2:55pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
((Since we have a little bit of an army of guys, do you mind if I change my character to that of the female gender? :O (Nothing will change apart from name spelling, unless you missed the rehaul I did. UwU)))
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
6:49pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 2,131
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
9:28pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
Tobi tried to spit out the blood she felt running slowly down her throat, but it was no use. She let herself sag back into her chair, trying to relax and block out the noises. Of course, it had been a rather stupid idea, and she soon began to chew on the insides of her cheeks, an old habit she had. She had no idea where her glasses had gone, apart from perhaps that little bit of glass she spied sticking out from under her eye and she felt sore and weary all over. All Tobi wanted was to see Casey, safe and sound. Live life like a performance. That was her motto. But things didn't go wrong in performances as they did in real life.
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
11:09pm Jan 15 2014
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Sick. Sick. He was gonna be sick. Oh, yup, there it comes.
Ira slumped forward - as much as he could anyway. Vomit now mixing with the drying blood stream, he licked his lips. And instantly regretted the coppery sweet result. He fought down another upset and tried to re-establish his surroundings. Four impenetrable walls, a giant-ass door, and gunshots.
Oh God, those were the worst. For the longest time he simply screamed to block out the noise - he now merely accepted the fact that people were at least getting hurt and he co-
Oh God. Where was she? Ira racked his vrains, trying to remember of she had been with him when everything went to hell. He swallowed a sob, took a deep breath, and yelled. Loudly.
"Hey! Help! Help me!"
11:26pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
Altair's gaze lifted to the door, mis-matched eyes closing at the sound of the gunshots. He stuck out his tongue to lick at his lip, flinching a bit at the sensation and groaning at the fact that his hands were bound. What was going on? He couldn't see a thing, and the last he could remember he'd been with his sister. Oh, he hoped his sister was alright. He didn't...hear anything that sounded like her so there was surely a good chance she was okay.
"Ava can handle herself," he assured himself, shaking his head a little. Of course she could care for herself; it wasn't like he could always be there. He had to work and stuff, so she had learned, like him, how to take care of herself. She could hold her own.
"Ava's fine, she'll be fine and you can find her once you escape," Altair murmured to himself, tugging at his bindings.
11:38pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 2,131
More footsteps. More gunshots. Frantic running down the corridor towards you, and you brace yourself. You see a flash of red and the footsteps fade away. You slump forward and the uncomfortable metal chair moves, making a grating noise that fills your ears. Your head slams up as you hold your breath, heart pounding. 1 second, 2 second, 3 second. You hear the sound of a key turning in the door of your cell, and you internally scream. Nonononono... A person steps in with a hoodie on, obscuring your vision of the person's face. You squint at the bright light, trying to see, and you see the person slowly close the door. The sound of sobbing fills your ears, and after a second you realize it's you.
"Shut up if you know what's good for you, kid." A harsh voice fills your ears and you look at the person again, sobbing louder. There's a knife.
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
3:06pm Jan 17 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 18
I grip onto the chair and silence, listening to the voice. I began to shake, since I couldn't cry, I had to try and cope somehow. I felt a bead of sweat drip from my forehead and down to my neck. I tried to lift my hand and wipe it, because it was making me 10 times more uncomfortable, but was reminded that I had been restrained and stopped, so the person wouldn't think I was trying to escape and end me right there and then. I awaited what would happen next, silently.
4:42pm Jan 17 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,997
The fist thing Maku felt wasn't fear, but curiosity, as the footsteps made their way closer and closer to his door. He watched in anticipation as the door opened, but was forced to press his eyes closed as they tried to adjust to the new, bright light.
Letting out a breath and slowly working his eyes open, Maku examined the person. There was nothing too special about him, other than the piece of in his hand, which the boy assumed was a knife. The only other thing he made note of was the fact the other person was wearing a hood, which made it impossible to see his face. That was almost more irritating than the fact he was tied to a chair.
"Well, good morning. Or, at least, I assume it's morning." Maku paused, tilting his head to the side. "What time is it, if you don't mind me asking?" When the person didn't respond, he shrugged, continuing.
"If you're not going to answer, it means I just have to keep talking. I can't stand the quiet anymore! I mean, after you guys stopped shooting whatever it was you were shooting, there was just this ringing on my ears that wouldn't go away." He rambled on, not really thinking about what he said.
"You might want to be quiet, kid." the person said, the voice very masculine. Maku opened his mouth to say something else, but shut it before he could. Some part of him wanted to just keep talking, despite what whatever this man said, but the other wanted to play it safe. It was probably a good thing he listened to the later part.

10:45am Jan 21 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,997
3:55pm Jan 22 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
((Wow, this is incredibly rude, but... Is it alright if I drop out? I've been really busy lately, as you can probably tell, and I'm just slowing everyone else down... ;M;))
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3