12:11pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty looked at him and pouted like she was gonna leave anyway looking at the cuffs she tilted her head looking at them before pulling at them hmmmm i need the key she thought as she pulled on them.
12:51pm Mar 27 2010
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"No, you're not stuck here forever. Just until I know that I can trust you enough that if I let you out, you'll come back." Jack said, smirking. He turned to Kirsty, laughing. "There is no key. They open at my mind's command."
12:57pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty shrugged before giggleing changing her arms watching it change then changing it back before changing something else she then started laughing remembering about the grenades she had in her coat pants and everywhere else on her moving her fingers she smirked seeing the small hidden strings then you couldnt see but she could feel.
1:01pm Mar 27 2010
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((I forgot to put up Aurora's looks.O_o))
1:02pm Mar 27 2010
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Jack turned back, smelling the air. The grabbed his beloved knife, making three quick movements that sent Kirty's pants to the floor without damaging the grenades. "i'm gonna need those."
1:09pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty looked at him "you know if you asked i would of gave them to you" she said before smirking "i have more" she said grinning evily.
1:51pm Mar 27 2010
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"I don't ask for things," Jack growled. "And I'll find them."
1:53pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty shrugged "go for it it will keep you busy for about 2 hours or more because it takes me 2 hours to take them all off" she said grinning at him.
1:57pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Sorry. >_>' Also, Chance....I wanted to know....) Alexis for the first time that day let otu a smirk that seemed more like a psychotic giggle. His phone had finnaly stopped ringing. He liked watching what was going on... "Who are they?" The voice belonged to none of than Zsasz, who walked over from behind Alexis, making the other take several steps to the side, not lookign scared, but he hated beign anywhere near the psycho and his aura. "Oh, hey, are thye peopel we can play with?" Harley asked, the same sick smile she always bore. She looked at Kirsti, walking over to her. "Ohhh, you must have.."
Isn't this fun?
2:07pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 2:09pm Mar 27 2010)
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Kirsty looked at her and tilted her head "i have whatbi.tch?" she asked her.
2:12pm Mar 27 2010
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"It won't take me that long, stupid. You have no idea who or what I am." Jack smirked. "Yes, yes!" Jack giggled. "But don't touch Aurora. You can play with Kirsty all you like, Z." ((Yes, KiaPet??)
2:12pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 2:15pm Mar 27 2010)
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Aurora looked ovre at Kirsty. She didn't like being around people that were crazy and here she was probably around at least three of them. She was now wishing more then ever that she had stayed in her house and not even seen what was going outside,"How do you know my name?" Aurora asked alarmed.
2:12pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Harly smirked, and smacked her. "You must have really pissed, Joker off," She sneered. (Oh, by the way, I'm making Harly a psycopath here...You might actually liek her, Chance! XD)
Isn't this fun?
2:15pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Zsasz walked over to her, blade being held to the girl's neck, a sick smile on his face. "I'm going to have fun....." Alexis glared at Harley, and remembered what he had been wanting to ask Jack earlier. It didn't really matter to him right now, though. He figured he didn't need to do anythign for Jack, and he still needed to go on that date with Selena, and keep tabs on her. (Are you interested in an alternate Arkham Asylum? >:3)
Isn't this fun?
2:17pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty smirked before making a thrid hand come out of no where and it slapped her back "it not nice to slap people who could kill you before you bl ink" she said her voice started off happy before turning dark and evil at the end. She then suddenly smiled "and i havent pis.sed him off hes kinky" she said giggleing.
2:20pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Harly tilted her head a little confused, and Zsasz laughed, and grabbed the new arm, twistign it painfully and cutting it off with the knife. Harly laughed, and highfived Zsasz.(More she grabebd his hands and made a highfive, where he looekd at it curiously.) (I have to go, I'm at Amber's Birthday party! DX)
Isn't this fun?
2:24pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty smiled and closed her eyes before opening it and reparing the arms "do it again do it again" she said smiling like a little kid she really loved pain.
2:27pm Mar 27 2010
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Aurora blinked looking at Kirtsy. I need to get out of here! She thought starting to worry. She watched as Kirtsy had her arm cut off by Zsasz and then grew a new one,"What are you!?!" She asked not meaning to talk.
2:29pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty looked over at the girl and smiled a big smile "im a shapeshifter what are you?" she asked smiling.
2:40pm Mar 27 2010
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((Sure.)) Jack snarled, grabbing Kirsty's neck and twisting it painfully to the side. Not enough to kill her, but enough to break her neck and knock heer out. "Wow she's annoying."