11:47am Mar 30 2010
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"Who is Ivy?" Aurora asked. She knew that it must be annoying to have someone asking a question every time they spoke, but a lot of this stuff she wanted to know.
11:51am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Oh, she's right outside the door. The green one. I usually call her 'red' though, because of her red hair," She laughed. "Why not you talk to her abotu getting the party ready while I recruit this sour puss, 'kay?" Harly smiled at the other girl.
Isn't this fun?
12:13pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty looked at him "naaaa ill stay here im not a party person im more of a throw a grenade a someone who trys to drag me to a party type of person" she said giggleing.
12:15pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Well, that's exactly what we're doin'" Hasrly explained. "WEe don't paint our nails at our parties," She said with a smirk.
Isn't this fun?
12:26pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty looked at her "if i get down from here and are near you i will kill you in the most slowly and painful way i can think of and trust me i can think of alot of ways to kill you" she said in a dark and evil voice.
12:41pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 12:41pm Mar 30 2010)
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Aurora glared at Kirsty. She is even more insane then I thought! Aurora thought. Her blue eyes scanned over Kirsty trying to figure the strange girl out. She walked closer to the girl,"You are very interesting. I wish I could get in her mind. That would be fun." She said thinking of all the weird stuff this girl knows and has done. Her blond curls bounced around as her necklace fell off. She bent down to pick it up and instead reached for her boot and grabbed a hidden gun. She pointed it at Harly and frowned, "I don't want to hurt you, but I really need to get out of here." She said.
12:47pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty giggled "you know i bet the jester will rather kill her insted you know i would" she said laughing. "So if you want to get out become part of the gang and get him to trust you" she said to her before having a tail grow and moved it around laughing. ((shes gonna get the Joker name wrong for a while now lol))
12:51pm Mar 30 2010
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"That will take to long, plus I am not going to tell anything about this place so I don't even see why he doesn't trust me. Once I get out I will just forget any of this ever happened and never be curious about anything again." Aurora said trying not to be distracted. She knew that she would probably never escape, but it was worth a try.
12:53pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty pouted at her "awwww you want to forget me" she said pouting more "i thought we were friends we both hate the rag doll" she said meaning Harly.
12:56pm Mar 30 2010
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"I don't hate her. I just want to get out of here more then make friends." Aurora said annoyed by Kirsty. The girl was distracting her and she didn't like it.
1:02pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty shrugged "fine then meany mc mean pants" she said to her before rocking back and forth laughing as she had fun doing it.
1:05pm Mar 30 2010
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Aurora growled,"You can be very annoying at times." She stuffed Kirsty to the back of her head so all the was paying attention to was Harly and how she was going to escape.
1:12pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty shrugged "atleast im not trying to find a door in a hole" she said to her before playing around with her tail.
1:15pm Mar 30 2010
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Aurora growled tightening her grip on the gun. She wanted to shoot the annoying girl right now but, stopped herself knowing what her main plan was right now.
1:21pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty looked at Nightwing smiling "im bored" she said giggleing.
1:28pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 1:28pm Mar 30 2010)
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Aurora dropped the gun and turned to Kirsty,"Bored! I don't see how you can be bored!" She snapped, furious with the girl. Her face had nearly turned a deep red and she eyes had anger and hate in them. She shifted into a wolf trying to stop herself from ripping this girls throat out. No. You are not like them. You are the good guy here. She thought shifting back.
1:31pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty looked at her "why cant i?" she asked confused not effected by Aurora shifting into a wolf and back.
1:34pm Mar 30 2010
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"Because, there is a lot of stuff around you to keep you busy!" Aurora said. She was one to be known that always seemed bored but she didn't wine to others about it.
1:38pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty looked at her "erm yeah kind of stuck here not able to move" she said to her "im not as lucky to be down so theres not much i can do" she said in a duh tone.
1:43pm Mar 30 2010
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"Then instead of whining you should be trying to figure out a way to escape!" Aurora spat. She turned around and picked up the gun,"Do you want down from there?" She asked.