2:29pm Jun 24 2010
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((you guys can join and Mylovee good job keep'n this alive))
2:36pm Jun 24 2010
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(*bows* Thank you, thank you. Hold your applause. XD)
2:38pm Jun 24 2010
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Prussia(Gilbert Beilschimidt)
(He's albino...like those bunnies!)) America (Alfred F. Jones)
 Russia (Ivan Braginsky)  Mello (Mihael Keehl) ((...Just not as...death-oriemted...>w>)) ((Okay. All four of therm are totally new to this. Gilbert has a habit of saying he's awesome and he has a little chick named Gilbird that sits on his head.. Alfred calls himself a hero and is very, very strong for his young age and has lots and lots of energy. Ivan is generally very sweet and innocent, but has mentally cracked since he is the personification of Russia, which means he has had the whole war-filled, gory, bloody past, and is attacked annually by General Winter. He loves warm things and sunflowers, but hates the cold. And he's very tall for his age, so he towers over the other kids. P: Mello is...well...Mello. ouo Not much I can say about him. <3 Except that his favorite snack is chocolate and his best friend is Matt. <33 AND THERE WE HAVE IT FOLKS. FOUR FIVE YEAR OLD BOYS.))
2:41pm Jun 24 2010
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Al looked down at the new students.
"Oh wow."he said looking at all three of them. "Triplets."
He laughed at how cute they were until he heard one of the little girls comment on Ed.
"Wow, she is blunt."he sweatdropped.
2:47pm Jun 24 2010
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((Four 5 year olds? Sounds like some kinda contridiction. Lol))
2:51pm Jun 24 2010
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Four boys walked into the room together, one a blond with blue eyes that bounced on his toes, one an albino with a cocky grin on his face and a little yellow chick upon his head, another a boy that looked like a first grader rather than a kindergatener, who was wearing a sweet smile, and the next a blond boy with shoulder-lkenght hair and blue eyes that always seemed to be narrowed in a glare. Mello, the blond with the glare, stepped in first, his black pajama-like outfit easily covering his hands and feet. "Why did Roger send me here? I can get a perfectly fine education back at the orphanage," he muttered crossly. He had a rather...extensive vocabulary for a five-year-old. The next one to walk in was Alfred, the hyper-looking blond, with a big grin. "The hero has arrived!" he said happily as he bounced in, dragging the larger male with strange violet eyes behind him. "Mm....Amerika, this 'Kindergarten' is good, da?" he asked, looking at him as he adjusted his scarf, his same, creepily innocent smile on his face. It was obvious from the way he spoke, as well as the thick accent, that he was Russian, while the blond dragging him with surprising ease was most likely American. "Kindergarten is great, Russia! We get to have fun, and it's even better with the hero here!" The last one in was the albino, that same cocky grin set in place. "Well, Gilbird, this place just got more awesome now that I walked in, didn't it?" he said, reaching up to pet the chick on his head, who let out a little 'piyo'of agreement. ((Prussia has a sword strapped to his side, by the way. :D And he has a strange accent that I'm going to say is German, since Prussia is no longer a country. And most of Prussia became East Germany.))

3:15pm Jun 24 2010
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Alphose saw more children.
"Wow! We have alot of kids now, dont we?."he said in aw. "We have Chi, Sasuke, Hinata, the new triplets and now four five year old boys."he said counting on his metal fingers "Did I forget anyone? Oh! And Uta!"
3:16pm Jun 24 2010
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Kurenai sighed, "So many kids, so little teachers."
3:27pm Jun 24 2010
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By this point, America was over in front of Alphonse, blue eyes wide. "You're like those robots in Japan's video games! And anime and manga!" he said, pointing up to him as Russia stood there, watching the American curiously. "Amerika, they are different from him. Not all suits of armor are robo-" he got cut off by America before he could finish. "If the hero says he's a robot, then he's a robot!" he cried, crossing his arms. ((OMG. I'm gonna use Reno form Final Fantasy as a teacherrrr~ <3))
3:30pm Jun 24 2010
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(You know what would be funny? A very evil super villain as a teacher, and the person he is trying to kill/capture in the anime as a student. XD)
3:36pm Jun 24 2010
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((...PFFFT.)) Reno:
4:26pm Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Thats a great idea!))
