10:51pm Sep 23 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 282
((Idk... There wasn't really a time set, so))
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
10:53pm Sep 23 2011
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Posts: 5,310
But isn't it up to the boardmaster [[webaweba/Imoutochan]] to set the time?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:54pm Sep 23 2011
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Posts: 282
((Yeah :3 ))
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
10:56pm Sep 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((D; I honestly dunno what to do. T_T" I joined literally two days ago, and I couldn't get on, and you all already posted over 6 pages. Dx))
10:58pm Sep 23 2011
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Posts: 282
((Sorry :( ))
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
11:15pm Sep 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I think I shall just stop spamming and randomly jump in. >:D Does that sound okay? You can fill me in on important parts if I get lost. x3 Gonna assume it's still school. D;))
Leandra let out a quiet sigh, staring absentmindedly around the dim classroom. She fingered her pencil almost silently, her eyes brooding and shy. She doodled in her notebook, feeling very bored. She ended up sketching a dragon, with large, snake-like scales and pale armor plates covering its chest and belly. The tail was slightly pointed like a dog's, with jagged spikes running along the sides. The wings were feathered instead of covered with a thin membrane. The bird-like wings were dark and shaded in with more pencil than the rest of the body, and the eyes were nearly closed, narrow and almost shut with a tired, sleepy ex pression. The dragon was more graceful and pretty than frightening, and Lea quickly flipped to a fresh page, anxiously taking notes as the teacher droned on and on about the Civil War. Blinking, she rubbed her temples and tried to concentrate. She had to do well in school if she wanted to get into a good college! She scribbled down a few important things that the teacher had mentioned and concentrated fiercely on the content the teacher was describing to the class, lecturing them about the different sides and perspectives of the war.
Quentin was staring at the ceiling, a blank smirk on his face as he tuned out the ramblings of the lecturing teacher. He prodded Leandra - the girl who sat in front of him in history class - and said calmly, "Can I borrow your notes? Not catching anything the teacher is saying," Lea furrowed her eyebrows together, her light hair catching the thrumming lights of the classroom. He smiled hesitantly, and Leandra sighed, her silver scar rippling in the flecks of pale light. Quentin couldn't help but wince at the wound that marred her pretty face, and took her notebook, relieved. Now he could just copy notes instead of actually paying attention. What a relief! He scribbled down the notes in his messy handwriting, intimidated by Leandra's perfect cursive, which he could barely read. Lea was one of those "over-achiever perfectionists" who always had to do well in school. If she got a B, she would freak. Literally, freak out and start scrabbling around mercilessly for extra-credit. Sighing, Quentin returned the notebook and thought about donuts. How delicious.
((MAN I FAIL. D; So lost. owo))

8:58am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
"It's, um... It's fine," Cassie stuttered, blushing. She awkwardly brushed a strand of auburn hair away from her face.
((Fail post, sorry, I just woke up. Dx))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:27am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 11,785
I'ma have my group in the park guys. If I don't get my intro in now, I'll do it during the three-hour bus ride to Danville. o3o))
11:05am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 282
((So, what time is it? :3 )) Amber thought to herself, 'This is gonna be an awkward night.' Amber smiled shyly. "So how was your first kiss?" She played with her fingers, waiting for Cassie's response.
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
11:13am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((After school, I guess, since they're at Amber's house? :P))
Cassie blushed. "It was, ah, different?" she stammered. Inwardly she groaned. I sound like a complete fool.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:21am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Dude, I dunno what to do. D; I didn't know it was after school. Dx *magically transports charries to park* >:D))
Quentin swung his feet, sitting on the bench. He had lugged his backpack along, and was now extremely bored. He was trying to procrastinate his homework as much as possible, and was glancing with a torn ex pression on his handsome face. His messy black hair looked dark blue, his eyes brooding and expressive. He sighed and succumbed to the pull of the homework, dragging out his history homework. Great. I know... none of this. He scribbled down "bubblegum" as one of the answers, and skipped to a question that he knew for sure. Scrawling down the answer to that, he grabbed his history book reluctantly. He didn't want to fail a homework assignment. That would be very sad. Well, here's the answer to that question. And I honestly though it was bubblegum... Quentin erased the silly answer and scribbled down the correct answer instead. He didn't see anyone else he knew quite yet, but hoped that someone at least from his school would magically teleport to the park so he wouldn't be alone. And maybe they would have the answer to the history homework!

11:23am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 282
Amber frowned. "Well I uh- um, I kinda like you..." She whispered the last part.
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
11:27am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((I'll be back in a little while, going to see the Lion King with my friends.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:29am Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 282
((Sweet! I gotta go anyway, I might not be on much today))
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
1:06pm Sep 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,578
((BACK!...and it looks like all you guys are gone...Oh well I guess I'll post anyway))
The waitress came back with a large plate of ribs with beans and corn bread on the side. Paige definatly wasn't the delicate type and she didn't pretend to be either. She smiled at the lady as she placed the plate of food in front of her and said thanks. She wasn't completly barbaric. She picked up a rib and started eating taking in spoon fulls of the beans and corn bread every other rib. By the time she was full she had nearly licked the plate clean. The waistress came by again handing Paige the bill before taking away the plate. Paige wiped her mouth and hands clean before pulling out her hand made duck tape wallet and placing a twenty dallor bill in the small black leather booklet and stood up grabing her skate board and heading out the door. She was always hungrey after school and usually stopped at this place since it was fairly afordable and close to the skate park. Today Paige wasn't in the mood to practice her olly shove it though so she rode around the down town area. She made it to the park and slowly weaved in and out of the people of the cement path directly in the middle of the park.
2:37pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 282
Justin sat in the backseat of his parents car, with his earphones blasting his ears. He nodded his head along to the music. When the car came to a stop, he shut the music off and hopped out of the car. The waitress sat them at a spacious booth. He only half listened to his parents droning on about their new jobs, for he was staring at a girl. She had almost black hair, with gorgeous hazel eyes. Justin thought she was very pretty, and he planned on talking to her. But, after he made a comment on one thing his Dad said, she was gone. He looked for a while before giving up.
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
2:44pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
The park was getting boring and the cracks in the cement was going to mess up her wheels so she rode out of the park and dicided to slowly wander around down town on the smoother sidewalks. She took her iPod out her jean pocket and put the DJ headphones on that she kept in her back pack and started listeing to her music as she wandered around the shops part of the down town area.
8:12pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Cassie tilted her head slightly, a half-sheepish, half-happy grin spreading across her face. "I really like you too," she said in the same whisper.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:48pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 282
Amber saw Cassie grin and she returned it with a smile. "So... where do we go from here?"
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
9:51pm Sep 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,713
Cassie shrugged, grinning slightly. "I've never done anything like this before, so I'm not really sure... Where would you like to go with this?"
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram