My dæmon {Literate} will show {Roleplay} the way.

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1:05am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((yeah they are always the opposite..))


1:06am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036

OoC: Dream. Thank you. I forgot about that DX Is there anything else I've forgotten about? And yes, this is supposed to be accurate.


1:12am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Your daemon and persona must match. That is how your daemon knows what animal to settle on. Like if your char likes being told what to do and enjoys follow orders their daemon would be a dog))

1:20am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Yeah. :D I'll put them up on the first page. <3


1:34am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 776
ooc: I forgot about all that. Its been a while since i've seen the movie.


1:36am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Oh and the dæmon can only go a few feet away from the human. ;3 Forgot that one too.


1:37am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 776

Ooc: I actually remember that one. Only because o the ending of the movie when they were trying to extract the daemons from the kids.


1:41am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Ugh. ;x That was horrible. -shudders-


1:44am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Wahh T-T dont remind me))

1:49am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((yeah it was terrible..))


1:53am Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 2:15am Jul 26 2010)

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Posts: 2,036

OoC: I can start, I just need to recheck my characters xD

EDIT- Okay. I'm ready. :D

Phoebe walked through her new house, Carlie on her shoulder. Carlie was scanning every room, looking for intruders. Phoebe was looking too, but less thoroughly, focusing more on the ornaments, the photos, the old memories. She looked in all the drawers, finding secret rolls of cash, diaries, and clothes. "Look at this, Carls," She would occasionally murmur. Carlie would look quickly at what she was showing him, before looking back at the rooms.
"I need to concentrate," Carlie said, irritated, after the tenth time Phoebe had said it. She just rolled her eyes and flicked Carlie's nose with her finger. She had to bite her lip to stop laughing when Carlie wriggled his nose angrily.
"Sorry," She said. Carlie didn't reply. He had his nose in the air, sniffing.
"I smell something," Carlie said. He jumped off Phoebe's shoulder and ran off. Phoebe followed quickly, and Carlie soon stopped at a room they hadn't checked.
"Is someone in there?" She whispered. Carlie nodded silently. Phoebe scanned the room, and finally saw movement in one of the cupboards. One of the doors were moving slightly. Dawn appeared suddenly at Phoebe's side. She saw the movement straight away and gripped Phoebe's arm. Phoebe looked at her and held a finger to her lips. Dawn understood straight away and took a step forward. Phoebe did too, and Carlie walked silently to the door, Dawn's daemon, Cimmi, following. Phoebe wondered what to do.


2:10am Jul 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776
OOC: Okay. ^.^ I'll have to figure out what perminant form Anna's Daemon will be seeing she's almost 12.


2:12am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((i gtg..))


2:16am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: I edited my post. Cya, Amh. <3


2:22am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Bye Amh.
I'll wait for other people to post. Seeing how I know nothing about the book & haven't seen the movie. lol


2:24am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036

OoC: Did you read my post?


2:25am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Yep.


2:30am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 776

Annaleise giggled as she ran between two random houses chasing after a butterfly. "Anna...Please stop" a brown tabby cat called running after her. He panted slightly but managed to keep up with the child. "Anna. We need to get inside" he added pulling his ears back starting to get irritated. Annaleise stopped in her tracks and looked back at Zolo with a grin. "Its okay Zolo. Look no one is here" Anna smiled warmly petting Zolo's head.

Sighing Zolo looked around before flickering his tail. "That is what I am worried about, Anna" Zolo said before perking his ears glancing at the house a crossed the road. "We may not be alone after all" he said focusing on the house trying to see if he could hear voices from within.


3:00am Jul 26 2010

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Posts: 2,036

Phoebe took another step forward and suddenly the door opened, a young boy falling out. His clothes and face were dirty and his daemon sat on his shoulder as a sparrow. Phoebe and Dawn jumped back at the same time, their daemons hiding behind their legs. The boy jumped to his feet in surprise.
"I'm sorry," The boy cried, running past them into the hallway. Phoebe ran after him.
"It's okay." She said, grabbing his arm. He turned to her.
"I heard you come in. I hid."
"Why did you hide?" Phoebe asked.
"I - I..." Phoebe knew he didn't want to tell.
"It's okay, you can tell me."
"I took some money. Please don't tell anyone!" Phoebe considered it for a second. She knew he needed it, what with his clothes and dirty face. "Keep it," She said. "Now go." He nodded and disappeared. Phoebe walked back to where Dawn was standing.
"Poor kid." She said, and Dawn nodded.


3:14am Jul 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776

"Anna, did you hear that?" Zolo asked perking his ears and running to the edge of the road. "Zolo... what are you doing?" Annaleise asked following him to the edge of the road and looking both ways. "I don't see anyone. Maybe you were right, we should go to the house" Anna said stepping back, but stopped noticing the look in Zolo's eye. "Zolo please no" "Come on Anna. Its not dangerous" He called running a crossed the street to the front door of the house. Anna quickly ran after him and sighed sort of hidding by the wall. "I'm sorry. Here we can still go to the house if you wish" Zolo said noticing the slight fear in her eye. He curled up beside her purring. Annaleise picked him up and hugged him tightly backing away from the door. "No need to do that, Its safe" he sighed wondering who was inside and what exactly he had heard from a crossed the street.

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