Alphonse sweat dropped at the two kids bantering.
"I have feelings too, you guys know."he whined
He looked over at the toy chest and quickly thought,"Go play with some toys. There are alot in the toy chest."
4:32pm Jun 24 2010
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"Mne ochenʹ zhalʹ..." Ivan told Alphonse, giving his eerily sweet, innocent smile again. "Come, Amerika. We do not wish to hurt our teacher's feelings, da?" he asked, prodding the shorter blond, who huffed and nodded, looking up at Alphonse. "Sorry..." Reno walked --well...kind of tripped...-- into the room, but he quickly got back up and brushed off, letting out a little cough as he did so. "Sorry I'm late! I had to pilot the Shinra company helicopter..." he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. ((Lol. <3))
4:42pm Jun 24 2010
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(( Can I get a recap? lol ^^; *feels too lazy to try to read back* ))
4:57pm Jun 24 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm Jun 24 2010)
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(I made a set of triplets and one of the girls went over to Ed, and started asking a bunch of questions. That`s what i need you to reply to. XD) (This was the post: 'Karie, Marie, and Shin were dropped off by their mother and walked inside. They stood just inside the door and looked around. Karie spoted a boy looking through a pile of stuffed animals. She ran over to him and tugged on his shirt, "Hi, my name`s Karie. I`m new here. Are you new here this is my first day here. Are you a student? You`re short, why are you so short?" She said, all without taking a breath.')
5:10pm Jun 24 2010
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(( Lol, ok *ended up reading everything anyways* XD )) Sasuke poked his head out from behind the cubbies, pouting. "No way, I was totally invisible." he said. He held up the dinosaur toy in front of his face so only his eyes were visible, looking up at Kurenai. ----------- "Gack!" Edward exclaimed. "I'm a teacher! And what is with you midgets calling me short! I'm way taller!" He stuck his tongue out childishly at them. He really wasn't helping his claim to being a teacher. The only reason he hadn't totally blown up at them was because they were so young and he didn't want them all crying.
5:14pm Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Haha. And I have four students that I added. Three are personified countries, and one is the broody Mello. <3 And Reno is a teacher, ogod. xD LET THE CHAOS...ENSUE!))
5:17pm Jun 24 2010
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"Well I`m only 5, so I`m suppost to be short. You`re suppost to be tall like them." She said pointing at Al and Kurenai, "So artually you`re a midget." She said with a smirk. (Evil child!) ~~~ Kurenai laughed and put her pointer finger between his eyes, "Yes, you`re totally invisible, but I`m a high ranking ninja, so i can see invisible people." She said with a laugh.
5:29pm Jun 24 2010
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Reno rubbed the back of his neck, noticing that he was not getting noticed. Good. But then he let out a yelp as he was rammed in the knee with the hilt of a sword, courtesy of Gilbert, who cackled and darted off right after. "That was so awesome! Right, Gilbird?" The little chick on his head chirped in agreement, fluttering his wings. ((XDDD I love Gilby. <3))
5:32pm Jun 24 2010
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(( Al save the child! D: )) Sasuke grinned. "Really? Someday I'm gonna be a higher ranking ninja then you! Then you wont be able to see me." He said, still smiling. He thought for a moment. If he was invisible, then Kurenai-sensei would look like she's talking to nothing, and that would be weird. "Invisibility off!" he said, dramatically throwing his arms into the air as if to dispel the power. --------- Ed twitched. "You brats are evil." he said lowly. In order to not start yelling, he decided to be the bigger person and walk away. He stomped off, muttering under his breath about evil children. "Aaaal!" he whined, walking over to his younger brother. "They're making fun of me!" He glared and pointed to the group he had just walked off from.