7:22pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Oh, we're kinda stuck until she posts. >_>' And post on our romane RP! DX Oh, I just noticed. :D They are father and son in here, too?)
Isn't this fun?
7:25pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty woke up seeing she was in the mans arms looking at him she tried to get out of his arms.
7:29pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm Mar 26 2010)
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Aurora didn't know what just happened. She saw a shadow flicker by and felt a sharp pain and everything went black. She gave a final yelp shifting back into a human. She was only unconscious for a few minutes then it all came back to her. A deep growl came from her throat as she woke up to see she was somewhere she didn't know. She shifted into a wolf feeling much more comfortable in this form. She blinked letting her eyes get use to the lighting and looked around."Where am I?" She asked confused but excited.
7:29pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
After getting the girl Alexis managed to carry her on his shoulder, and was abotu to open his mouth to tell Joker "For a skinny girl, she's heave!" Jokingly, but didn't even open his mouth, seeign the other girl awake.
Isn't this fun?
7:35pm Mar 26 2010
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Aurora growled seeing the other people now,"What is going on?" She demanded turning human again. She narrowed her eyes watching everyone very carefully. Her muscles tensed, ready for anyone to attack.
7:39pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack laughed, stepping into the shadows. When he came out, let's just say he wasn't human... "Calm down, sweet cheeks. You're in the Joker's hideout."
7:46pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty giggled before turning into a bird before flying away from him before turning normal.
7:47pm Mar 26 2010
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"And you want me to calm down!" Aurora asked sounding gloomy,"Joker? So you are that person who has been kid napping people?" She asked surprised even though she had just pretty much been kid napped herself. She didn't turn around to face the Joker or anyone else but simply looked straight at the wall. I knew I should have just stayed in my nice warm home...Now I am missing my favorite show. She thought bitterly.
8:12pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Damn...." Alexis thought to himself, noting the other girl flyign away. By this time he had gotten another call from Selena. "This is kind of important, do you still need me?"
Isn't this fun?
8:14pm Mar 26 2010
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"you can watch it here,"Jack offered, smirking. "you look... Trustworthy. You can have free reign on this house, aside from few spare rooms. As long as you don't leave, I won't hurt you." He added, promising her safety. "I don't like injuring women that much.. Okay, I'm lying about that, but not Shifters." He sighed, looking for his son. "Can you go get her again?" He asked, really demanding it.
8:18pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 8:19pm Mar 26 2010)
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"Why do you want me to stay?" Aurora asked suspiciously. She didn't trust him to keep his word about not hurting her, but she had good reasons not to.
8:23pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"This is gonig to be the most fun I've had all day...." Alexis said, a truly devious smirk that seemed almost impossible spread across his face, as he left the house. "Where to go, where to go...' He then realised. He saw a bird on top of the hidout. He smirked, grappling to the top of the hidout. He quickly grabbed the bird, and put it under his arm, whishign he was in more casual clothes to have better security. If he were talking to the other, he would have said somethign alogn the lines of: The Joker wants you. Deal with it, becasue there's no escape. But he wasn't talking...So :P
Isn't this fun?
8:48pm Mar 26 2010
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"Sure it is. Wait until I give you clean up duty for saying that.." Jack smirked. ((Phail))
8:57pm Mar 26 2010
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(Why? XD That wasn't sarcasm, he was happy he was going to hunt! XD)
Isn't this fun?
9:04pm Mar 26 2010
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((I know xDD)) "If you know anything about me, I'm a man of my word."
9:20pm Mar 26 2010
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"I still don't trust you." Aurora growled keeping herself from adding, 'I am not that stupid'. She watched as a small ant crawled up the wall and then disappeared into a crack. She sighed feeling a little uncomfortable sitting on the hard floor.
9:34pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
He broguth the girl back again, letitng her body hit the ground. She was unconcious, and Alexis looked a little more pissed than before. "Should we cuff her or something?" He thought humorously, then rolled his eyes when his phone started ringing. (Hello,moto! XD How awkward and unprofesional does that sound?)
Isn't this fun?
8:47am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi was now unconcious but she could still hear and feel everything the when she hit the ground it woke her up looking up at the she-man she growled before smiling and getting up to look around the room before looking over his sholder at what he was talking to just seeing abit of plastic and metal. ((she doesnt know what technoligy is))
12:01pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"You don't have to trust me," Jack said, sighing. "You just have to believe me. I'm a man of my word." He disappeared into shadows, returning to his Human form. He grabbed Kirsty by the neck, slamming her against a wall and taking out a series of handcuffs. "there are shape-cuffs. You know what they do? I put them on you now, and they conform to whichever animal you try to become, and their indestructible. So, you're not leaving." He sneered, laughing as he cuffed her hands to links in the wall, as he did her feet and neck.
12:07pm Mar 27 2010
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Aurora sat on the floor,"So, I am stuck here forever?" She asked. Her voice sounded more sad then usual. She sighed getting up and turning around to view the rest of the building. To her left she saw the one girl that appeared to be working with the Joker and to her right she saw a chained up girl. A sudden wave of fear hit her as she relized that she would only make things worse if she tried to escape.