5:25pm Jul 30 2010
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Oh my god, why are they all coming here? Demi thought, panic taking hold of her. She swallowed, paling slightly- if that was possible. Her skin was already nearly paper-white, since she was an albino. She blinked her wide red eyes. "Um, never mind." She said quickly, backing away a few steps. Then, she turned and fled in to the forest, her white hair whipping behind her. She was running much faster than any grown man could- such was the result of her mixed DNA. She was incredibly light, and had extra power, which let her move much quicker.
The cottage was out of sight by then, drowned out by the thick foliage of the forest in summer. Still running, she stole a glance behind her, to see if anyone had followed her through the woods.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:33pm Jul 30 2010
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Anoki grabbed her coat, which was hanging from a hook. "She saw your wings, Seeley. Since she knows about us, or you, I can't let her escape," Akoni answered. Pulling on her coat, she laced up her shoes and ran out the door and into the direction Demi went. Using her super-speed, she was merely just a giant stripe zigzagging through the forest. Slinking from tree to tree she went, at the speed of light. Making a giant circle around Demi, she went around until she was facing the direction Demi was coming from. Jumping from her tree branch before Demi could keep going, all Anoki could think was, This girl is not human. Because she ran to fast to be a normal human.
5:35pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((please don't get to far ahead with out her.))
5:40pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 7:05pm Jul 30 2010)
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"Ah!" Demi skidded to a stop a few woodchips and dirt spraying out from under her bare feet, as one of the girls landed right in front of her from somewhere above. A tree? She backed up a few steps, not even breathing heavily despite her frantic run.
"Let me through." She said, staring at her, though it was almost a plea. She gave the girl a halfhearted glare, as if she wasn't terrified inside. What were these people going to do to her?
It had only been two weeks since she escaped from the School. She was still in a state of constant terror- anyone she saw might have been on her case. She couldn't trust anyone. No one.
She took another step back.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:59pm Jul 30 2010
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(( Bump. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:41pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Thanks amh. If we post too much I'll make sure to catch her up. Seeley chased after Demi and Anoki, once he arrived upon the scene he walked up to Demi, "I'm Seeley, do you need food? Because for once in our life we have enough to spare." His chocoloate brown eyes melted(lol ;P) as he loked at her, "You're not human are you?" he stretched his large wings out knowing she already knew about them. Temperance ran as fast as she could trying to catch up with Demi, "Hey! She called to the girl, how old are you?"
8:44pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((great she'll be happy about that))
8:53pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Jul 30 2010)
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(( xD You gave me a wonderful mental image there. ))
"So what if I'm not?" Demi said in a defensive growl. She was caught anyway- and maybe these people weren't out to kill her. Yeah, right. "I'm like, um, Seeley. I have wings." She didn't take off her jacket to show them. It was the only la yer of clothes she had on her torso.
She was about to say more, but one of the girls asked her a question. She blinked. It was a weird question... "Um, fourteen, I think." She replied.
Her eyes widened as she heard Seeley's offer. She looked unsure, then nodded hesitantly.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:17pm Jul 30 2010
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"Oh thank god" murmured Seeley, "Someone who doesn't want to rid us to shreds" scoffing the last part he swore he heard Temperance mutter 'Damn Erasers' under her breath. Chuckling at his impatient ey extremely calm sister he turned to Demi, "Oh yeah, your not just like me, your like all of us. Every single one, we're a flock, whats your name anyway kid?" Temperance growled, "Damn Erasers" quietly and looked at Demi, "Me too!" she proclaimed, "At least I think so, Seeley here is my brother and quite frankly, one of our leaders, him and Horizon."
9:32pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 9:35pm Jul 30 2010)
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Demi was shocked in to silence. Flock? "Oh." Was all she could say. The idea was amazing- people like her, living in a large group. Supporting each other, with no secrets. People that they fit in with. People who wouldn't try to kill them or think they were freaks. They never had to be alone.
"It's Demi." She told him, then frowned, feeling secure enough- sort of- to make a remark. "And don't call me kid."
She blinked, biting her lip slightly. "Rip us to shreds? Do you mean Erasers?" A cold shiver ran up her spine to even speak the word. "Did you guys come from the School too?"

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:35pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 509
((So where can I jump in?))
