9:27pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 9:35pm Jul 31 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((I like the name Ravenwing for Ravenpaw. :3 Accepted, everyone. Thanks for joining. xD Both of your forms were a little... meh. O_O" Please try to use proper spelling and grammar when RPing. :P I'm not saying that you didn't work hard on your forms, but your forms do seem a tad bit... scant. No offense, of course. I hope you're not mad or anything. -_-))
10:01pm Jul 31 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((I don't usually do cat RPs, so I just go "uh, kitty, right. Tabby you are."
Personalities don't come easy either. D: I'm an unimaginative turd.))
11:01pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((XD Hey, it's fine. I don't really mind all that much. I'm sure you'll get much better at RPing cats when the RP gets going. You're accepted already, so it doesn't really matter if you think about it. :3))
4:37am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Thanks for accepting us. ^_^ And Ravenwing sounds so epicsauce. ]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:59am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 379
Wooo Warriors 8D Username: GingerNut Name: Brookefeather Gender: She-cat Age: 19 moons Rank: Warrior/Queen Clan: MarshClan Appearance:  Personality: Brookefeather is a very gentle she-cat, making her perfectly suited to being a mother. She hates fighting, and believes that no cat does something bad without a true meaning, that their visions are simply clouded by grief, anger or sadness. This often gets her into bad situations, and some cats judge her when she defends the bad actions of others. History: Born as an only kit into MarshClan, Brookefeather was very lonely as a kit. She never gave out her heart, and refused to get to know any cat enough to develop a connection with them. A few days after her warrior ceremony she left for a while. In this time she fell in love with a kittypet, but when she discovered she was expecting kits she left to go back to MarshClan, and the kittypet refused to go with her. Crush: None Mate: Looking Offspring: Blossomkit, Silverkit Family: None except her kits Other: None
* ~ * Username: GingerNut Name: Silverkit [right] and Blossomkit [left] Gender: Both she-kits Age: 2 moons Rank: Kits Clan: MarshClan Appearance:  Personality: Blossomkit is very bold and adventurous, claiming not to be afraid of anything. She loves climbing up trees and branches, and playing with balls of moss like prey. Her sister, Silverkit, on the other hand, is much more calm and collected. She spends a lot of time in the medicine den, watching with wide eyes. History: None, their kits xD Crush: None, their kits [again] Mate: Same again xD Offspring: None as of yet~ Family: Each other, Brookefeather Other: None
* ~ * Username: GingerNut Name: Frostheart Gender: Tom Age: 24 moons Rank: Warrior Clan: StormClan Appearance:  Personality: Frostheart is one of the fiercest members of StormClan, and often makes wrong judgements about what would solve a problem, always resorting to using his teeth and claws. He does, however, have a soft spot for kits, and you will often find him in the nursery helping the queens. History: Frostheart used to be a kittypet, but he always hated that life. He longed for the forest - The scent of prey, the warmth of clanmates against his fur, the feeling of cool leaves beneath his paws. Eventually he left his twolegs, setting out into the forest. Here he came across the Clans, and StormClan took him in. Crush: None Mate: None Offspring: None [That he knows of... Hint hint] Family: Same as Offspring Other: [I hope this is okay, that he'll turn out to be Brookefeather's kits' father?]
12:27pm Aug 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Accepted. That's fine. ^_^))
12:43pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 12:44pm Aug 1 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Gonna add another cat so Breezeclan isn't so alone. :3 Talonclaw is going to be Darkpaw's mentor, if that's alright. ^_^ He's the only warrior in the Clan. I'm gonna update the forms, but you don't have to change your forms. xD)) Username: SugarSnow Name: Darkpaw Warrior Name: Darkstorm Gender: Male Age: 7 moons Rank: Apprentice Mentor: Talonclaw Clan: Breezeclan Appearance: Darkpaw has a jet-black pelt. His tail tip is snow-white and his ear tips are white as well. His paws are a dark gray, and are so dark you can barely notice the difference between his paws and the rest of his black coat. Darkpaw has bright, piercing amber eyes. Personality: Darkpaw is generally secluded, and is almost like a loner in the Clan. At times, he can be mischievous, and loves to get his nose into trouble. He's curious and asks a lot of questions during training. Darkpaw is only ever eager during training, and doesn't really talk with the other apprentices. Darkpaw doesn't like caring for the elders and tends to treat them badly at times when he gets annoyed. He's loyal, but isn't obedient all the time, and is known for having a sharrp tongue, even around his mentor and all the high-ranking cats. History: Darkpaw was born into the Clan. His father died in battle while his mother died from greencough after he became an apprentice. He has no family. Crush: Mate: Offspring: Family: Other:

1:06pm Aug 1 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Woo, Tally won't be alone now. XD))
3:48pm Aug 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 379
((Would it be okay if Silverkit's warrior name is Silverleaf and Blossomkit is Blossomnose? xD It's okay if no~))
12:19am Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Yeah, that's fine. ^_^))
11:16pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 1,391
1:20am Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 3,137
((Might make another charrie or two.. :I Iunno.))
