause. Then her common sense kicked in. So what? He still seemed like he could lash out at her at any moment. Still, he was taller and better built than she; he would have no trouble catching up to her if she tried escaping. Flying or running. She might as well ask while she was here.
She took a deep breath and clenched her fists at her sides, resisting the urge to simply fly away. She kept a respectable distance from him. "Can I have some food?" She asked, looking straight in to his chocolate-brown eyes with her bright crimson ones.
She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for his answer. She wondered what he would think of the request; from her appearance she was obviously malnourished, and had cuts scattered across the visible parts of her skin, some of which were still bleeding.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:18pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 1:26pm Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,584
Horizon watched Seeley dissapear into the cabin. She quickly followed behind him. She walked out the back door and saw a girl. She heard her ask if she could have any food. Horizon looked at the girl. . She smiled and beckoned her, "Come to the front there's apples there" she told her. "Seeley she can have some food rigt?" she asked him even though she had just as much power to choose as he did she still asked him.

1:19pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Miniret, Demi's wings are hidden. ;o Horizon can't see 'em. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:25pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((i knew that...))

2:18pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( xD Lawl. )) "Come to the front there's apples there." Said another girl, who had come up beside the tall dude with the wings, which were now folded against his back. Demi took another step back, shooting her a glance. Did she have wings too? "Seeley she can have some food right?" The girl said.
Demi licked her dry lips. So his name is Seeley. She made a mental note.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
3:40pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:28pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 4:46pm Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,966
[What I meant when I said a mix of DNA, I meant a person who was 2% Snake (his eyes were slitted and his skin was harder than most, as though it was covered in scales) 2% Wolf (her ears) 2% Cat (the tail) 2% Bird (Wings, height, weight, and all that stuff) and the rest is human. That's what I meant by "Mix of DNA".] Anoki left her sister's side upon seeing Seeley walk into the house. Ikona followed after her sister, concentrating hard. Her blue eyes flashed before turning transparent. Ikona peered through the wall using her x-ray vision. There was Horizon, and Seeley, talking too... a girl? Ikona shudered, before turning her white hair into a dull brown. Her eyes turned brown, and she shrunk down in size a little bit. Using two powers at the same time can be risky... Anoki watched with worried eyes as her sister changed her appearance. Lastly, Ikona's wings melted into her back, leaving her looking like a human. Ikona met Anoki's eyes and smirked. "Well, I'm not going to show that girl what I really look like," she snickered. Anoki trembled with fear. So there was another girl in the house? Within moments, the two girls appeared in the doorway, staring intently at the new girl. "Who is she?" the two girls asked together.
5:16pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((hey just wanted to tell you all that my sister, minirent won't be on until tomorrow she went over to a friends house and told me to tell you that))