6:04pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana looked at the sky thinking of Rosalie's words, for a moment. "No, I am not afraid of any of you. You would never allow that, would you Emmett?" she taunted, a fake innocent look on her face. Jason cut in, "What are you talking about leech." he growled. Morana glared, "Down fido." she mocked.... Emmett glared at her, "You mean nothing to me." he growled. Morana smiled darkly, an evil smirk in her eyes, "I seemed to, many years ago." she teased, the fight fresh in her mind.
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6:11pm Jul 11 2010
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"Key word, 'used to'. Know I'm the apple of his eye."Rosalie confirmed.
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6:16pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 6:17pm Jul 11 2010)
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Morana cocked her head at Rosalie..."Are you sure?" she taunted, her red eyes burning through her gold ones. Emmett hissed. "She's positive Morana. There was nothing between us as in you and me, and you know that." he growled angrilly. Morana stood up once more and rubbed Emmett's cheek..."But you wanted there to be." she said in a gently whisper, leaning close but then quickly pulling away... she was positive that at least Rosalie or Alice or even Edward had heard her words.
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6:18pm Jul 11 2010
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Rosalie had enough of her. When she touched Emmett's face, she stood up. She took Morana's hand off of Emmett.
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6:23pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana smiled in Rosalie's eyes, "Did he tell you what the fight was about?" she taunted... "If Edward searched his mind, would he remember? Of course not. And I know why." she was smirking madly now, apparently Rosalie had told Emmett nothing of their past. She chuckled triumphently. Emmett pulled away from Morana..."What are you talking about." he hissed angrilly... it was true he couldnt remember, and if she knew why. It was her fault. He clenched his fistsm he was going to kill her.
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6:24pm Jul 11 2010
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Rosalie didn't stop Emmett. She stood next to him. Ready to kill Morana.
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6:28pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana sighed..."dont you want to know the whole story? The one you cant seem to recall?" she said calmly, facing the angry vampires and werewolves, unafraid. Emmett stopped, he did want to know... but what if these were her mind tricks....he thought this, by Edwards ex pression he knew he must have heard. Wiatt watched from behind Jason's eyes...he too wanted to know. he also loved how it seemed to be tearing Rose apart.
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6:32pm Jul 11 2010
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"What's the rest of the story?"She asked. She knew there wasn't another side. She even showed Emmett that she didn't believe Morana anymore.
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6:34pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana looked up. She knew how to make Emmett remember and it would tear Rosalie apart...she wasnt positive if it would work. But flashbacks have worked before. Jason senced something was going to happen, yet he was still 'acting natural'
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6:37pm Jul 11 2010
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"Tell me!"Rosalie growled at Morana.
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6:39pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana stood up, "why dosn't emmett?" she hissed... starting to approach once more. Emmett backed up, "I dont remember!"he roared. He was getting frustrated
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6:42pm Jul 11 2010
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"He doen't remember and you do. So, speek."She growled.
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6:46pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 6:46pm Jul 11 2010)
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Morana glared at Rosalie... and did it. She ran up to Emmett and kissed him pas.sionately, on the lips that seemed like it was forever... she felt his shock. She released, coughing and returning to the couch, "Now I have to burn myself." she yelled disgusted... taking a tissue and wiping her stone hard lips. Emmett growled, "Let me do the hono-" he stopped and looked at her, suddenly remembering.
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6:48pm Jul 11 2010
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Rosalie lost her temper. She smacked Morana. She was about to kill her.
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6:53pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm Jul 11 2010)
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Morana wasnt phased by the strike. She gazed into Rosalie's eyes and made a swift movement, grabbing Rosalie's shoulders and slamming her into the far wall. The force cracked the wall as painting fell from their hooks. She threw Rosalie to the ground, knocking over the table and chairs. She lost her temper...she didnt fight. she killed. Emmett was beside Rose in a flash, and caught Morana in mid-air. "Enough." he screamed, carrying her back and throwing her onto the couch, Morana's eyes were crazed and angry. He returned to Rosalie and helped her up... the guilt from remembering the fight was eating him alive. "I have to tell you the whol story." he whispered.
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6:56pm Jul 11 2010
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Rosalie was losing it. Untill Emmett said that he needed to tell her the story. "Okay tell me."She said.
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6:58pm Jul 11 2010
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Emmett sighed, "Its not a good one." he admitted looking at her. "You must love me even after you hear the tale, promise?" he pleaded.
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7:00pm Jul 11 2010
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"I promise. If it bad I'll just lose my temper then I'll be normal."She promised.
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7:19pm Jul 11 2010
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Emmett sighed and went on.... he didnt notice Morana listening from behidn the wall. "Well I wasnt changed by Carlisle... he simply told everyone that." he gulped watching her reaction. "I was changed about a century before in the mid 1800s. A vampire was searching for newborns for an army. I fought on a battlefield and when we were defeated everyone fled, I got seperated and met Morana. She was alone at the time, and she was changed around the same time I was. She taught me how to live as a vampire as well as warned me of the dangers. We traveled for about 40 years together, just wandering... we were the best of friends, she always had my back and I had hers. But. One day, we were attacked by a newborn army around midnight when we were on a high mountain. I was almost killed... they were thirsty, and were so desperate they were trying to feed on other vampires." he looked at her once more and sighed, recalling the rest of the story. "Morana fought them off...but I was nearly gone. Everything was black and I felt myself being pulled down... but after a few moments I was pushed back up and I opened my eyes to see Morana's big eyes looking down at me. She said I was out for months, but she never left. Knowing I had a chance. I was weak for those next few months but she hunted for me and helped me quench my thirst. When I could stand we continued our journey, I was forever in her dept." he gulped, this is where Rosalie would be maddest. "A-after a while..." he stumbled over his words. "I was attracted to her. She was beautiful, and strong. She saved my life. I thought I loved her." he looked at her, regret filled his face... a tear began to glisten. "When we were alone near a canyon, I pulled her close and kissed her. I wrapped my hand around her narrow waist to pull her in, and with my other hand I entangled it in her hair." he looked at Rosalie, "Im so sorry Rose." he swallowed. "She didnt approve. We fought and she said it was time for us to go our seperate ways. If that was what she wanted, I didnt want to remember it. ANY of it. She glared but took me to another vampire...whos power was erasing memories and healing the mind. He took away many of the years I spent with Morana. It knocked me out and I awoke with Carlisle, who took me in as his son. Morana was gone by the time I awoke. And I remembered her vaguly. I soon recieved word she was murdered in a raid. It tore me apart at the time, but I didnt remember the feelings I once had." he looked at Rose, "Im so sorry he stated again. He looked at Rosalie. "I found love when I saw you Rose." he took her hand, "And that will never change." he promised kissing her hand gently, tears flowign from his eyes. "I thought she was dead until I saw her with the volturi when Bella came into the family. I kept it a secret...Carlisle was the only one who knew who she was." he finished... shaking with saddness. Morana leaned her head against the wall...thinking
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7:26pm Jul 11 2010
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"It's okay, Em. Now I know everything. That's all I needed to know. I still love you."She said.
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