5:46pm Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I think we can start once everyone gets here. We can just make any important ranks that are missing NPC's until someone joins. We'll just make them really vague, like, "The deputy ordered some cats to go hunting," or something like that. :P))
7:53pm Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[-Is here-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:13pm Aug 6 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Well, I'm ready when everyone else is then. C: ))
12:40am Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I guess I'll start. :3)) Dawnfur gently licked the top of her only kit's head. Her gentle eyes were focused only on Dovekit. Dovekit's tortoiseshell coat was shining from Dawnfur's grooming. Dawnfur's own sleek, dark, soft pelt was well-groomed. Dovekit was currently sleeping, and her hazel eyes were closed, her snow-white chest gently falling and rising as she took slow, steady breaths. Dawnfur's mate had died in battle, and she missed him dearly. She felt no love for any other cat. --- Soulfire was on his own, hunting solo. He had already caught two mice, but they were scrawny and leaf-bare thin. They would barely feed a single warrior, much less a Clan. The rivers were frozen and the ground was ice-cold, covered by a thin la yer of soft snow. The snow crunched under Soulfire's paws, and he made sure to be as quiet as possible. The wind whistled, bringing to Soulfire the scent of prey. Stalking forward, he spotted a scrawny, skinny squirrel. It's eyes were clouded and starved, but it was still prey. Soulfire leaped, his claws outstretched. The squirrel chittered in alarm and sped away at the last moment, and not a second too late. Soulfire's claws grazed the squirrel, but the squirrel managed to get away, climbing up a tree. Hissing and spitting, Soulfire angrily thought, 'You call yourself a warrior? You can't even feed your own Clan and you're deputy!' --- Darkpaw lashed his tail eagerly. His thin body was alarmingly skinny, and you could see his ribs. But, that didn't destroy his eagerness to train. He was already badgering his mentor. "What are we going to do today?" He faced Talonclaw expectantly, his eyes glowing with excitement.

1:07am Aug 7 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Foxfur huffed, watching her breath turn to clouds. She normally hated leaf-bare, but it had it's moments. Presently, the red queen was crouched behind a large branch that had been knocked off a tree in the last storm. Her coat camouflaged her well in the reds and oranges of leaf-fall, but in the snow she stuck out like a sore paw.
Stomach rumbling, Foxfur was about to try a different spot when she heard a hiss. She turned and sprinted towards the sound, finding Soulfire in the midst of some severely churned-up snow.
"Having trouble too?"
Talonclaw snorted. He looked at Darkpaw, noticing for the first time how starved he appeared and wondered if he himself were the same.
"How about today we try some hunting techniques? We could practice AND feed the Clan, all at once. Win-win, everyone's happy."
He tried to share his apprentice's enthusiasm, twitching his whiskers half-heartedly.
Bloodmask looked out over MarshClan. He had been out on patrol since dawn but without catching anything except a frozen robin. At least it LOOKED fresh.
He decided to check out the cats, to take notes. He knew it wasn't worth much, but the tom was bored.
After he had helped de-tick the elders, give the apprentices a word of advice, patched up a possible security hazard with a couple of the warriors, and gathered herbs for the medicine cat, Bloodmask paid a visit to the Queen's den.
"Hello?", he called softly as to not awaken any sleeping cats. He glanced around, making sure it was at least semi-comfortable temperature-wise.
Felicia groaned. Her stomach hadn't hurt this much since... Well, it had never hurt this bad. Sitting down, she chewed on a stick in the hopes of gaining some nourishment.
"At least humans fed me," she mumbled to herself, scraping her tongue of loose bark.
8:16am Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Shadowpaw heard a harsh hissing noise. Creeping to the top of a tall tree, he looked down and saw a young cat, and glanced to his right to see a squirell standing a few feet away. Well, he's done the hard part, he thought. Frightened squirells were easy to kill. Especially weakened frightened squirells. Silently, he padded up the branch till he was just a foot behind it, then pounced. The blood tasted good in his mouth. He wasn't sure if those below heard him or not, but he didn't really care. He was hungry before, now, he wasn't going to be.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:51pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Soulfire glanced at Foxfur, a sigh escaping his mouth. His tail was lowered in shame, but he continued hunting. Sadly, the only prey he could scrounge up were the two mice, and he had to return to camp with those scrawny pickings. --- Darkpaw waved his tail in agreement, his leaf-bare thick pelt shaggy. He followed his mentor, his eyes gleaming with pure excitement.
12:25am Aug 8 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Foxfur watched her deputy sadly. Of course, hardly anyone had found food but he was taking it so personally. She picked herself up, glancing around one last time for any food.
Turning to go, the red-furred cat caught a whiff of blood. She was captivated for a second, then shrugged it off thinking she had stepped on a sharp twig or something.
"Alright then. Let's make this interesting." The tabby warrior's eyes gleamed mischievously.
"Last one to catch a mouse has to clean the elder's den for a week. Ready?"
Least he could do was make it fun, right?