6:28pm Mar 31 2010
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Kirsty pouted "he didnt die hes alive just hurt" she said to him before shifting into a bat and covering herself with her wings.
6:30pm Mar 31 2010
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"That's not what his pulse said when I checked him. Dead. D-E-A-D."
6:37pm Mar 31 2010
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Kirsty tucked in her wings so that no one would see her tears she didnt hurt the man enough to kill him not any of her personalities ever killed because it makes her depressed to see someone die and also gives her flashback of when her parents where killed and she was raped and drugged. Some of the many things that made her as crazy as she is.
6:48pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((xD, does she still have a rape baby?)) "Yes, you killed him."
6:50pm Mar 31 2010
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Aurora growled. Good girl my butt. She thought. She sat down and leaning against the wall. Aurora yawned closing her eyes. She felt very uncomfortable with the hard floor digging into her and her bloody shirt sticking to her skin.
6:56pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((yes the baby is at her hide out lol)) Kirstys eyes went wide as the flashbacks started letting out screaches as she started thrashing around trying to get loose trying to get away from the killer/raper she turned human her eyes open wide "get awaqy leave them alone" she screamed out before screaming more "leave me alone get off me" she screamed louder thrashing around more as if trying to get someone off her.
6:58pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((XD)) "You wanna clean up those wounds?" Toby asked Aurora, new found sympathy in his voice. "I'm sure Harley has clothes to your liking." He added, before running to Kirsty. "Calm down, Kirsty. Nobody;s hurting you."
7:01pm Mar 31 2010
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Kirstys eyes seemed distant as she screamed more thrashing around "leave me alone get off me stop" she shouted more thrashing more making the chains dig in her wrists and legs causing them to bleed.
7:02pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 7:03pm Mar 31 2010)
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Aurora nodded,"I guess so." She said getting up. She looked down at her once white shirt and frowned. She looked up at Kirsty seeing the blood run down her wristes.
7:05pm Mar 31 2010
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"CALM DOWN!" Toby yelled, trying hard not to push into her mind and knock her out, not to abuse his powers. Plus, he'd be delirious for a while if he did it too long.
7:10pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Sorry..." He muterred. "Great, now I feel bad again...." It took them the longest to get to the final one, but it took the least time to dethorn and remove the sack. "Great, let's get otu of here. My hands drippin' like a rednecks sink, and I'll bet you-" Alexis was cut off by an echo. "I can smell it? I've been waiting...." Alexis turned around just in time to see John Crane get pulled down into the sewer water. "Dr. Crane!" Alexis was able to say before the platform Crane was on went flying at Jack and Alexis. "Damn it! Alexis rolled out of the way, accidentally sticking his bleeding hand on a weak spot of wood, leading it to fall into the sewer water. "Gah!" He breathed removing the bloody towel and throwing it into the water, to examine his hand that was covered in blood, and was still bleeding perfusely, adding to new stinging. "Jack, let's get the hell out of here!" He finally said, looking around. He didn't see Jack of the platform that was tossed on them, but looked back into the water to see his bloody shirt getting taken down into the water by a reptile claw. "Oh, god, please tell me you didn't go into the water...." He mumbled, looking at where he was standing. "I got my extra lunch...You can go now...." He said, refferign to Crane, before his presence disappeared.
Isn't this fun?
7:12pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty thrashed not hearing him or anything to her she was back there back when her parents died seeing them die all over again and feeling herself being raped all over again over and over and over reliving it soon she came back looking around she paniced "i have to leave i have to go he'll be back he'll be after me again" she said moving around more trying to get the chains to put her down she had to leave to get her children she had to keep them safe.
7:12pm Mar 31 2010
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"Don't feel bad." Jack said awkwardly. He growled when Crane was pulled through, jumping into the rancid water. He grabbed Crane, kicking the Croc in the face in the process. "I'm gonna need you." He laughed, jumping back onto the platform, Crane in hand. "Let's go!"
7:16pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis only nodded, lookign at the unconcious Crane. "..Jeeze...." He only glanced at the map, then darted off. "This way, I knwop how to get otu of here!"
Isn't this fun?
7:31pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Quickly!" Jack yelled obviously having fun. "We should do this more often" He laughed.
7:48pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Yes, I love havign searing pain in my hand, you should try it!" He yelled back. It was surprisingly fast getting to the manhole leading out. After climbing out Three people saw Jack, unconcious Crane and a very pale Alexis shaking his prefusely bleeding hand viggerously. "Soemone get a bus!" One yelled, and a woman wlaked over to Alexis. "We are the nurses, and we just got off break. Lucky us. What happeend to you three?" Alexis glared from Jack to the nurse. "Aw, hell....Well, I can't answer the b itch!"
Isn't this fun?
7:50pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol i cant post anymore look at my past post lol))
8:35pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((KK)) "Listen, how about you get shut up and get a bus. I don't think you nurses know how to repair a brain when hot lead is pumped through it." Jack said through gritted teeth. "I have, trust me." He thought to his son, grinning. ((Anyone here seen The Punisher: War Zone?)) "Calm down, no one's out to get you," Toby cooed reas.suringly, gently bringing her down so that she was upright.
8:48pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,557
'Hey, Red, why not we go into the basement?" Harly sudgested. "No. I don't want to...Right now, I need to keep my baby from killing this man..." She sighed, petting one of the outstreched vines. _____ A bus was brought for Crane. and another nurse was makign a grab for Alexis' hand, which he didn't give. "Sir, your hand is going to fall off if you don't let me stitch it. Please come into my office, where I can do that," Alexis glared at him, unti lthe man turned to Joker. "He's with you, obviously, does he have any immediat family, or guardians that will give me permission to work on his arm?" He qeustioned, obviously believign Alexis was underage. "Why do peopel insist on touching me friggin' hand?!" He thought to himself.
Isn't this fun?
8:57pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"No, you can't touch his hand. If he doesn't want you to touch it, so be it. I'll look at it when we get back to where we were headed." Jack said, taking his mask off and grinning at the nurse's yelp. ((Lol, why do you always put "Harly"?)) "The baby can mess with him, just no killing. I'm pretty sure Z knows Dad."