1:37am Feb 20 2011
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Resident mounted archer
4:30am Feb 20 2011
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"He can do what he want with the f- whoa!!" He fell off his branch when the princess jumped quickly into the tree next to his? and he latched onto teh branch below him. "Wow.. That was pretty fast. You might wanna pick those things out of your hair.. they start to hurt after a while.." He looked at Alex. "Anyways, what are you doing in the forest anyways?? Your going to get attacked by others than myself. Some aren't as nice either.. But then again.. I kind of rule this part of the forest. Nobody really messes with me.." He hoisted himself up finally and sat on teh branch, stadling it.
12:33pm Feb 20 2011
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Alix grinned and shook her head, lossening parts of the tree from her long red hair. "I'll be fine, as long as I get them all out before I head back and people start asking questions." She lifted up her face to look farther into the tree. A branch dipped towards her and she reached up to grab it, using it as leverage to stand on her branch and look out over the fields she had ridden across. The breeze felt good on her sweaty neck. "Im Alix," she said, as if she needed to. "What's your name?"
Resident mounted archer
9:57pm Feb 21 2011
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Jake hopped up from branch to branch in order to be over the tree tops. The sun was somewhat setting already over the hills. He looked at Alix. "Alix? What a strange name for a princess. Not that is doesn't suit you.. But many are named like.. Esmeralda or something really extravagant." He sighed and leaned back on the tree trunk, watchig the sky. "Jake," he replied to her question. "Just Jake.." (sorry, i'm like.. brain dead..)
12:32am Feb 22 2011
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"My whole names Alixandra" She snorted. "Sophisticated enough? I go by Alix because no one wants to add three seconds to a sentence." Alix leaned forward as far as she could without loosing her grip on the branch, wondering briefly what it would be like to fly. "I like the name Jake; short, simple, and no one mispronounces it."
Resident mounted archer
2:58am Feb 22 2011
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Jake looked at Alix. "Your going to fall..." He turned back to the sun and noticed the wind picking up sligthly. He looked around. "There's a storm coming.. Maybe a big one.. But definetly with a lot of rain and lightnign" He shivered as the winds picked up again. "Man, the night is guna be cold. You should get home Alix.. I don't wanna be responsible for a princess out in the woods."
3:16am Feb 23 2011
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No Im not, Alix thought, frowning as she followed Jakes gaze. She grinned and hopped down so she could spin with her arms outstretched. "Lovely," she crooned "Absolutely lovely!" The girl sighed and looked at Copper thoughtfully as she mused. "I could ride him back, set him out in the pen, then camp out out here. It's aweful stuffy in the castle...not to mention boring."
Resident mounted archer
1:29am Feb 24 2011
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Jake laughed. "I'm not a poor rogue, Princess... I have a small little cottage with a horse of my own. So thatmeans I also have a sturdy and steady stable. He likes the home as well.. there is room for plenty of horses if you plan to camp out a storm. I'm willing to share my home with a noble for one night. I don't want a dead Princess on my turf nor on my conscience." He looked at Alix and the wind picked up again. "What do you say?"
9:41pm Feb 25 2011
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She answered with a huge grin up at Jakes general direction. "That would be great! I never get to be alone-well, just me and one person-for a night outside! If you can put up with the nobel stink for a night, I would be forever grateful." Alix laughed and whistled to Copper, who trotted back from his meanderings, and kissed his nose, scratching under the geldings muzzle. "And Im sure he'd like to see a new face'r two, wouldn't'cha, boy? Hmm?"
Resident mounted archer
12:11am Feb 26 2011
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Jake looked at Alix and jumped down from his post. He rolled so he did not harm his knees or legs for that matter. He stood up and looked at Alix. "Alright.. I'm fine for 1 day I suppose. It's not a big house, but it's nice inside. Not as grand a King's castle, but it's getting there." He looked at the horse. "Upon your horse Princess.. I rather not ride him to my house. Too many people would think something." He grabbed the reigns and held them in his hand, waiting for Alix to jump on.
2:09am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((Sorry. Had to write a dio/kS98JgmH/Fish.html" target="_blank">song for U.S. History. Cant reply now.))
