9:44am Aug 8 2011
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Shadowpaw held his breath as the cat walked away. He had only eaten about half the squirell; his shrunken stomach refused point blank to eat any more. Sly grinning inwardly, he went silently from tree to tree, following the shecat. He may as well have some fun. Glancing from side to side, he stopped in a tree a few feet in front of her, then dropped the half-eaten squirell to the ground. Retreating quickly to the shadows of the branches, he watched and waited, wondering how she would react.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:42pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Darkpaw's eyes gleamed with excitement and he literally blasted out into the forest, nearly tripping from his eagerness to hunt. He immediately quieted once in the leafy expanse though, and his eyes grew bright with concentration. His nose twitched furiously as he scented the air hopefully. He scented a young thrush pecking about, its dull feathers making it look fatter than it actually was. Its skinny body would barely be a mouthful. But, it was prey. Too bad it wasn't a mouse. Darkpaw stalked toward it, his haunches swishing through the undergrowth. It was his best bird-stalking technique yet! The bird didn't even glance in his direction. Darkpaw pounced, his paws outstretched. He clamped his teeth around the bird's neck, but it let out a sharp alarm call right before Darkpaw killed it. Muttering an oath underneath his breath, Darkpaw knew that the sharp scree of the bird would alarm any prey from here to the border. Wincing, he buried the dead, limp prey in a pile of snow, sighing. He probably wouldn't find any other prey, but he had to try. He hustled away into the undergrowth, the leafless branches of the trees shivering from the wind.

9:19am Aug 9 2011
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Foxfur lept back as the half-eaten squirrel fell in front of her. Heart pounding, she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down then cautiously stepped forward to sniff it. Between the scents of bone marrow, blood, and the unmistakable aroma of squirrel, there was cat.
"Not a Clan cat though..." Foxfur said to herself.
Talonclaw gritted his teeth at the screech.
"Not his fault," he told himself, sniffing around for a mouse. At least maybe Darkpaw had caught the noise maker.
He paused, catching sight of one of the rodents straight ahead. He immediately crouched, tail held for balance. Creeping closer, Talonclaw knew he had it. One more step and he could pounce...
The mouse looked up for a split second, then darted away. The tom spat angrily. Stupid twigs.
9:35am Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 9:35am Aug 9 2011)
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Shadowpaw couldn't help it. Her reaction had been so funny. He made a soft mewling noise, his version of a laugh. She didn't look dangerous enough, so he called out to her. ''What's the matter? Scared of squirells now, are we?'' Immediately after sayin that, he darted silently to another branch. She would be non-the-wiser, he thought. He did his favourite trick of moving from place to place, silently, invisible, his dark coat blending with the shadows, whilst saying different things to her. ''What's your name?'' he asked before moving. ''My names Shadowpaw.'' He moved again.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:17pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 130
I wanna join! Can I be a cat that I made up? Her name is Tawnyflower!! She is a tawny coloered long hair she-cat with green eyes!!!
"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics
4:45am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 4:45am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((Of course. You don't have to ask. ^_^ Just be sure to use the form. :P)) Darkpaw glanced around, sniffing around. The screech still rang in his ears, and he felt a little guilty about it. He spotted a mouse, and excitement coursed through him. He stalked forward gently, his weight on his haunches. Leaping forward, he closed his paws around the mouse and bent forward to bite it when an explosion rippled through him. Starclan help me! Darkpaw winced as the mouse skittered away, squeaking in alarm. His hind leg was numb with pain. It hurt so much to move it. Limping, he realized that he must've pulled a muscle in his right hind leg. Drawing in a shuddering breath, he had to find Talonclaw. --- Soulfire heard Foxfur, and he raced over. He hissed at the loner, glaring suspiciously.
5:36am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Leaping down from the tree to stand a few feet in front of the two cats, Shadowpaws eyes were smiling. The boarder was a couple minutes run away, easily accesable. ''Calm down, little kitty-pets. I mean neither of you any harm.'' Cocking his head on one side, he circled round them, adding as he went, ''I was simply curious as to how the Clan was faring.'' His bright eyes scanned the two cats. He would easily outrun them, he thought.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:38am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,391
"Kittypets?" Soulfire bared his teeth and arched his back. The fur along his spine rose and his eyes blazed with an endless fury. When you looked in them, you were lost in their fiery, furious depths. "We are no kittypets, rogue. Leave our territory and go mope in some other Clan's territory. We have no need for you, mangy cat."