9:36pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 9:37pm Jul 30 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( I dunno. o_o Maybe you slept in and just woke up, then noticed that many of the Flock were gone. And like. Followed the footsteps to where Demi and the others are? xD ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:40pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 509
((Ok. I read that everyone was out flying and didnt want to 'intrude XD')) Charlotte hadn't realized she had fallen asleep. The last thing she remembered was talking with Joey. "My wings are so sore" She thought. Charlotte had been flying the night before, and left the kids at home alone, and was in a panic. She didn't even think about eating, as most of the flock were gone. "Why didn't they wake me up?" She said aloud as she combed through her dark brown hair. Charlotte stepped outside, and took off in a run. She was still tired, so she wasn't flying so well today.
9:51pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 9:16am Aug 1 2010)
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[Eastern- Is this okay, for one of the schools other experiments? The one I was talking about with the mix of DNA?] Name: Acyon "Ace" Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Roleplay it out <33 Appreance:  Black Wolf Ears. Black Cat Tail. Black Wings. <33 Special Abilites? + Able to create people out of shadows (like, illusional people, though still solids) + Manipulate shadows (able to control people's bodies by making their shadow's move) + Super speed, in the air and on the ground. Crush:Open Bf/GF: None yet. S.O.: Straight Other: 2% Snake (Eyes, poisonous bite, and hard skin and flexibility) 2% Cat (Tail and balance) 2% Wolf (Ears, sharp canines, and strength) 2% Bird (Wings, height, weight, and all that other stuff), and 94% human.] Anoki watched as Ikona descended from above them, having flew all the way there. They perched on the branch togther, Ikona slowly transforming back to her normal appearance. The both spread out their wings, letting them hang limp behind them. "So, she's one of us?" Ikona asked, at the same time Anoki answered, "Well, duh, where else would we have come from?"
10:03pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Alright Demi, and yes, by the rip you to shreds we do mean Erasers.' Seeley grunted. ooc; FAIL! Temperance looked at Demi with interest, "You look about my size" she commented, "I could give you some clothes if you need, I have a spare shirt but thats it." Herbright blue gray eyes widened and she said, "Yes. We came from that hellhole that smelled like antiseptic and pain."
10:08pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,966
[Wait, so can I use him?]
10:18pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 10:18pm Jul 30 2010)
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Demi blinked at Temperance. "T-thank you." She said, surprised at the girl's kindness. She glanced at the jacket she currently had on- bloodied and slightly torn in some places. A shirt was just what she needed. She smiled dryly at Temperance's deion of the School. "And Erasers. Their smell could knock anyone out in seconds." She said, trying to make sure that the School wasn't a totally depressing subject at that moment.
She didn't want to think about it anyway.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:39pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 509
Charlotte blinked rapidly as she tried to find the others. She had been flying for about an hour now and had seen no sign of them. "Damn" She said aloud. "Where did they go?" After about another fifteen minutes, she gave up, and slowed. Her feet touched ground, and she just sat there, waiting for any trace of the others.
11:49pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Temperance smiled warmly at her Demi. This was odd for her. I'm the one who doesn't make friends. Who doesn't understand how people live. She shoke the thought out of her head and said, "Yeah, no problem." Seeley heard Charlotte, even though she had been so far away, so with that he sad, "Give me a minute?" and ran jumped into the air and flapped his enourmous wings,. Up, down, up down, until he saw her, "Charlotte!" he called, "Most of us are down here" he beckoned for her to follow, " The erst of the flock are down by the apple tree if you don't want to come with us" jhe was up about 15,000 feet in the air, knowing he was high enuogh he tucked his wings in slightly and let himself dive-bomb until about 3,000 feet then pulled his wings out and stopped abrubtly. Letting himself slowly fall down. "That was Charlotte" he called, "She didn't know where anyone was" ooc; Yes alice he's fine :) And that Seeley's new power, super duper hearing :)
12:01am Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Poor Seeley. xD That must get annoying. ))
Demi watched Seeley fly, her lips slightly parted. He seemed so at ease in the air- so graceful, compared to her. You'll get better. She rea.ssured herself. You only taught yourself to fly a week ago.
He plummeted back to the earth. "That was Charlotte." He said. "She didn't know where anyone was."
Just how many of them are there? Demi wondered, though she didn't ask. She would probably find out soon. Demi's stomach clenched painfully, and she turned her head to look in the direction that the cottage was. There, food and a clean shirt were waiting for her.
Just two weeks ago she had been confined in a dog crate, being injected with multiple substances and having her blood drawn every day and being tested for strength and speed against the hounds of hell.
It was almost too good to be true. She shook her head to herself.
"How long have you guys lived here?" She asked.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe