9:49am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Good, kid. The first one is silence. The third one's a dollar, because it had four quarters. Fourth is stockings. Fifth is an echo. Sixth is me. Just kidding, it's a Preacher. Seven is few. Eight is a lie. Nine is 'E', you cheater." Jack joked, listing them off.
11:12am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"I'm good with riddles," He smriekd, crossing his arms. "Now that your all done hurting my brain, I need to get an experiment to test Titan on," He said standing up (Good news, everyone. I can open spaghettu-O's cans with my teeth. Bad news is, you can chip your tooth easily. X__x;;;)
Isn't this fun?
11:12am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"I'm good with riddles," He smriekd, crossing his arms. "Now that your all done hurting my brain, I need to get an experiment to test Titan on," He said standing up (Good news, everyone. I can open spaghettu-O's cans with my teeth. Bad news is, you can chip your tooth easily. X__x;;;)
Isn't this fun?
11:15am Apr 10 2010
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((Lol. I am going to have to read the last few pages...I am really lost right now.))
11:21am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Alright.)) ((I can now open soda cans with my teeth because I chipped a tooth.)) "Alright. Hey, where's your newest pet?" Jack said mischievously, grinning madly
12:24pm Apr 10 2010
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((Okay, I have a pretty good idea what is going on now. I think I might add Jade...*Evil grin*))
12:32pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 12:38pm Apr 10 2010)
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Name:Jade Hawk Gender:female Age:15 Species:Werwolf Personality:Most people think she is a sociopath, but she doesn't have a heart...It is just really hard to get to. She has stuffed up all her emotions and stuffed them to the deepest corner of her mind making it nearly imposible to get to them. Crush:None Boyfriend/Girlfriend:None History:She told me...But it probably is all just a lie. Looks: Human Form: 
Wollf Form:
Other:Her and Aurora were sister that were split apart growing up. They both think the other one is dead. Oh and she is evil.
4:33pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Oh, seth?" He questioned, then whisteled. A cute black puppy came bounding into the room, and ran over to Alexis, who looked at it. "Uh...He's trained to go outside...." (Lol, I find it easier to open soda cans over spaghetti-O's anyway. XD
Isn't this fun?
5:47pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. I can't open either with my teeth...)) Jade look inside through the window. Yes, he is here. She thought watching Bullseye. She grinned and knocked on the window. She turned her attention to the other people. It will be easy to get inside, but getting back outside is something I have to worry about. Aurora had fallen asleep. She was laying against the wall that she had woken up against when she first got here.
6:28pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol, Snaky. I just tried it because I saw it on Tv)) Jack's head snapped up, as he growled loudly. He darted over to the window, smashing his hand through it and dragging the girl inside. "Toby, watch." He ordered. Toby yipped happily, growling at the girl. "Name?" He snarled out. "C'mere, Seth. I have some experiments." Jack laughed haughtily.
6:38pm Apr 10 2010
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Jade looked up at Toby. "Erm...Jade." She answered still a little shocked about being dragged through the window. It was easier getting in here then I could ever imagine. She thought. She giggled remembered her big plan to of how she was going to get in.
6:43pm Apr 10 2010
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"Trust me, it won't be so easy getting out now." Toby growled out. "I'm Toby. The man who dragged you in was the Joker. That's Alex, Aurora, Bullseye, though you already knew that, and Kirsty and her kids." Toby pointed out.
6:43pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Uh..What are you gonig to do..?" He qeustioned, lookign as the puppy wagged it's tail and bounded after Jack. "Oh, jesus," He grumbled. (What about the other RP's? D:>)
Isn't this fun?
6:47pm Apr 10 2010
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((I posted in the other Rps.)) "Nothing major..."Jack laughed. "Promise."
6:57pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(No, you didn't DX) "What kind of...Oh, damn. Seth, hold on, I'm commign with you for whatewver gruesom thing Grandpa Joker;s got in store for ya," He said "It's this, then back to my specimen for Titan///"
Isn't this fun?
7:00pm Apr 10 2010
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Jade laughed,"I figured it wouldn't be all that easy getting out anyways." She looked over at the Joker, "Joker, eh? I know you...Of course I am sure everyone knows you but not as well as I do." She narrowed her eyes.
7:02pm Apr 10 2010
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((Which other ones?)) "No no, you stay here with your brother or you do that Titan thing." Jack commended, growling lightly.
7:03pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
The vines slowly wrapped around Jade, renderign her limbs useless, teightenign almost painfully upsidedown.
Isn't this fun?
7:04pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"What?.....Whatever," Alexis growled, going int othe basement....
Isn't this fun?
7:08pm Apr 10 2010
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Jade looked down at the vines,"Erm...What is going on?" She asked feeling the vines grow tighter. She tried to wiggle around but only felt the vines grow even tighter.