1:45pm Mar 30 2010
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Tonsou walked back to the tiger house and went upstairs quickly and slammed the bedroom door before Siren, who had followed her up the stairs, could say anything. Ansatsu smiled and kissed the top of her head then started rubbing her back comfortingly.
1:57pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori soon finished his rounds and walked in the tiger house seeing Siren smiling at her "hello" he said to her before walking in the room smiling at Tonsao. Karma looked up at him and smiled nuzzleing her head into his neck.
2:04pm Mar 30 2010
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Siren sighed and walked back downstairs and sat in the living room. Tonsou looked at Mori from where she sat on the bed, leaning against the head board, "You finished fast." She said smiling. Ansatsu smiled and let her nuzzle into his neck. Snow and Romei saw them. Snow looked at Romei and acted like she was parfing.
2:13pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori smiled at her "yes i finished fast for you" he said to Tonsou smiling at her. Karma looked at them play glaring at them "behave you two" she said to them before kissing Ansatsu's neck. Kazumi ran around not knowing what to do right now.
2:21pm Mar 30 2010
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((Lucien and Liona are in the living rrom playing cards. XD)) Tonsou smiled and laughed, "Aww, just for me?" Ansatsu was about to kiss her neck back but pulled away, "Karma, no. This is just gonna lead to what we aren`t suppost to be doing." He said looking at her with apologizing eyes. Snow and Romei rolled their eyes then turned and went back to attacking the boys.
2:26pm Mar 30 2010
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Karma looked down sighing before moving away from him walking deeper in the forest. Kazumi walked bakc to the horse house seeing the two playing cards laughing she shuck her head "wheres Shi?" she asked them. Mori nodded smiling "yes just for you" he said to her.
2:33pm Mar 30 2010
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Ansatsu followed her, "Karma." He called after her. "Out for a run." Lucien said looking up at her, "Why? You miss him?" He asked jokingly with a laugh. Tonsou smiled more, "Aww. I feel so special."
2:36pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori laughed sitting on the bed next to her "you should" he said smiling. Kazumi laughed shaking her head "no i just wanted to know why you wont doing anything" she said. Karma turned into her fox form and begane running faster crying as she did.
2:40pm Mar 30 2010
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Tonsou looked at him shocked, "I should feel special. Um hello..." She said getting off the bed and standing with her hands on her hips, "You`re the one that has this as a mate, you should be feeling special and lucky." She said with a laugh. Lucien shrugged and continued playing. "Where have you been all mourning?" Liona asked looking up at Kazumi. Ansatsu sighed and shifted, then ran after her.
2:42pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori smirked grabbing her pulling her ontop of him as he lay down "i do" he said before kissing her. Kazumi laughed shaking her head "have you done your rounds?" she asked them. Karma ran faster into the forest.
3:00pm Mar 30 2010
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Tonsou smiled and kissed him back, "You know we aren`t suppost to be doing this." She said with a laugh. Lucien and Liona both just nodded as they began playing Speed. Ansatsu continued to follow her, "Karma! Wait!"
3:03pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori raised his eyebrow "says who?" he asked. Kazumi nodded laughing "ok then but when Shi comes back atleast look busy" she said to them laughing as she went up in her room. Karma didnt as she cried more before jumping in a tree curling up into a ball.
3:09pm Mar 30 2010
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"Says....i`m not sure who says, but someone says." she said with a laugh before sitting up, but staying on top of him. Lucien and Liona just nodded as they continued. Ansatsu jumped up in the tree after her and sighed, walking closer to her slowly.
3:11pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori laughed "so see we dont know who said so whos stopping us?" he asked before nuzzleing her neck smiling. Karma curled up tighter as she whimpered she really wanted kits but they wernt allowed to have them because of some stupid rule.
3:18pm Mar 30 2010
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Ansatsu sat next to her and licked her cheek, "I know you want kits Sweetie, but the group can`t have more stress of new kits right now." He said softly. "Well I know Ansatsu, the fox second command male says we shouldn`t be having kids right now, and I know a few of the leads agree with him." Tonsou said with a laugh.
3:23pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori smiled "who said anything about kids?" he said winking. Karma whimpered more "i rather be in our old homes then here" she said putting her tail over her face.
3:30pm Mar 30 2010
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"I would too, but it`s not our choice. it`s the leaders` choice where we stay." He said laying down and putting his head on top of hers. Tonsou rolled her eyes, she smiled and looked towards the door, "Go away Siren!" She growled, though there was a smile on her face. Siren sqeeked and jumped up from where she had sat with her ear against their door listening and ran off down the hall, her tiger dragging behind her. Tonsou laughed and looked back down at him, "Maybe some other time, but not right now." She said before kissing him and getting off the bed.
3:32pm Mar 30 2010
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Mori nodded smiling. Karma sniffled hiding her head more she only had one more season left before she couldnt have any kids ever it was a illness her mother had that pas.sed on to her.
3:43pm Mar 30 2010
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"Why don`t we go talk to the leads? If they agree and allow us, we have kits. Okay?" He said nuzzling her lovingly. Tonsou smiled and looked in the mirror and smiled at herself. She was actually suprised Mori hadn`t gone out after Siren for easdropping on them.
3:48pm Mar 30 2010
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Karma looked down "but what if they say no and i had gotten my hoped up for nothing" she mummled whimpering.