1:23am Jul 6 2010
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There is no plot. Normal Twilight charries and new ones. Name: Age: Species: Personality: Gender: Looks: Crush/mate: Other: Normal Res rules. No PP and no GM. Must be semi-lit. No chatspeak, please. And have fun! I'll pick a co-owner later.
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1:57am Jul 6 2010
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OoC: Wow. Haven't joined a Twilight roleplay in months :3 Can I join as a vampire? :)
2:09am Jul 6 2010
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Name:Akila/ Karissa/Krystal Monteik/Alice Cullen Age:Looks 17/ Looks 17/ Looks 17/ Looks 17 Species:Werewolf/werewolf/werewolf/ vampire Personality:rping it out/ rping it out/ rping it out/ She is very happy and excited for no reason. Gender:Female/female/female/female Looks:My persona/ The rest are coming Crush/ Mate:Jacob Black/ Open/ Seth Clearwater/ Jasper Other:Akila, Karissa, and Krystal are triplets.
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2:45am Jul 6 2010
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3:10am Jul 6 2010
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Name: Poppy [Cullen] :p Age: She looks 16, but she had been a vampire for like... two years :3 Gender: Female Species: vampire Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20little%20girl/magowago12/Anime/happygirl.jpg Personality: Poppy is social, bubbly and intelligent, and loves to do lots of different things or she can get very bored. She doesn't hate being a vampire, but sometimes she gets bored and fidgety. Her tourettes syndrome from her human life had rubbed off on her, so sometimes she has to do a few things to keep her happy. History: Poppy had a mum and dad and smaller sister, Sophie. She was born with Tourettes, but it only emerged when she was 8 years old. She would get angry at tiny things like getting it in tag, she would spit, yell and do things without being able to help it. She was diagnosed when she was 10. She ran away from her parents when she was 12, because she needed a break from all the noise. She lived on the streets for 2 years, and then yeah. Got bitten by some random vampire. She wandered around until she met Carlisle, who let her stay and she finaly became Other: Poppy had Tourettes Syndrome when she was human, which includes Echolalia (repeating the words or phrases of others), Self harm (scratching hands until they bleed, jumping and falling onto knees, etc.), and hopping, jumping, bending, or twisting. She also has Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (repetitively washing hands, etc.).

3:15am Jul 6 2010
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((Okay. I'm making Rosalie and Bella.)) Name: Rosalie Cullen/ Bella Swan Age: Looks 17/ 17 Species: Vampire/ Human Personality: She is mean sometimes and is very popular,/ Rp it out. Gender:Female/ Female Looks: Coming/ Coming Crush/mate: Emmett/ Edward Cullen Other: Rosalie kind of hates Bella.
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3:22am Jul 6 2010
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OoC: Woah. You have a lot of characters XD I might make... Edward? XD
3:23am Jul 6 2010
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3:30am Jul 6 2010
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Alice:  tle="By TeamEdwardTe... on Flickr" width="157" height="250" /> Rosalie:  tle="By tatilachula1... on Flickr" width="147" height="250" /> Karissa:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="188" height="250" /> Krystal:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="188" height="250" /> ((I do not own these pics.))
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10:34pm Jul 6 2010
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10:46pm Jul 6 2010
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OoC: I wanna start xD I've shotgunned Edward. I'll just have to be bothered to make him a bio.
10:48pm Jul 6 2010
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((We can start.)) Akila was hunting with Jacob. They were in their wolf forms. All of a sudden Sam pops up. Hi sam. Akila and Jacob said in their minds.
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6:34pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 6:36pm Jul 7 2010)
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Poppy jumped over the river and into the forest. She was thirsty, and being a newborn, that was all she could think about. She ran for a while, trying to find a scent she liked. She finally found some elk, and swiftly pounced onto the biggest. After she had finished she wiped some of the blood off her long-sleeved white top and kept hunting. Suddenly she smelled a horrible, wet dog smell. "Ugh," Poppy said and looked around for the werewolves. She had learned about them when she joined the Cullens, but that didn't mean she liked them. They were disgusting. And mas.sive. And plain horrible. Growling slightly, Poppy sped back to the house. She didn't want to be around the werewolves.
6:38pm Jul 7 2010
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( Has someone joined as Jacob or Renesmee?)
6:45pm Jul 7 2010
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((I guess I will join as a few evil Characters.>D)) Name:Jane Age:Um...Idk. Species:Vampire Personality:Rping it out. Gender:Female Looks:Coming... Crush/mate:Um... Other:She can cause pain by looking at someone...And she is epic.>D Name:Aro Age:Old. Lol. Species:Vampire Personality:Rping it out. Gender:Male Looks:Coming... Crush/mate:Okay that is just like...Weird. Other:Nope Name:Aurora Hawk Age:17 Species:shapeshifter vampire freak. Personality:Rping it out. Gender:Female Looks:Coming... Crush/mate:*No comment* Other:She is creating an evil army of new borns.>D Oh, and Kitty is her sister...And she is able to like...Read a persons history by smelling them. Name:Katherine(Kitty) Hawk Age:16 Species:shapeshifter vampire thingy Personality:Rping it out. Gender:Female Looks:Coming... Crush/mate:None. Other:She is able to turn people into doves...
8:09pm Jul 7 2010
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((oh joineth? haha I am not obsessed with twilight but this looks like a cool rp :D))
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8:12pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 9:23pm Jul 8 2010)
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Name: Morana Silas Age: looks about 16-17 Species: vampire Personality: mwahaha... you'll see >:) Gender: female Looks:  Crush/mate: open Other: she can use another's powers as her own by simply tasting its blood or biting into its flesh... the amount of time she can use the ability depends on how much DNA she got... she is also and ex member of the vulturi after leaving on her own circumstances.
______ Name: Wiatt Simmons Age: looks 17 Species: vampire Personality: rp it out Gender: male Looks: 
Crush/mate:open Other: is a member of the vulturi... his power is to mind control foes _______ Name: Jason Macie Age: 17 Species: werewolf Personality: rp it out Gender: male Looks:   Crush/mate: open Other: in the quileute ((is that right? i googled it)) pack with jacob and same and the others
((not my art, and sorry for the smallness... my computer has a problem with pics))
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7:22pm Jul 8 2010
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((Angelbear, no one has. And Akila has a crush on Jacob though. And accepted everyone.)) Karissa ran to Akila. "Akila, Krystal needs your help now!"
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9:32pm Jul 8 2010
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((yay :D)) Morana manuevered her way through the dence underbrush... a dark smirk on her face. The snarls of her chaser echoed farther behind... the sick aroma of mutt rolled into her nose, as she jumped off a large stone, landing gracefully on her feet as she kept running... Her follower was a dark brown wolf with a lighter top... he was fast, she would give him that but not fast enough. She jumped a small stream as the dog snapped its jaws several inches from her body. She turned and kicked the dog directly in the neck, bringing him to the ground... she kept running and jumped another stream...unknowingly landing in the Cullen's territory....she looked back and smiled slyly at the dog before disappearing into the brush. Jason whimpered at his injury but it was nothing serious... Dam blood sucker got away. he reported to his pack, angrilly... he stared at the area where the girl was standing... knowing she would attack the humans if she found the town. Wiatt was in Italy, standing in the grand room near his fellow Volturi members... he still couldnt believe Morana had left... without a word. How did one leave the Volturi and get away with it, he would never though. Part of him was glad to see her leave, but another part wanted him to drag her back here by force.
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9:36pm Jul 8 2010
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Krystal was hurt really bad. She saw a boy. A boy who would be perfect for Karissa. "Help!"She yelled.
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