2:45pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty didnt get knocked out "im not going asleep again im not tired" she mummbled her head down as her neck started reparing itself.
2:53pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Somethign Hillarious happeend at the party! XD) Harly walked over to Aurora. "Hiya, Toots,. I'm Harly Quinn. You?" She questioned, taking a hand out to shake. "Where did Alexis stomp off to now?" Zsasz mumled lookign around. He knew better than to hurt Alexis...Actually he had a question for the boy.
Isn't this fun?
2:53pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Somethign Hillarious happeend at the party! XD) Harly walked over to Aurora. "Hiya, Toots,. I'm Harly Quinn. You?" She questioned, taking a hand out to shake. "Where did Alexis stomp off to now?" Zsasz mumled lookign around. He knew better than to hurt Alexis...Actually he had a question for the boy.
Isn't this fun?
3:12pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Listen, I can and will shut off your healing abilities if you don't shut the hell up!." Jack sneered, driving a syringe into her neck, with horse tranquilizers in it. There was no way she'd be able to stay concious. ((Really, there is no way.))
3:24pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 3:35pm Mar 27 2010)
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Kirsty glared at him feeling drowzy "bastar....." she tried to say before she pas.sed out but this time when she pas.sed out she changed her skin became less pale her body changed to that of a normal human her normal form. ((this is what she looks like now. here))
3:31pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I can't see it. :/) (I can't really post anything. I guess he'll be on his date with Selena. XD Or, I can just make Crain appear....I keep forgettign his name, and I was to say 'Jashua, but I knwo it's not it! DX) Johnathan Crane. A scientist who was hard at work in his lab, laughign maniacly. He realized that his scare gas was gettign stolen. It bothered him greatly, but he had doezens more than what was beign taken, and all that was taken wsas enough for one person for up to three hours max. "A small price to pay...." He muttered.
Isn't this fun?
3:36pm Mar 27 2010
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((i put a link in it))
3:46pm Mar 27 2010
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Aurora looked at Harly,"I am, eh...Aurora." Aurora said feeling uncomfortable again. She looked at Harly's hand not knowing if she should shake it or not. She watched Kirsty fall unconscious and didn't feel as freaked out now that one of the crazy people wasn't awake. She looked back at Harly's and taking it a little uneasy and gently shook it.
3:54pm Mar 27 2010
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"I know I am." Jack laughed, the sound echoing through the big mansion.
3:55pm Mar 27 2010
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((lol wow i really cant post XD))
4:35pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"So, now that we know each other," She said sitting on the floor next to her. "How ya like it here so far? Might not seem all that fashionable at first, but trust me, it's great here!" _______ "You really can't talk?" Selena asked, lookign at him, head tilted, a large smile planted on her face. "Maybe if you took off some of that make up? People might warm up to you a little. You really are a handsome boy, even though everyone tinks your a girl, ya know," She said with a bit of A giggle. "Shut the hell up, already....." Even thoguth this was a 'date' Alexis rarely talked, and she blathered on and on, and freakin' on! This migth be oenb of the reasons why he prefered guys over women, Men were much easier to deal with.... "Oh, I want you to meet a friedn of mine. His name is Dick Grayson. He's a good friend of mine, and maybe you could use soem male bonding. Alexis perked up a bit, makign her smile. "Yes, he's a good kid. He's about twenty. As said, you migth like him....Why not you drop by my house? This evening?" Alexis tilted hsi head slightly, and nodded. "Good," She said leaning over and kissign Alexis who fougth hard not to flinch back. She got some of her red lipstick on his, and soem of his white make-up on her, makign him EXTREMELY uncomfortable. "Bye, handsome," She said, payign the bill, and leaving. Rigth afterwards, Alexis left via the bathroom window, liek he had a knack for doing and was behidn the resturant. "Jack! I found somethign out you might like," He thought, looking around to make sure he didn't see anyone.
Isn't this fun?
4:47pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora shrugged,"I guess it is better then I would expect it to be. Nothing like some of the places I have been at though." She said. Aurora looked at the wall ahead of her again,"So how did you get here?" She asked curious. ((Bleh. Bad post.:())
4:53pm Mar 27 2010
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"Oh, well, you know that girl that brought the Shapeshifter in?" Harly asked, not waiting for a reply. I was a psychiatrist back at the Asylum, you know, old Arkham, and she apperently let herself get captured and brought there. For about a month I was trying to get her to talk, which All I could do was get her to scribble poorly drawn words on a scrap of paper, then she saw how good I was a Gymnastics, and even how I had complete disregard of human life, so I somehow managed to run into Joker, and things are kinda like this," She smiled. "Hey, you knwo what? Maybe I can get her, you and Ivy, and we can go on a girls night out!" She said hopefully.
Isn't this fun?
5:03pm Mar 27 2010
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"Um...I guess." Aurora said sounding a little confused. She hadn't expected Harly to be so nice, but she didn't really mind it either.
5:12pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"I'm coming," Jack thought back, looking at zsasz. "Z's in charge!" He called over his shoulder, slamming the door behind him. He disappeared into the night, loping to his son. "Yes?"
5:15pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty soon woke up she has alot of personalitys and right now was her quiet evil side that rather do something insted of talk about it looking around with her red eyes she glared at everyone and everything.
8:35pm Mar 27 2010
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Zsasz sat in a char near Kirsti, not close enough for her to reach or extend a hand, but he could slice her with his blade at any minute.... ______ "Anyway, sicne Zsasz is in charge and all, I think we should go to my room!" She said enthusiastically, lookign at the psycho. "Can we, plleeeaa*censored*seee?" Harly near-begged Zsasz, who rolled his eyes. "You know what the Joker said to her," She then jumped up and down happily, and ran towards a door. "C'mon, kiddo, I'm not oging keep waitin' for ya if you keep beign so slow, y'know~!" ________ He was leaning against the wall, with the not-so long wait for his father. "Okay, remember when I told you about Selena Kyle earlier? Well, she's gonig to introduce me to Dick Grayson, A.K.A Nightwing, Batman's first cohort. Good move?" He questioned, now half payign attention to his white make-up as he tried to rub the lipstick off, he ended up wiping off soem of the make-up itself off...
Isn't this fun?
8:43pm Mar 27 2010
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Kirsty just hung there not moving this personality didnt see the point in waisting energy in moving around so she stayed still not talking not moving the only way you could tell she was alive was every now and then but not alot but she would bl ink slowly.
10:23pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"I already knew that, you dipsh*t. I also know your 'girlfriend' is Catwoman." Jack sneered, smacking him upside his head.
11:14pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 12:30pm Mar 28 2010)
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(As$hole. XD) "Bwah! DX" He rubbed the side of his head slightly. "Anyway....Okay, I might not have an idea, in that case." He gurmbled. "Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to keep tabs on botso's Maddon, but...Oh, wait...If that's all we're getting to, I can just dump the bit#h!" He thought out loud, takign out his phone to send her a text.... He then turned to Joker. "Oh, I didn't just call you here for nothing. I know for a fact, you've never heard of Titan," He said, after closing his phone, and lookign at the other.
Isn't this fun?