2:14pm Jun 10 2010
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(eh? really? I know I probably mixed Lyra and Lydia up since im using Lydia in another rp but Kyra? that must have been a type -.- *searches furiously* btw, i gotta go, I'll post tomorrow, no time now)
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2:40pm Jun 10 2010
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((oh, im going too :P bye.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:44pm Jun 10 2010
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Book walk closely to Remael. Once he put his shirt on, Book changed back into a mongoose and climbed back onto his shoulder. "I want food!"she exclaimed
3:12pm Jun 11 2010
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"making your self rather comfy arnt ya book?" hikari said cheekily. she laughed. She turned round and looked at lyra. wow, she really is amazing. she thought to her self.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:43pm Jun 11 2010
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"Jealous?"she squeeked. "How about a kiss, pyro-chick?" Book wasnt going to leave from around 'her' boy's neck, but she did enjoy teasing the red haired girl.
6:22pm Jun 11 2010
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"Jealous? of a fuzzball? no thanks." She stared at book, then turned to face remael. "its not that i dont like you." she said defensively. "i just dont have feeling for you." she turned away and muttered under her breath. "unlike you neck cosy." quiet enough so book wouldn't hear.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:43pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
"Fuzzball?!"Book growled queit outraged. She leaped from her place on Remael and transformed into her girl form.
"I see its true what they saw about pretty girls. They are pretty until they start speaking."
4:34am Jun 12 2010
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(sorry for late post, my internet wouldnt work yesterday ^^) Remael watched the exchange between the both of them, stunned. One he had gathered his composure once more, though, he stepped forward. With expert skill, he placed himself between the two quarreling girls and stuffed a dried plum in each of thier mouths. A slight scowl was on his face, expressing his displeasure in ways words couldn't. --- Lyra nervously stood nearby, unsure of what to do. luckily, the mute, Remael, took action. Relief flooded her that Book and Hikari didn't get into an actual fight. That thought stopped there as her mind added the word 'yet' to the end of that sentence.
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6:00am Jun 12 2010
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Hikari stared at plum between her eyes. she bit into abit of it then started chewing. She looked at book then rolled her eyes. Phrases like she's the one who started it, and this plum could do with a little more flavour. where runnig through her head. her second thought was the strongest. sh she went over to her bag in the tree, and started rumaging around in it.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:26pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
Remael sighed in relief as Hikari backed down. He gave Book one last warning look before moving over to sit on a nearby rock. It was worn down to comfortable smoothness over the years and Remael often found himself sitting on it whenever he was tressed or needed to think. In this case, it was the former. He had always been alone, save for when he had been with his mentor. Now that there were other here with him, things were much more complicated and a headache was beginning to sprout behind his eyes. As he rubbed the bridge of his nose, he watched Hikari as she rummaged through her bag. --- Lyra relaxed as the tension faded. She moved over to where Hikari was clearly searching for something. she asked, "What are you looking for?"
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1:56pm Jun 12 2010
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Hikari looked up at Lyra with determination burning in her soul, she smiled. “Something to enhance the flavour. To make it more exotic.” Hikari pulled out several bags of white, brown, and the occasional green substances. She then removed a travel cooking kit with miniature pans that folded into one another, followed by a small camping cooker and a used candle. She placed the candle on the floor, and the cooker on top of it. She slid open a little hatch door in the side of it. She then placed two fingers either side of the candle. Hikari closed her eyes, and then concentrated. When she removed her fingers, a bright blue flame could be seen through the mesh. She smiled. “Remael, are there any apple trees, or something like that round here?” She asked eagerly.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:01pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
Looking up from his broodings, Remael nodded. he rose and walked off into the forest to where he knew was a wild fruit tree grove nearby, it was why his mentor had built his home here, of all places. --- Lyra, watched Hikari with awe, admiration sparkling in her eyes. With a gulp, she decided upon something and grabbed Hikari's hand without warning, pulling her off into the trees, saying, "i need to talk to you."
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2:48pm Jun 12 2010
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Whilst being pulled, hikari squinted her eyes ate the roaring blue flame, and then it dimmed to a normal candle flicker. she turrned her head and looked at lyra's hand holding hers, and thought of how soothing it felt.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:58pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
Once they were far enough away from the glade, Lyra released Hikari's hand. As she turned back to face her, she was blushing furiously. "I'm sorry I pulled you out like that, it's just...." She looked to the ground, scuffing her shoe against the ground.
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3:12pm Jun 12 2010
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Hikari looked puzzled at lyra, she could tell something was bothering her. she took her hand and lead her too a log a few inches behind her and jestured to her to sit down, and then she sat down beside her. "what is it?" she asked calmly.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:16pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
Lyra did sit down, but she didn't stay that way. Just like her urges to sing, she was feeling another urge, but it was one she hadn't felt before. Trembling slightly, her hand reached up to cup Hikari's face in her palm, a deep longing shining in her eyes.
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3:51pm Jun 12 2010
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Hikari was shocked and scared, though, unlike other times, she did not loose control over her ability. insted, she could feel the burning in her heart flutter, as it started to beat faster. there was an ikling in the back of her mind that new what was happening. the words repeating them selfs over and over agin in her mind where. Am I like that?
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:55pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
With a final, soft stroke of her thumb over Hikari's cheek, Lyra pulled away, looking down, then away. "So now you know how it is... If you want me to leave, I understand."
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4:05pm Jun 12 2010
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Hikari, for the first time was speechles. she had only met lyra not an hour before. a small tear rolled down right cheek before it vaporised. she quietly smiled then her energy came rushing back. she lept and hugged lyra then started giggling.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:10pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
Stunned, Lyra fell back, Hikari landing on top of her. Thier faces were suddenly very close and Lyra's heart gave a painful throb. her face turned cherry red and she looked away, embaras.sed.
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