7:21pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaze lifted his head and looked towards the den knowing his sister was in there her back to the entrance showing her horrible scars on her beck from having her two sets of wings ripped off her as a pup.
7:22pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 597
"That way?" Mae trying to get a hint or two from this quiet male.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:26pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaze nodded not knowing if she would like seeing the scars knowing that because of infection it was a miracle that his sister survived.
7:28pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 597
"Okay.. Lead me to them?" She asked sweetly.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:30pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaze nodded knowing he couldnt refuse a higher up wolf and walked in the den before nudging his sister to wake her up. Kazumi woke up and smiled seeing her brother her tail wagged abit not knowing anyone else was there as she watched him walk out.
7:40pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 597
Following him she found a female. "Oh.. I'm so sorry! I didn't know he had a mate!" Mae started backing up, not really up for any sort of fighting.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:42pm Feb 26 2010
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Kazumi looked at her before tilting her head "im not his mate i think mating with your sister is not allowed isnt it?" she asked confused in her innocent voice Kaze had made it so that she was the type to alwaysbe happy no matter what and that she was innocent of what happened or was happening.
7:46pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 597
"Oh, I don't think it is." Mae said with a laugh.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:50pm Feb 26 2010
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Kazumi loked confused before getting up and turnign to look at her with her smile on her face "well im Kazumi me brother is Kaze he doesnt talk much to anyone he only talks to me" she said to her before tilting her head "i dont know why though" she said confused.
8:16pm Feb 26 2010
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12:39pm Feb 27 2010
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((Nothin really, Snowy. xD Kaze went looking for food and Mae found him and started talking but he didn't talk soo then he took her to his cave to talk to Kazumi and mae thought that they were mates. ._. woah. Ohand Klaus was just like "Yeah." Then he blushed. :D that's all!)) "Oh, that's why he wasn't saying anything.." Mae felt bad now, stepping back a couple steps, she looked around. "Well I'll be off if I'm bugging you two. Just thought I would bring you back to camp if you were hungry at all."

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
12:46pm Feb 27 2010
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Kazumi smiled at her "your not bugging us Kaze has left he says he rather catch his our food something about it tasting better and knowing its safe to eat" she said to her smiling liking having someone to talk to other then Kaze. Soon Kaze came back with 3 rabbits putting one by Mae he took the others by Kazumi and gave her one before eating the other.
12:48pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 597
"Why thank you," Mae said with a smile, looking down at the rabbit. She would feel guilty if she ate this. It wasn't hers, it was theres. Nudging it to them, she smiled again. "No thank you, I have meat back at our camp. This food is yours," She said with a small but happy bark.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
12:52pm Feb 27 2010
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Kaze looked at her and nudged it back. Kazumi laughed "thats Kaze saying your a guest and its yours otherwise he wouldnt of caught it" she said smiling.
1:35pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 597
"Oh. Well if you insist." She said, gulping it down. Food finally filled her stomach, something she hadn't felt in quite a while. "Thank you, Kaze." She said with a smile. "Would you two like to come back to our camp?" She asked, holding a firm tone.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
1:36pm Feb 27 2010
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((wow just wow Goldeh xDDD))
1:39pm Feb 27 2010
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Kaze looked at her before looking at Kazumi he didnt want Kazumi to see what other wolves where like but keeping her locked up in this den wasnt helping her when she want to find a mate standing up he walked to his sister and nudged her so she would know it was up to her and he will protect her no matter what. Kazumi wagged her tail and nodded "yes please i havnt seen anyother wolves ever only Kaze" she said smiling like a pup.
1:42pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 597
((Snoweh! :D wanna start warrior roleplay? :o))
"Okay. I'm sure Dagger won't mind if we bring you two in." Mae said with a smile.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
1:48pm Feb 27 2010
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Kaze nodded before nudging Kazumi to stand since because of the infections she had got since she was a pup she had been weaker then normal and sometimes needed help standing and couldnt walk far without being tired. Kazumi smiled and licked her brothers cheek "thank you Kaze" she said smiling her tail wagging she had finished the rabbit and had some energy from it. Kaze stood next to his sister looking worried about her just incase the energy she had left her and she fell but this way if she feels tired she can just lean on him and he would put her on his back so she can rest.
1:50pm Feb 27 2010
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((i dont know if im going to be here very long so not really :)) Dagger looked from Klaus to her waterfall, "this is where I go when I want to think. It is quiet, secluded, and peacefull, and on full moons, the water shines." she smiled wistfully.