10:27pm Apr 17 2010
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"Jack ,wait, what the fu-" He saw cut off y the doorbell ringing. "Goddamn it, Toby, get the door, please..." He growled. (NOT THE FERRET, NUUUU! DXXXXX)
Isn't this fun?
10:33pm Apr 17 2010
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((Lol!!)) "No! You get it, lazy bum..." Toby growled back, shoving chips into his nouth ((Total pwn win.)) Jack giggled excitedly, running through the house.
11:27pm Apr 17 2010
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"Lazy As s!" He growled, walkign to the door, openign it and growing. "What do you want?!" He gasped, taking a step back, seeing a girl he knew he had never seen before, yet seemed so farmiliar. She was skinny, and pale, and a little sharter than Alexis. She had sandy blond hair and blue eyes. She looked to be about three or four years yougner than Alexis. "...Brother..?" She asked, makign Alexis gasp, shuttign the door. "STALKER! DX AND SHE LOOKS LIKe JACK!"
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11:27pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Lazy As s!" He growled, walkign to the door, openign it and growing. "What do you want?!" He gasped, taking a step back, seeing a girl he knew he had never seen before, yet seemed so farmiliar. She was skinny, and pale, and a little sharter than Alexis. She had sandy blond hair and blue eyes. She looked to be about three or four years yougner than Alexis. "...Brother..?" She asked, makign Alexis gasp, shuttign the door. "STALKER! DX AND SHE LOOKS LIKe JACK!"
Isn't this fun?
11:36pm Apr 17 2010
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"What?" Jack yelled, dropping the ferret on the couch ((He's not that mean xD)) "Dude, don't open the door again," He pleaded, jumping over the couch.
1:33am Apr 18 2010
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"Who was that girl, and why did she look so much like you?" He asked, hsi heart pounding, and he shook a little. 'W..Why'd she call me 'brother';?" The doorbell rang again,. and he turne aroudn to open it, this tiem yankign the slender girl in. "...Alexis..." She said weakly. "...I thought you'd be dead for certain..." She said ookign down. "Who are you? How do you knwo my name?!" He almost yelled, glarign at her. "...I'm Ghost. And my mother, Maria, told me a little about you..." "...Maria...? No..No, she's dead, and she's my mother! She never had anothert child!" "She took me away when we were children. I'm your older sister," She explained, voice soft, lookign at him gently. I...I refuse to beleive that! I'm his child!" He said, pointing at Jack, then then ran a hand thorugh his hair several times nervously, wantign to pace. "Your not, Alexis....You look nothign like him...You look liek your father...He's your step-father," She looked at Jack. "NO!" Alexis shouted. "My step-father was a pedophile!" "No, Alexis....Mom saw what he did to you, when I was ten, and she took me away, when you were five. .....She didn't let me get hurt," "I don't beleive it!" Alexis dismissed "How does she knwo so much abotu me, and why would she be making this up?!"
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12:18pm Apr 18 2010
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"Liar!" Jack screeched, grabbing her by the neck. "I am his father, I conceived him, and he changes to prove that," He seethed, his body shaking "Get. Out."
12:41pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Not true!" She said. "And my mother is here to prove it! I'm your daughter, and Alexis is his son!" She said, grabbing his hands around her throat. "You can admit we at least look alike, right?!" She said raising her voice. "It's true....I look like him.....Not Jack...." The door opeend again, and a woman stood there with long, silver hair and violet eyes, looking at the scene, she was buatiful, and looked young. But it was impossible, because Alexis recidnised her right away. "..What...""
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2:07pm Apr 18 2010
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"Nope, nope. The DNA said so," Jack snarled, shaking his head as his hand tightened around her throat. "He's not his dad, the Council said so, and I can't have girls." ((I dun liek where dis is going...))
2:13pm Apr 18 2010
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"Just because you are confused doesn't mean you need to strangle my daughter," The woman said, walking in and lookign at Alexis. "Hello, son," She said, tilting her head. "...M.....Maria?" He asked. "I'm your mother, no need to call me by first names," She said before Alexis disapeared from the room.
