7:11pm Apr 10 2010
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"Good boy."
1:32am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557
After twenty minutes in the basement there was a loud banging noise, and screamign that didn't belogn to Alexis. There was the sound of thrashing, and breaking, and now what appeared to have been grunting, and a struggle. "Hey, Toby, get your as s down here!" He called before there was the sound of a disgusting crunch and the door to the basement being flung open and Alexis getting tossed against the wall. "Nevermind, I'll come to you. @_@' " He mumbled, standing up. "Oh, by the way, Titan works better than expected, but we'll need to work on it. Right now, the specimin is caged, and thanks to me, armless, but I'll need an experiment..Where does dad keep that extra injection of Joker gas...." He muttered, rummaging through the cabinets.
Isn't this fun?
12:02pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Here," Toby laughed, handing it to him. "I always keep one, just in case. Now, what the f*ck is that?"
8:11pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"The scientist is busy, no peeking," Alexis said taking to vial of potantially lethal substance, and going back into the hallway, and down the stairs. (Oh, hell, I think we all know what's gon' happen. XD)
Isn't this fun?
8:13pm Apr 11 2010
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((Not me, comepletely lost xD)) "I wanna see!" Toby yelled giddily, running after Alexis. He jumped over him, surveying the scene in front of him. "Whoa..."
8:34pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557

You ruined the surprise..." Alexis muttered, glarign at the creaturee in the cage. "It regrew the arm..."
Isn't this fun?
5:17pm Apr 12 2010
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"Eww," Toby said, wrinkling his nose.
8:47pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Anyway, think of these guys runnign gotham at our command? I need to tinker with them, but pretty cool? Now go away, scientist at work, you nosey puts," He said turning his brother around and pushign him up the stairs and out of the room. "Don't lwet anyoen coem down here until I'm finished, I have some finishign touched before dad sees!" He said slamming the door. (I think I'm, addicted to Sulfur. DX Skipknot is kewl. XD One of my personal favorate bands is Skillet. My top two favorate by them are Comatose, and Monster. Ever hear of them> They are pwnsome. ^_^')
Isn't this fun?
8:26pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Yes, sulfur is cool. I lurv SlipKnoT.))
11:30pm Apr 14 2010
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Twenty minutes later, Alexis came back upstairs, his shirt nearly ripped off, nearly covered in blood, and looking rather blased with himself. "I almost lost my head, no pun intended, but I think I've perfected it....Where's dad and Seth?" He asked sitting on a chair, almost collapsing, holdign a deep cut on his shoulder, apperently to much into the adrenaline to even care abotu the wounds or to even be in pain.
Isn't this fun?
3:21pm Apr 15 2010
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Suddenly, barks and yips were to be heard, slightly blocked by Jack's laughter. "Damn dog,"
3:47am Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Jack ,what are you doing to Seth...?" Alexis asked, standign up, and walkign towards the door he saw Jack go through and knockign on it hard. "Hey, open up..."
Isn't this fun?
6:14pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Come in," Jack called over the yapping of the dog, as he spraayed him with yet another one of his potions. "Shut up, mutt."
6:45pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Just get to the basement when you get the chance. I need a shower..." He grumbled the last bit. (Jellin' about my litteracy? xD)
Isn't this fun?
8:59pm Apr 17 2010
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(I knwo the perfect htign to do here! >D)
Isn't this fun?
9:23pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol, sure, shoot.)) "Alright, but I'm waitin' 'till you come out." Jack grumbled back, spraying the dog down with warm water.
9:57pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(What if Alexis' step-father had a daughter nobody knew about, and Alexis' mother didn't really die...?) About an hour later, Alexis came out of the shower, wearign his jeans and towel drying his hair. "You want to check it out, now dad?" He questioned, lookign at the door. It sure got quiet, even for that loud dog. (xD)
Isn't this fun?
9:59pm Apr 17 2010
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((Omg, genius!!)) "Sure. Oh, and the dog's just resting." Jack laughed at his ex pression, following him down the stairs.
10:09pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I thought it woudl be cool, because they never really talk about Alexis' and the only thign they know is his father was a rapist pedophile. XD) "Uh..'Kay...." He said follwoing Jack down. "I finally tamed it, but that used to be one of your goons," He laughed. "And you'll need to get me a lot more Joker gas, if I'm to make more....It's very difficult, and gut wrenching, but it can be done," He said as an albino ferret padded up to Alexis and stood on it's hind legs to be picked up. Alexis picked her up, and began pettign her. "Oh, I named her Sugar. Isn't she cute?" (Oh, hell no. NOT THE FERRET! Dx)
Isn't this fun?
10:23pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Aww, how cute.." Jack mimicked, grabbing the ferret. "I wonder how the now rabid dog will like it," He laughed, running up the stairs.