1:37am Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 818
((Zo, what did you mean by put the, in their ranks for you?))
8:00am Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Nvm, I'll do it. :3 ))
8:04am Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( We can start now if you like. :3 ))
8:50am Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Ketu strutted through the park, watching the humans from afar. They didn't seem to mind the dogs. At least the younger ones ignored him, preferring the much more adorable pups. Ketu growled at the thought and turned away, making his way through the shaded areas and settling by a rather large pine tree. His ears were still up and alert in case a mangy mix-bred dog tried to sneak up on him. Ketu laughed at the thought. --- Leto had crossed into the pure-bred territory, once again. It was always her, though she didn't care much. She trotted through the park, hearing a few noises from the humans far off from her. Just then, she saw a squirrel dash through the park. Her eyes narrowed, eager to start the hunt. Catching a squirrel was the perfect way to practice her hunting techniques. Leto bounded off towards the squirrel, catching it by the throat when it was half-way up the tree. Leto, proud of her catch, dragged it along with her journey, leaving a trail of trodden on grass.
4:58pm Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Posting now. :3 ))
5:17pm Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Haku was laying under a tree for shade. Even though the tree's branches protected him from the sun's rays, the air was still hot and it was burning him up. His tongue rolled out of his mouth as he panted, his tail twitching in an annoyed manner. He looked up, the chains jingling around his neck. The sweet smell of squirrel hit his nose. He watched as Leto padded along with it in her jaws. He growled and layed his head down on his paws. Sage padded up to him and opened her jaw to speak, but Haku let out a threatening snarl for her to go away. Sage stared at him blankly. What was his problem? She stomped the ground with a delicate paw before padded grumpily away. "So rude," She growled to herself. Once she noticed Leto, she ran over to her. "Whats up~?" She asked, tongue rolling out of her mouth and tail wagging happily. Ghost, on the other hand, was just growling at some human pups who had gotten close enough to him to pet him. He hated humans. They were so stupid. When another human pup walked toward him, he hissed and got up with a grunt. He padded away unhappily. He had lost his favorite spot to a stupid human pup. But he knew if you snapped at one of them they;d take you away, he'd learned that the hard way. Everything was the same. Humans played here and there, Haku was snapping at Sage, and Leto was padding away from purebred territory with something. He glanced envously at the stuck-up purebreds as he trodded on unconfortable pine needles. He itched a tick that had just landed on his fur and flicked it away before it could bite into his skin. Calyx lounged on a large boulder. (( Is keto in the mix-breds territory? if so, I'll let one of my charrys interect with him. :3 ))
5:31pm Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I don't quite know what to post. :P)
5:36pm Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Just post your intros, interact with our characters. ))
3:53am Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 818
Two large male dogs sat in the shade of a large tree. One of them was a large gold and white colored Akita-Inu. He has thick fluffy fur that ruffled slightly as he shifted around. "Just go talk to her... The worst thing she could do is walk away... I mean it's not like your a mutt or anything." He barked to the male sitting next to him. After he spoke, he lowered his voice and added "not that there is anything wrong with mutts... but you know what I mean...." After adding this, he wagged his tail and nudged his friend with his right paw. The other male was a large, snow white, German Shepard. His shimmering amber colored eyes looked at the Akita whom he was chatting with. "But I've never talked to her... What if I say something stupid?" He testified, his amber gaze leaving his friends face and trailing over to a femaleGerman Shepard with a snow white pelt like his. The Akita laughed slightly. "Saying something is better than just sitting here Frost..." He replied and lied down, his large head resting on his paws. Frost tore his gaze away from the female and looked back at his friend. "Dustin... Honestly, I don't think Calyx even knows I exist...." He replied, standing up and stretching before looking back at the lounging white female. ~~~ "Smooth move going into their terratory." Steel laughed as he trotted up to Leto. "You're lucky Ketu didn't catch you... Or one of his stupid pure breed lackies." He added with a slight laugh. His voice was naturally smooth, that is, until he is speaking about the pure-breeds... When ever they come up in a subject, his voice tends to gain a deep growl to it. The silver and white smale studied the female infront of him, Leto.... She looked like she had wolf in her just like him... But her tail floofed out too much... Like the tail of a pomerainian... He cocked his head slighty before smiling and looking her over one last time with his shocking ice blue eyes. "I'm Steel by the way." He finally said with a slight wag of his long, bushy tail. He had only been in the pack for about a week... But he already knew the issue they faced... And all the names of the opposing "team" so to speak. ~~~ ((Addmin others in momentarily.))

8:13am Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx's tail swished back and foth confortably as she layed her head on her paws. She flicked her ears forward, then closed her eyes. "Just go talk to her...." She head. "The worst thing she can do it walk away...." Her eas adjusted so she could hear the whole conversation. Oh, so now Frost had someone now, she thought bitterly, but she continued to listen. Males were so...loud. "But I've never talked to her....What if I say something stupid?" Calyx was sure of it now. Frost had someone in mind. She dug he nails into the dirt. The vey thought of that other Shepherd with a dog other than he made her blood boil. but she continued to listen. "Dustin, honestly....I don't even think Calyx knows I exist." She choked on her breath and wound up standing and coughing. Frost liked her? Out of all the other pretty dogs? She probrably just head wrong. The only way she could know for sure is to walk over to them. She stretched her legs, got the remaining coughs out of her system, and stolled on over. "Dustin, Frost." She nodded to them before sitting beside Dustin. "Watcha talking about?"
8:46am Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Leto looked from one dog to the other, wondering what to say. Sage didn't seem too horrified about her crossing the border. But who cared? "Border-crossing party!" Leto barked happily, tail wagging. "'Course I know you, Steel. I know every dog in the pack." Leto grinned [dog can do that in this RP D<]. "Going up against Ketu would be my ultimate challenge. Imagine if I could defeat a pure-bred like him! He's a tough opponent, I'll bet." Leto's eyes shone at the thought of it, her tail slowly beginning to wag.
6:42pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 17,364
6:17am Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Bump ]]
8:14am Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( My gawd, where is everyone? ))
11:21am Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I dunno >_> -bump again- ]]
9:51am May 1 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( bamp. ))
10:29am May 1 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Sorry I took a long time to post) Litera raced after a squirrel. It was faster than her, but not by much. She growled at it. All it was doing was delaying its death. Litera could see that it was running for a tree. She bolted out in front of it, blocking the tree, and before it had time to turn around, she caught it between her jaws and snapped its neck. (Could I change Litera's name? I'm starting to hate it already :P) Ruko was asleep.
10:49am May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Is it too late to join? I'm really interested :3
10:52am May 1 2011
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Posts: 17,364
((Not at all. ^^ ))
11:21am May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Here I go then :3 Thanks! Name;Ivy Age; 2 years Gender; female Rank; Regular dog Breed; Mix Pack; Mixed/Mutts packPersona; Crush/Mate; Open - Looking Appearance; http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/Zeusie2/dogggy.jpg (Sorry for the Link) Name; Ace Age; 3 years Gender; male Rank; regular dog Breed; mix Pack; Mixed/Mutts Pack Persona; Very outgoing, and can sometimes greet the enemy. Not very bright, but he is very lovable.He can get on your nerves. He could get fiercly protective, though. Crush/Mate; Open - Looking Appearance; http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/Zeusie2/doggggy.jpg Thanks for letting me join! I'll start RPing after I read whats been going on.