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6:31pm Apr 18 2010
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"Shut up," Jack sneered, tightening his hand further. "I shall do as I please, just like I did with you." He spat.
8:41pm Apr 18 2010
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"I think instead of beign childish, and killign what you believe is a 'problem,' why not we either talk, or you can try and keep your son from committing suicide, which I beleive he's gonig to shoot himself in the head in about twenty minutes..." She said, checkign her watch. "Right now, he should be in the bathroom, hypervenalating....." She muttered.
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2:32pm Apr 19 2010
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"Well, he can't die... So no big deal." Jack chuckled, loosening his grip slightly. "But I don't want to talk to liars."
7:24pm Apr 19 2010
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"How do you know? On that note, how can you deny she doesn't look like you?" She questioned, crossing her arms, strands of golden silve falling over her shoulder.
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5:01pm Apr 20 2010
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"I'm not denying it, but maybe I have two children."
9:18pm Apr 20 2010
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"As the mother, you don't think I'd know who was born first, and whose child is which?" She sighed.
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10:03pm Apr 20 2010
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"As the father, you don't think I'd smell my blood in my children? You know as well as I do that that a sshole was human, and Lycans are only born when both parents are blood. The boy can shift. Can she?" Jack growled, tightening his grip on her throat in anger.
1:18am Apr 21 2010
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"Yes. She can. But the wierd thign is, though...She smells human," She said. "And have you even seen the boy shift? No, he has regenerative abilities to an extent. That's all even you;ve seen," She said. "Her, on the other hand..." "Really, so is that why you left me with him?" Alexis had returned, and was standing in the doorway, arms crossed, glarign at his mother. "She was better than me or something, so you left me, didn't you? Or was it because I was already gettign molested, you thought I'd become the same sick prick he was?" She looked at him, then back at the floor. "I have nothign to say about it," Was all. "Nothign to say....You lead me to think your dead, take a sister I didn't even know I had, and leave me with my step-father, knowing I was getting abused? Wow, your mother of the freaken year," "John..." She said. "Don't call me that! Never call me that! I'm Alexis! ALEXIS!" He shouted, slamming his fist against the door that was next to him, hardly realizing he had done so. "$hit. I knew I had forgotten something. That was my birthname, wasn't it? How coudl I forget?"
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5:25pm Apr 23 2010
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"I have seen him shift," Jack contradicted, taking a warning step towards her. "And watch your tongue with my son. Because I will rip you to shreds." He threatened. "You are mother of the year, though. I mean, you took the child you loved, and left the other to be damned into a world of sexual abuse, for no reason. You left him with that monster, to be raped and molested, because you wanted to leave. At least I came back, and took my son away from that man, and gave him the life he deserved. And you know as well as I that if he was that man's son, he would have no powers, not even healing." Jack pressed.
9:18pm Apr 23 2010
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"...But I've never shifted before....?" "I'll admit what I did was wrong. But I didn't do it because I loved Ghost. As we both know, we as sumed I was never impregnated. So, I left and six years later I met Michael. I never had sex with him, I was only dating him. Then I gave birth to Ghost. Who looks like you. I had no clue that she was your child, either. Then when we started having sex, and then I got Joh....Alexis," She cought herself, thinking "God, I hate that name, where did who get it to give it to him?" Then continued: "Who looks a lot liek Michael, with the exeption of green eyes. I was going to leave the both of them when I saw him molest the boy. But then, the thought crossed me that Ghost must have been your child, so I took her, and have been lookign for you. I don't knwo why he would think I had died...." She muttered, lookign at Alexis, who by this time was nervously pacing in the next room, his mind racign frantically, tryign to place memories, and old thoughts he worked so hard to keep repressed back in a little spoce in the back of his mind, but it was refusing to go.
Isn't this fun?