4:40pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Bullseye grinned. He shot the knife cutting her across the cheak,"Who I doesn't matter. I have come to see what Aurora has gotten herself into and who is this 'Harly' you speak of?" Bullseye asked.
4:45pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((can we say that Bullseye and Kirsty bumped into one another and where friendish?))
4:47pm Mar 30 2010
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((I guess so...))
4:49pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty could see outside the door smiling she could see Bullseye "hey look who it is its Bullsear hi Bullsear" she said giggleing as she waved abit.
4:54pm Mar 30 2010
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Bullseye turned to Kirsty. He smiled bursting into the door,"Hello Kirsty." He said he turned to Aurora,"I thought I smelt a hero around." Aurora looked at him blank, "How did you get my dagger?" She asked. "I stopped at your house for a visit but didn't find you but, I did find this nice weapon." He said. He pulled out a small knife from a pocket and threw it letting it land next to Aurora's neck. "You missed." Aurora snorted.
4:56pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty giggled "hahaha bullsnose missed" she said as she laughed.
5:02pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 5:03pm Mar 30 2010)
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Bullseye growled,"Say that again and I promise I wont." He snapped. Aurora narrowed her eyes. She pulled the knife from the wall next to her neck and shot it back at Bullseye who dodged it before it got a foot close to his face. Bullseye caught it in his hand with out getting sliced.
5:05pm Mar 30 2010
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Kirsty giggled "awwww you know im joking bullsmouth now give me a hug" she said smiling as she laughed.
5:08pm Mar 30 2010
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Aurora couldn't help but laugh. Bullseye grunted. He threw the knife at Aurora letting it land in her arm leaving a deep wound. He turned over to look at Nightwing, Harly, Kirsty, and Ivy. He smiled a little shy and looked back at Kirsty, "So why are you tied up?" He asked looking at the chains.
5:13pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty giggled "because jester thinks ill run away and im upside down because i was bored and asked them to for me" she said laughing before making two new arms "now come here and give me a big hug i havent seen you in ages not since whats his name dare dare dare oh i cant remember blindy hero" she said laughing.
5:18pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 5:21pm Mar 30 2010)
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Toby growled, shaking his head. He grabbed Aurora by the hair, his hand at her neck, and a knife in his face. "Listen, I happened to learn a lot from my father, especially how to tell a story. Wanna know how he got his scars." He laughed mercilessly. "Hey, I'm Nightwing." He added, giving Bullseye a glance over his shoulder.
5:41pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Nightwing, what do I do with him?" She questioned, crossing her arms, barely fased by the knife weilder as he plants grabbed and tried his hands, renderign him immobile.
Isn't this fun?
5:45pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(You didn't reply to meh. DX)
Isn't this fun?
6:30pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Sorreh.)) "Let's just go..." Jack groaned, his head in his hands. -- "Keep an eye and a vine on him, is all." Toby commanded, grinning at the man. "Don't mind her, she's just so.. Fiery," He flirted with her, winking as he twirled his knife.
6:38pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty looked at him "whos firey?" she asked him confused then looked more "hey wheres jester got to?" she asked.
6:50pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"No, Ivy's fiery. Joker's gone with Alex." Toby explained, bored. "I'm bored. We should do something."
6:53pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty nodded "me too hey can you move me to different rooms?" she asked him trying to think of things that could keep them entertained.
7:58pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Maybe later, I'm too bored to move." Toby yawned. "I would take a nap, but my dad'll kill me."
8:19pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Ivy tilted her head. "...Fiery...?" ______ "...This is it?" Alexis questioned, bending over the plant. "Yes," Crane said, eyeing Alexis. The plant was nothign like explained. It looked like a Venus fly trap...A big one, and it had a spiked sack in the middle ov it. "This is the first of three more," Crane said. "So, it would be easy. Just reach in and-Ow!" "I must admit, for someone who is known for his brains ans clever as$as$in skills, that was pretty stupid of you," Crane said, lookign at the plant that had bitten onto Alexis' hand. "..Oh, shut up, I used to grow these things for my step-father...Never held on this tight though," He grumbled, yankign his hand out, his skin ripped up and a nasty wound that would probably need stitches. "Okay, it's open, Scarecrow, get to milkin'" He grumbled, taking his shirt off, to wrap around the wound. "Shouldn't you go to a hospital?" "No, I'll be fien until then, just milk it, already," He said, lookign back down at the tank top he was wearing, momentarily. It read "End it' on the front. "That's a bit redundant..."
Isn't this fun?
8:19pm Mar 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,557
Ivy tilted her head. "...Fiery...?" ______ "...This is it?" Alexis questioned, bending over the plant. "Yes," Crane said, eyeing Alexis. The plant was nothign like explained. It looked like a Venus fly trap...A big one, and it had a spiked sack in the middle ov it. "This is the first of three more," Crane said. "So, it would be easy. Just reach in and-Ow!" "I must admit, for someone who is known for his brains ans clever as$as$in skills, that was pretty stupid of you," Crane said, lookign at the plant that had bitten onto Alexis' hand. "..Oh, shut up, I used to grow these things for my step-father...Never held on this tight though," He grumbled, yankign his hand out, his skin ripped up and a nasty wound that would probably need stitches. "Okay, it's open, Scarecrow, get to milkin'" He grumbled, taking his shirt off, to wrap around the wound. "Shouldn't you go to a hospital?" "No, I'll be fien until then, just milk it, already," He said, lookign back down at the tank top he was wearing, momentarily. It read "End it' on the front. "That's a bit redundant..."
Isn't this fun?