2:23am Apr 20 2011
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Jake closed the door when she walked in and locked it. "well, I shall not call you that again. Anyways, I should also show you the bathroom and your room shall be." he smiled and walked into the living room. He looked at the princess and continued his way up the stairs. "WOuld you like to wash up?" He looked down at her from the balcony like structure.
1:00am May 20 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((Gahl dangit! Lost this...)) "What? And loose my protective la yer of dirt?" Alix's green eyes flashed impishly, but the smiled and shrugged, taking a few steps and looking around the building before looking up. "Do I follow you, or are you one of those daft boys that hide in tree forts for 'no lassies'?" She only partially meant it as a joke. The other half was her really wondering.
Resident mounted archer
1:37am May 20 2011
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Jake snapped his eyes right to her. He knew she was joking, but it didn't seem just that. He looked at her and shook his head. "Man lady... You can't think all of us are the same.. I can show you where to wash up and your room.. Fit for a 'lass.' and I'll get you clean clothes and such.. If you don't mind wearing some of mine for sleep while I wash what your wearing now.." he walked to his back room and pulled out a wash towel and another for her to dry off. He headed to his room ebfore calling for Alix. He pulled out some of his clothes and walked down the hall to the washroom. "Here's the washroom. Your clothes and cloths to wash up and dry off." He placed everything on the floor next to the tub.
11:27pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 2,963
"I can wash my clothes," Alix mumbled as she followed Jake and looked around the wash room. It was small, much smaller than the one she usually used, but had a cozy feel to it...and she was surprised at the lack of echoes, but only for a short while. She nodded and stepped inside. "Thank you, Jack. This is more, in some ways, than at home. Always afraid of offending the princess." She wrinkled her nose and grinned, the few freckles on her face coming together. "But I don't think I can give you a kindness back at the moment," she said and shut the door, chuckling behind it.
Resident mounted archer
2:29am May 22 2011
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Jake growled slightly. "It;s Jake!" he walked dowwn teh stairs, not wanting to desturb her, plus, he had to fetch from warm water for her. He walked down the bottom hallway and into another room that was steaming. He opened the door and a cloud of steam came bursting through. He walked in and grabbed a large bucket, filling it with hot water. He walked upstairs and placed it by the door. He knocked on the bathroom door. "Princess.. I have your bathwater... Would you like me to pour it in?"
1:04am May 29 2011
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((Ohmigosh! I hadnt even realised that. XD I'd just read the first 100 pages of Bloody Jack. XD Writers screw up, sorreh.)) Alix frowned and opened the door again, still dressed save for her boots and the band that bound her hair. "I can do it...not entirely helpless." She reached around and picked it up by the handle, the muscles in her arm moving beneath her shirt. "But thank you anyways....Jake." She bit her lip to keep from laughing and carried the bucket of steaming water back in the room. When she set it down, she bent and drug a finger through it and moved her face closer to breath in the steam. "Thank you," she repeated again.
Resident mounted archer
2:32am May 29 2011
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Jake nodded. "Right. I'm just asking... I'm going to be outside if you need me. I need to... tend to some things before the storm starts." he closed the door and walked away, his footsteps getting softer and softer as he made his way to the staircase. He walked down the stairs and out to the backyard of the house. He looked at the flowers that had started to bloom. Hr grabbed the protective little houses he made and placed them on each and every flower. He smiled when he saw that he can protect his flowers. He looked up the starts that were still visible through the light clouds and sighed.
10:30pm May 29 2011
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Alix nodded and stood to prepare for her bath. When her clothes were removed, she looked around needlessly to be sure no one was looking to pull off the bandage that covered her from waist to chest, reveiling an ugly, knarled scar that ran the length of her back, only just peeking from the top of the bandages. She fingered it thoughtfully, wondering how she had gotten it, but had a brief thought that it had come from a riding accident that happened within the past year, nothing so dramatic as her fathers war scarred face and hands. She stepped into the warm water and sighed in the heat. When she was done, she stepped out and looked around for something to dry herself with, but saw nothing. Alix bit her lip in thought before deciding that the bandages would do for a drying cloth.
Resident mounted archer
11:15pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake looked at the sky and returned to teh flowers. He checked each one adn walked back insdie. He yawned and sat odwn on the couch. He could hear the rain start to drop onto the roof and he walked over to the windows. he closed and locked them all before he headed back upstairs. "Hey, princess... I forgot your towel. Do you need one?"
1:51am May 31 2011
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Posts: 2,963
"Nah. I've got it settled. And stop calling me princess! Makes me feel like a barking ninny!" Alix had finished drying, wringing out the sodden bandages as much as possible before reapplying them-she wasnt worried about getting sick, because it was fairly warm and they would dry soon, anyway. She shivered slightly at their clammy feeling, but grinned; she'd never have gotten away with this at the castle...anything she'd done thus far, really. The girl put the shirt over her head and freed her hair, then slipped the pants on her legs and tucked the shirt tails in before rolling up the cuffs; the pants to a managable length, the shirt sleeves to her elbows. When she was done, she stepped out of the washroom, holding the back of Jakes pants. "You don't happen to have a belt, do you?"
Resident mounted archer
12:34am Jun 1 2011
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Jake chuckled slightly at the sight of all this clothes looking a tad too big on her. He nodded. "I do.. But wouldn't you like different bandages for your wounds? I mean.. i can smell the damp cloth and it's not a very nice smell at all..." He walked into his room and searched through his drawers before he came to a leather belt. it was small and black, a bit too small for Jake's waist, but probably just right for the princess. He took it in his hand and returned to her. "Alright.. I shall stop calling you a princess, you ninny.." he handed her the belt and looked at her. "Maybe I can find some of my smaller clothes if you would like.. I don't tend to throw things out if I outgrow them because I can reuse them as something.."
2:44am Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 2,963
"Not so much to cover a wound as to protect what's healing. And it would be nice, but I dont want to weigh on you too much" Alix said softly, taking the belt. Where she stood, she strapped the belt around her waist. It was a bit too big, but not by much, and by folding the waist of the pants a squick, she got them to fit snugly over her hips. She moved experimentally. "There. That's better."
Resident mounted archer
12:35am Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake walked into the batroom and opened a smal cabinet. He pulled out osme bloody tissues and then tossed them away. he tossed the princess a roll of wrap. "anyways, rewrap those things. They cloth is really smelly and its not a nice smell.. It'll be bad for the bed.." (sorry. Not much he can do.. T-T)
2:06pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((We need somethin to happen...)) "What bed?" Alix asked with a smirk. But she turned and went back, shaking her head as she re entered the room, removed her shirt and bandages, and reacted the tiresomne task of wrapping them up. Again. That's the third time today,she thought when she was through, but she had to admit, a bit grudgingly, that Jake had been right; they smelled and felt much better now. She left the room and stood with her hands on her hips and sighed. "Well, now what? What do you do for fun?"
Resident mounted archer