Okay fine, there are 6 slots now. Not five. The plot is below.
These days, psychic Pokemon are slowly disappearing, and Mew has sent letters to 5 different Pokemon. The letters are asking for help (Mew is psychic so she is in danger). The chosen Pokemon are to go to a guild, meet each other there, and form an exploration team together.
Mew has granted these Pokemon 4 moves of their choice (can be any move from any type!). You can forget these moves if you want, but just remember you might never get that move again (unless you learn it at a certain level), and has allowed them to become any type (up to two types). Evolving will not change your type back to normal, you can only change it to normal by choice.
The 5 chosen Pokemon are now to find Mew, and save her. But it isn't easy when there are many different types of enemies/obstacles.
The types of Enemies/Obstacles
Purple goo: Purple goo traps enemies in it by sneaking up behind them and trapping them in the goo. Attack it if you wish, but it will reform and this time attack you. Purple goo can only be defeated if poison types eat it.
Odd icy wind: The part that gets hit by this wind will be frozen (if it hits your stomach you stomach freezes, if it hits you face you face freezes, and on and on). The only Pokemon that cannot be frozen by this wind are ice types.
Lakes: This is very common. The only way to get across is swim if you are a water type. If you are not a eater type, ride on a water type or fly over it if you can.
Giant Rocks: These are just plain big rocks that block your path. They can only be broken by fighting types.
Odd wave of power: When hit by this wave, you pas.s out. The only Pokemon that won't pas.s out when hit by this wave are dragon types.
I'll add more later, for now i'm too tired to make more. XD By the way, you must as a first stage, or a no stage, but you can evolve later. Please only act out one Pokemon. Also there cannot be any doubles, so if the Pokemon you wanted is taken, choose another (or you may ask whoever is acting it out, and they might let you have it).
Slots (the 5 chosen Pokemon)
1) Bagon (Sarya/Me)
2) Growlithe (Dragonstar)
3) Dratini (Bloodrose)
4) Shiny Eevee (Feyth)
5) Absol (Shadowolf)
6) Zombieloki
Pokemon's name (optional):
Species of Pokemon:
Type (remember, Mew has allowed you to be any type!):
Level (level 1-5):
Moves (remember, Mew has granted them 4 moves of their choice):
I will be playing as:
Pokemon's name: Crystal
Species of Pokemon: Bagon (i'll soon make it my fave, Salamence!)
Type: Dragon, Electric
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Moves: Destiny Bond, Dragon Pulse, Transform, Thunderbolt