Resident mounted archer
11:49am Feb 26 2011
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Getting there how? she wanted to ask, but didnt. She smiled and vaulted onto Coppers high back, forsaking the stirrups for ability. Alix wasnt short, but it would still require some basic effort had she not had muscle in her arms and springs in her legs. She settled tightly into the saddle and let her feet dangle.
Resident mounted archer
1:08am Mar 9 2011
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(so sorry!!!) Jake walked the horse toward a deeper part of the forest that was a pretty good distance from the castles and other structures that the king had around the forest. He walked down a few hills and up a small one before he crossed a small stream that gurgled on by. He smiled when he could see his house. A log cabing on the inside but it was fit for a King on the inside, which mostly contained stolen things. :3 He smiled and stopped in front of the stables. He looked at Copper. "Well, you may get off Princess and Copper may go into the stable with MidKnight.
5:02pm Apr 9 2011
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"Aye sir," Alix smirked and slid off Coppers back. She stood beside her mount, waiting to be pointed in the direction of the stable. "I prefer to put my own horse up for the night, if you please, Jake." She purposely stuck her nose in the air and waved a hand. "You may lead. I shall follow."
Resident mounted archer
10:39pm Apr 9 2011 (last edited on 10:39pm Apr 9 2011)
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Jake slightly glared but walked to the stables behind the house. He opened the stable door and was greeted by his horse, MidKNight. His black coat blending in with the darkness of teh unlit stable. Jake turned to flip teh switch that lit up the room with a few little lanterns. "Well.. This is MidKnight.. He's my only black mustang.. In the back is Roxas as well... I'm not sure if your horse would rather be near MidKnight or Roxas...." He placed his hand on MidKnight's muzzle as MidKnight nudged Jake. "Well.. you can just let Copper in and she can find a place.." Roxas trotted up next to Midnight, wanting Jake's attention. (This is MidKnight and Roxas... )
12:42pm Apr 11 2011
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Alix nodded. "He. But okay. Uhm..." She looked around for a place to store her geldings tack before removing the saddle, blanket, and bridle. Nothing special, as she prefered the natural head to arched neck. She put them on the ground in a corner and rubbed Copper down with her hands. "He'll get along with anyone fine...even if they don't agree with him." She slepped his rump affectionately and watched him step away as she rubbed her hands on her trousers, not paying attention to the stains of dirt and sweat the action left.
Resident mounted archer
1:23am Apr 12 2011
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Jake laughed slightly and pet his two horses before letting them go back to where they usually hung out. He walked out. "Are you going to be in there all day Princess? We should get insdide before the storm blows in. It's not as safe in that horse house as inside my house.." he smiled and waited for her response. (sorry it's short...)
9:14pm Apr 15 2011
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Alix nodded and took several steps away, to wanting to leave the familiar smells and go to an unfamiliar place, even if she trusted Jake. ...But why did she trust him? He had spooked her horse, then insulted and laughed at her. She sighed. Nothing made sense anymore, least of all the things she did. She walked over and stood slightly off to the side of the host and grinned. ((Nah. Mines short.))
Resident mounted archer
7:10pm Apr 17 2011
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(sorry.. Kind left you with not much to go off of.. T-T) Jake locked the horse house and walked to the front steps of his own. He walked up to the door and heard the crack of thunder. He looked into the sky and noticed that the clouds were already beginning to creep over his house and over the land that surrouded. He took out several keys on a rope from his pouch and opened the door and several locks. He turned the ivory knob and opened the door up wide so he could step in. He looked at Alix and smiled slightly. He bowed as a servant would when he opened the door for a Queen or King. "You can come in.. Ms. Princess.."
1:46am Apr 20 2011
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Alix frowned and looked uncomfortable. "Please dont call me that. I hate it when my other friends do." She looked down and fidgeted with the hem of her green tunic as she stepped over the thresh hold and into the building, noticing right away the difference of the temperatures and deciding she prefered the one in the house as opposed to the temperature outside; Storms were fun, but only if you were in the mood she had been in a few minutes ago and was bound to be in again before too long.
Resident mounted archer