6:33am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 379
Wrapping her tail over her nose, Brookefeather sighed and pulled her kits closer with one paw. Silverkit snuffled slightly, but Blossomkit woke up. She was a light sleeper, waking up at most of the little sounds of the night. Brookefeather would often sit watching them, soothing Blossomkit back to sleep with her tongue. Sunlight filtered through the nursery walls, making a beautiful dapple effect on the mossy floor. It was almost sunhigh, but Brookefeather had gotten no sleep last night. --- Frostheart prowled through the undergrowth, searching for something to eat. He had left camp not long ago, slipping out before patrols were ordered and he had to hunt with others. He worked better on his own, sticking to the shadows to stop himself from being seen.
2:04pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 130
OK trhanks! Well I'm going to be my faveorite character that I made, Sunstorm. She is really pretty. She is a golden-ginger she-cat and she has dark golden stripes and three paws are dark golden. Her right forepaw is white. She has a birthmark on her forehead that looks like a sun. She has long glossy fur and super pretty dark blue eyes. BTW what clan is this? Like what is it called? And Sunstorm is looking for a mate so if you guys are interested. I have a cool story to go along with her. So some of the clan members are hunting or patrolling and they find this beautiful golden she-cat. She is kinda mean. Her temper is like Squirrelflight from Thunderclan. She is a great fighter and no one wants to get on her bad side.... yikes! lol but ya so im just gonna start RPing now. k... thanks a bunch, Ivypool and Sunstorm
"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics
2:05pm Aug 10 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 130
Oh and BTW, she is first called Sun but when she joins the clan she is called Sunstorm. kk thanks a bunch, Ivypool and Sunstorm
"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics
2:16pm Aug 10 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 130
I wanna be in storm clan!
"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics
2:46pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 130
OK this is my bio skeloton. however u spell it... lolz can soulfire be sunstorm's mate? cuz i have a kit planned out and i'll make a form for her too Username Ivypool Warriorname Sunstorm Gender Female Age 14 moons Rank Warrior/ mother (maybe) Clan Stormclan Apperence (Um, i have a pic that i cant get up... can someone help me with that?) She is a golden tabby with one white paw and three dark golden paws. She has a sun birthmark on her forhead and she has long glossy fur. Pretty blue eyes. Very Beautiful cat. ^_^ Personality She is sweet and sour. ^_^ She is kinda like Squirrelflight. She is an excilent hunter and fighter. She is a really popular cat umongst her clan. History Her parents died in a battle when she was a young kit. And her sister Tawnyflower is missing. (But she comes back later ^_^) Crush Soulfire Mate open (hopefuly Soulfire) Offspring Desertkit (Desertstorm) Family (Maybe Soulfire) Desrtkit(storm)Tawnyflower Username Ivypool Name Desertkit Warrior name Desertstorm Gender Female Age 0 moons (not born yet hopefuly soulfire will be father) Rank kit Clan Stormclan Apperence pale golden gingerish she-cat with light golden dots and stripes. Has ginger paws and pretty hazel eyes Personality Is kind and sweet and caring but can get mad too. She is a good hunter and a super fighter (like her mom!) She is very playful even as aa warrior. she gets frisky eaasily and longs for battle. but she hates them but she loves fighting (weird i know) History Not much history to tell yet Crush none Mate none yet open Offspring none yet Family Sunstorm, Tawnyflower, (maybe soulfire)
"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics
2:52pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Rolling his eyes, Shadowpaw was amused at the look of fury in her eyes. ''Sorry if I offended you, she-cat. I would go, but... this is too much fun.'' His eyes gleamed with glee as he hopped onto a lower branch of a nearby tree, ready for a chase if need-be. It was always amusing, teasing kitty-pets during this time of year.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:30pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 11:08pm Aug 13 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((Take a look at the rules and read them thoroughly. I can't accept your forms until you actually read all of the rules and do what they say. Please stop spamming. You don't need to ramble on about your characters. Just making the bios will suffice. xDD Also, about Tawnyflower... If she is a character that is going to be involved in this RP, then you need to make a form for her as well.)) ((If you want to post pictures, click on the little tree icon at the bottom.)) Soulfire bared his teeth, snarling roughly, "I'm not some female kittypet to be messed with, mouse-brain! I'm Soulfire, deputy of Stormclan. Leave this territory." He unsheathed his claws, his eyes threatening. A silent threat hung in the air, making the air hang heavy with suspicion and hatred. Soulfire raised his head proudly. "You have no business here on Stormclan territory, loner." He inclined his head, trying to keep his temper in check. He focused on a pile of snow, taking soft breaths. "It's difficult for any cat to find prey in leaf-bare. I wish you good hunting, but find your home in a different territory. Stormclan does not want any troubles with wandering loners." --- Dawnfur smiled warmly at Brookefeather. Yawning widely, she glanced lazily at the nursery walls, wishing for the wind whistling through her fur as she soared through the air, pouncing on an unsuspecting piece of juicy prey. The lazy, loving life of a queen was warm and comforting, but sometimes Dawnfur missed hunting in the forest all alone, the song of the wildlife raising her spirits.

