7:43pm Jul 31 2010
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Seeley nodded, "Yeah lets head back, the rest of the flock will be waiting." Suddenly he spoke again, "You guys wanna fly? It will be a lot faster." Without waiting for an answer he ran, lept and unfurled his wings. Down beat, upbeat. So on and so forth. Temperance watched her brother, "Seeley!" she called, "Demi is wearing a jacket, no wings holes, she can't fly!"((right?)) she turned and whispered to Demi, "Don't worry. We're not just nice cause we're some whitecoat who wants to kill you. It's really nice to have another person around my age."
8:14pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Yup. xD Geez, Seeley! ))
Demi looked at Temperance with surprise. It took her a moment to realize that Temperance could probably read minds. She smiled gratefully, then looked up at Seeley wheeling through the air. "I know. I didn't think that. It's just..." She paused. "I've never met anyone who accepted me for who I was right away. I've never had a friend."
"And it's alright. Since I can't fly... it's a race." She grinned at Temperance for a moment, then without warning, shot off in to the woods towards the cottage.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:26pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( Sorry I haven't posted in a while, guys. Could you give me another recap?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:33pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Jul 31 2010)
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(( Nothing much happaned actually. :o A few of the Flock are still at the apple tree.
Seeley, Temperance, Horizon and the twins cornered Demi in the forest- who tried to break in to the cottage for some food but was discovered- and questioned her and stuff. They know Demi is one of them, and decided to give her some food. P:
And they're heading back to the cottage right about now. xD ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:39pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Okay. :D I should stop being lazy and just read the posts. XD))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:40pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Lawl, it's okay. xDD It's a lot of posts with not much info so I really don't blame you. X3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:18pm Jul 31 2010
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11:20pm Jul 31 2010
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ooc; Ima post later ;p bumpo
8:37am Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 9:06am Aug 1 2010)
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[Ooh, what did I miss? Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was having fun getting drowned and suffocated in sand by little people at the beach. ;o] EDIT: [Ooh, okay. I read it all. I'm gonna find a way to get Acyon into the story~]
9:26am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Acyon was having trouble. Having just broken out of the school a few hours ago, already Eraser's were following. Although he had all his amazing abilities that came with his DNA, he couldn'tdo much seeing as both his left ankle and right wrist were broken. His wings had lost more than a few feathers, and he felt them stinging. His own ears felt burned, almost as though he had sat down rightinfront of a giant flame. His tail may have lost a few inches, seeing asthose stupid White Coats had come at him with a knife, He had several cuts on his face, and one that was just above his left eye. But he could feel it was already starting to heal. But that was nothing compared to what he had done to the scientists. At least he knew that he had lowered the School's numbers. Well, until they started recruiting more scientists again. Acyon himself had been in the school for most of his life, if not since he was born. He knew that his mother had been a scientists, only haing given birth so that she could help contribute to the School, and he hated her for that. But she died after accidently injecting her body with a fluid meant for Acyon, which had served the purpoe to kill anyone who was touched with it. Unfortunatly for the white coats, that was how Acyon himself escaped. Acyon was finally growing tired. He hadn't eaten anything in days, which was very bad. His wings would suddenly stop beating at random times, and then start again. His own slitted eyes were half closed. Acyon knew that he'd have to find somewhere to rest. The problem was, where? Acyon had seen a lot of abandoned houses, like winter cottages that weren't used since it was the summer already. But all of those were still far to close to the school. Deciding to run instead of fly, he landed with a thump on the ground. Acyon started running. After an hour, he could see the roof a cottage. Or cabin. He couldn't tell. He was already seeing black in his vision, even though it was the middle of the day. Taking to the sky again, he flew closer to the cabin, and crash landed on the roof, creating a loud thump. [Woot, it's the cabin they're all at. ^^]
5:24pm Aug 1 2010
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Bump <3
5:30pm Aug 1 2010
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Horizon and joey looked up at the same time. Something hard had landed on the roof. Horizon walked out of the cabin in curiosity with joey behind her. She looked up on the roof. A boy was lying on it. "Hello?" she asked. She made her wings come from their tatoo form and flew to the roof. "Are you akay?" she asked the guy. Joey was standing next to her.

5:38pm Aug 1 2010
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Acyon raised his head, his eyes half closed, before doing a faceplant on the roof tiles again. [Sorry, I'll edit later. Gotta go.]
5:45pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((thats fine)) Horizon tried to pick the guy up. She beckoned for joey to help her and the slowly glided him off of the roof. Horizon laid him on the ground under the apple tree. She brushed his hair out of his face adn waited until he woke.

5:59pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 4,093
As Demi reached the cottage, she saw Horizon and Joey standing above someone lying in the gra.ss. She blinked and frowned when she smelled blood. He's injured. Badly. She ran over to the apple tree and knelt beside Acyon, placing her hand on his chest where his heart would be.
Though she hadn't been out of the School long, she could easily tell that his heartbeat wasn't supposed to be this irregular. "One minute." She breathed, standing and rushing in to the cottage.
She didn't know much about treating wounds, but she could at least clean them off and give him something to drink. The whitecoats had done that to her plenty of times. After rummaging around in the cabinets for a while, she came back out with a first aid kit, setting it beside Acyon.
She carefully cleaned all the blood away and poured a bit of polysporin on each of the wounds, then rinsed them with plain water. She crossed her legs and looked at him curiously, but anxiously. He was definitely more than just an avian-human hybrid. Was he even part of this Flock?
"Are you awake?" She asked him quietly. "I brought you some water to drink."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:02pm Aug 1 2010
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Horizon looked at demi. She smiled at her kindness. "I think he'll be fine" She told her. "We heal fast remember?" she asked her smiling. She was glad to have someone as nice as this girl new in their flock. Joey would be good friends with her soon. Her heart was just as kind as his, she could tell.

6:08pm Aug 1 2010
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Demi glanced at Horizon and bit her lip. "You think so?" She glanced at his wounds and relaxed slightly. "Yeah, none of it looks life-threatening. It's still pretty bad though." Her eyes flickered over his features. His wings were in bad shape. It was a wonder he could fly properly.
"He smells like antiseptic." She remarked, eyes widening slightly. "Do you think he just escaped from the school?" She scanned their surroundings quickly, as if making sure whitecoats and Erasers weren't piling out of the forest around them.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:11pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 6:15pm Aug 1 2010)
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Acyon groanedsoftly, having felt his wounds stinging. He sat up, crossing his legs. His black wings easily folded back against his spine, and his tail curled around him. His large black ears twitched toward where Demi and Horizon sat. His grey eyes blinked open, before closing again. He ran his tongue over hissharp teeth, before opening his eyes again. Yes, he was weird. But people got used to that over time. He opened his mouth, before closing it again. Finally, he said, "What... who are you?" He sniffed the air, finding something that was bothering him. "Oh, eww." He smirked. "Is that me?" He lifted his hand up to his nose and sniffed it, recoiling away with obvious disqust. "I smell like White Coats." He grimaced, holding his hand as far away as possible.
6:25pm Aug 1 2010
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Horizon nodded "yeah, you do" She smiled. "What are you?" she asked him "Did you just come from the school?" she asked him.

6:26pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 6:26pm Aug 1 2010)
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Demi's gaze snapped back to Acyon. She exhaled, relieved to see him moving and talking.
"Just some School-escapees." She said lightly, setting the gla.ss of water on the ground beside him. She smiled sheepishly at his remark. "You do. But that's partially my fault- I was disinfecting your wounds."
She glanced at him, her bright scarlet eyes curious. "Do you have a name? I'm Demi."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe