8:26am Apr 2 2010
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"Okay, listen kids. I'm here to bring you to your mom." Toby sighed, closing the door and flicking the lights on as he roamed through the house.
8:33am Apr 2 2010
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The older twin turned human and glared him "wheres our mother?" he asked him not letting his sister turn human to keep her safe.
8:54am Apr 2 2010
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"In my house. She's scared about you two, and I offered to come. You're safe with me. I'm sure you've seen me on T.V before," Toby explained, his mask appearing on his face. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not like your father."
9:07am Apr 2 2010
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The sister turned human and stood next to her brother "mother has this place hidden only she would know about it lets go with him" she said before walking over to him and lifted her arms up for him to carry her. the brother followed her but just stood there. ((ill make their bios now XD))
9:19am Apr 2 2010
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Name: Grant/ Jessica Gender:male/ female Age: 2/2 Species:shapeshifter Personality:he is cold and protective over his sister when their mum is gone but when their mum is around he is clingy to her./ she is a happy child and has a smile on her face close to all the tim. Crush:nope Boyfriend/Girlfriend:nope History:they havebeen on the run with their mum to hide from their father who they never knew. Looks:  
9:19am Apr 2 2010
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((Okey.)) Toby picked her up, holding her like a toddler should be held. "Listen, you two are gonna ride me, so hold on tight." He added, placing the girl on her feet and stripping off his shirt. His body contorted into a dire wolf, the largest wolf there ever was. "C'mon," Toby said, kneeling so that they could climb on him.
9:44am Apr 2 2010
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Jessica climbed onto his back as Grant climbed on behind her without saying anything. "thank you for comeing to get us for our mommy" she said smiling.
10:34am Apr 2 2010
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"It's no problem. You're mom was throwing a fit, anyway." Toby laughed, gathering up on his haunches and leaping out of the door. He sped up, moving faster than the human eye could see. "Almost there," He called back to them, as the bend to the hideout came into sight. "I want you to meet someone..." He added, as he thought of his father. ------ Meanwhile, while everyone was busy, Jack was in his oversized room, blasting music and outright jamming. He banged his head, his hair swinging in crazy directions. "Well, I know a thing about contrition, Because I got enough to spare. And I'll be granting your permission, 'Cause you haven't got a prayer. Well I said hey, hey hallelujah, I'm gonna come on sing the praise. And let the spirit come on through ya, We got innocence for days!
Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell, Everybody burn the house right down.
And I say, hey (hey) What I wanna say Tell me I'm an angel, Take this to my grave. Tell me I'm a bad man, Kick me like a stray. Tell me I'm an angel, Take this to my grave.
(S-I-N, I S-I-N, I S-I-N, I S-I-N, I S-I-N, I S-I-N, I S-I-N, I S-I-N)
You play ring around the ambulance, like you never gave a care. So get the choir boys around you, It's a compliment, I swear. And I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down, I wanna hear you sing the praise, I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down, We got innocence for days!
Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell, Everybody burn the house right down. " He sang, the heavy b*censored* throbbing off his walls like heart beats.

10:37am Apr 2 2010
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Jessica and Grant jumped off his back walking to the door their head tilted lke little pups.
10:52am Apr 2 2010
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Toby shifted back, his shirt in hand. He unlokced the door, pushing them in. "There, I told you they'd come." --- "Fake it, If you're out of direction, Fake it if you don't belong here. Fake it, If you feel like infection. Woah-oh-oh I'm such a f*ckin' hypocrite," Jack sang, laying on his bed, eyes closed.
11:27am Apr 2 2010
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Kirsty looked at the twins happily still tied up. Grant looked at his mum before looking at Toby "why is she tied up" he said with a growl.
12:09pm Apr 2 2010
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Toby growled back, not fazed by the boy. "Watch your tongue, or my father'll remove it himself." He sneered, glaring at the boy. "She's tied up because Dad said so."
12:53pm Apr 2 2010
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Grant looked at him "get her down NOW" he shouted at him he wanted his mum to hold him.
3:41pm Apr 2 2010
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Toby snarled, grabbing the boy and picking him up by his neck. He lifted the boy a good three feet into the air, rage in his eyes. "Watch yourself, boy. You are nothing but a mindless mutt, stepping up to the purebred killer." He sneered, tightening his grip around his neck. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to let him know who's boss. "Let him go, Toby." Jack said, appearing by the door, leaning against the frame. "But-" Toby stuttered, fear striking his eyes. "No buts. No children." Jack replied, nonchalantly, though the threat was evident in his tone and posture. Toby shakily let the boy down, looking fearful up to his father. Jack instead turned to the boy, a look in his eyes that would give Hades nightmares. "Now you listen here, kid. I tied your mom up. Big deal. You watch that yappy little mouth of yours, because I will hurt you if I please. I run things around here, not you. You are nothing to what I can do, and you never will be. Got that?" Jack snarled, his voice low and dangerous.

1:18am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis finally came up from the basement. "Nobody touch anything down there. Seriously. It will kill you," He warned non-chalantly. "Oh, Harley, on the desk next to the vial of red liquid is my sunglas$es, can you get them?" He questioned, as the girl stood up. "Certainly!" She said near-skipping down the stairs. "But, Alexis, you don't own a pair of-....." "I know," Alexis smirked to Ivy's look of discomfort. "Seeing as you all look busy, I'm giving Arkham's wrestler a visit. I'll be back in probably two hours," He said grabbign his coat, and heading for the door. "But you haven't even been back for twenty minutes, and this is the first tiem you've been here all day, why not stay a bit longer?" "If I wait much longer, unless I add a gelatin-like base to it, the plant's liquide will evaporate, then I'll have to go back into the sewers and stand that god[awful smell...Ugh, Gonna take the chance. Besides, Nightwing'll still be here," He said. "Let me go with you, then," Ivy said, grabbign into Alexis' good hand. "...." The uncomfortable silence was roken by Harley humming and walkign up the stairs with a pair of sunglas ses. "Here ya go, 'Lexy!" Alexis stared at her in disbeleive, then took them. ".....Dear god.....I thougth she'd be dead by now...." (SO MEAN! XD)
Isn't this fun?
1:26pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((LOL)) "Um, Alex, you're not going anywhere." Jack said, looking over his shoulder at him. "Damn right you're not." Toby laughed, though the honesty was evident in their eyes. "Toby, go add that base," Jack instructed, as he flew down the stairs.
1:29pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I have no idea what is going on...What is going on!!?!!))
1:34pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:55pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol. Just read parts of it, nothing big's going on. Ugh, where's Kia??)
8:55pm Apr 3 2010
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12:55am Apr 4 2010
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(Ha, I remembered my iPod this time! >:D And Happy Easter. ^^) "..Well, I guess it doesn't matter, the sdtuff's stabalized," He said, slipping his coat back off and hanging it back up. "Oh, this is awsome, I didn't think you'd stay, you never do when we try to convince you!" Harley said walkign over to Alexis. "Yeah...Uhmm...Harley, why not you nd Ivy go, and, uh...Uh....Clean the basement or something?" "But we already did!" Harly winned. "This idiot, I just told her soemthign that will potentially kill her is down there..." "Why not we leave these three alone, Harley? Let's go shopping or something, okay?" "Oh, fine, Red. Bye, 'Lexy!" Harley said hugging him, making him tense before skippign out, nbear-dragging Ivy. "On secodn thought, I'll slip a vial under their pillows...." Alexis mumbled as an afterthought. "Hot damn, haven't had thias much fun in years! (I've noticed the bigger your boobs are, the harder it is for you to cross-dress. -_-')
Isn't this fun?