5:36pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 3,809
''Giving you troubles, am I?'' Shadowpaw said, seeing the same breathing mound that Soulfire saw. Shaking his head, he threw a remark over his shoulder as he climbed further up the tree and sat grooming himself on the utmost branches. ''Just call me when you want to know where a rabbit den-with kits-is this leaf-bare. And don't worry, I've eaten my share for today, I won't go hunting in 'your' territory again. Though, how anyone can own the ground, I don't know...''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:56pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Soulfire sneered at the loner. The pathetic, mangy lump of useless fur! He spat at the loner, clawing the air. "Don't come back." Diplomacy never seemed to work with those stupid rogues. Some loners he came across were nice and very polite. He had met one earlier, and the tom had struck up a conversation with Soulfire as they debated the best places to hunt. He had never met any loner so friendly before, and considered him a good and proud cat, maybe even a friend. But that strange cat was a rogue. The rude furball! Soulfire shook out his fur, his temper simmering and fading away as he concentrated on the hunt again.
6:02pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 3,809
''Whether I come back or not is my buisiness, not yours.'' Shadowpaw could be rude. Very rude. He doubted the other cat realized that this was just him having fun. He sprawled out lazily on the branch, knowing that if the other cat made a move for the tree, he'd easily be up and ready for it. Besides, he could just sink into the shadows. ''And, I don't know if you realize this, but the air doesn't get hurt if you scratch it.'' Shadowpaw decided this was his new favourite territory to 'play' in, and that he was definitely going to go back.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:43am Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 1,391
Soulfire rolled his eyes, throwing a slightly amused glanced over his shoulder/ This cat was making a fool of himself! He didn't know why he was so angry before. Dropping into a crouch, he easily and swiftly moved forward, his eyes on a young robin pecking at the ground. The robin tried to search for seeds, but the snow made it hard to find any kind of food. The robin gave up and was about to fly away when a shadow glided toward it. Soulfire pounced on the robin and nipped its neck before it could do anything. Proud of his catch, Soulfire realized that he had left his two mice behind. He rose to his paws and lunged forward, his supple body much more relaxed as he raced back to where he had buried his kill. Soulfire had been able to fit the two mice and the robin in his jaws all at once because they were so small and skinny. The pathetic prey was still prey though, and he lay it regretfully on the prey pile, praying to Starclan that their Clan would make it through the tough leaf-bare.
7:23am Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 379
After Dawnfur's warm smile, Brookefeather had closed her eyes and drifted off. Now, she opened one eye to see her kits still asleep in a furry, snoring heap. Licking the top of Silverkit's head, she stood up and arched her back, stretching until her tail quivered. Shooting a glance over at Dawnfur and Dovekit, Brookefeather proceeded to make her way out of the nursery and into the clearing. Heading over to the fresh-kill pile, she picked up a juicy-looking thrush in her jaws, the taste making her mouth water. She sat down in a patch of sunlight, making the most of her peace while it lasted, before Blossomkit and Silverkit woke up again. Watching the rest of the Clan make their way through the day always calmed Brookefeather. It was soothing to her to know that every cat was there, keeping the camp safe going about their lives. -- Frostheart was making his way back to camp, two mice and a squirrel jammed into his mouth. He struggled slightly under the weight of his catches, and let out a quiet sigh of relief when he got back to camp and dropped them with the rest. He saw from the size of the pile that the hunting patrol had been, gone and come back. Sitting down in the dappled sunlight, Frostheart began to groom himself, gliding his tongue across his black and white fur in long, rythmic strokes.