7:29pm Jul 11 2010
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Emmett smiled at her. "I'm so sorry." he said again. Now he had a family to protect. "Now to get the info out or Morana." he growled. Morana heard that and ran back to the couch
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7:32pm Jul 11 2010
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She got up and grabbed Em's hand as they walked out to Morana.
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7:34pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana cocked her head as if nothing had happened, "Back so soon, lovebirds?" she asked. Emmett glared, "talk." he hissed
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7:36pm Jul 11 2010
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Rosalie stayed next to Emmett. She has a little broken inside from what happened in between Emmett and Morana, but it's not anyone's fault.
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7:38pm Jul 11 2010
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Emmett glared at Morana. "Talk." he repeated. Morana sighed. "About Wiatt? Or about Renesmee." she stated...looking at Renesmee who was being held still by Bella.
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7:39pm Jul 11 2010
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"Why does Wiatt want to kill Renesmee?"She asked.
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7:49pm Jul 11 2010
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((oh im ready for some drama... mwahaha. tell me if this next post isnt cool, if so i can change it :D)) Wiatt didnt want Morana to speak of his past or why he wanted to kill Renesmee. He spoke to Jason...now. he breathed. Wiatt's voice echoed through Jason's skull he looked at Renesmee and grabbed her quickly from Bella's hands...shifting into his wolf form just as fast... he held onto her gently but strong enough so she couldnt escape in his jaw and took off out the door... he heard the voices behind him but came to the river where Wiatt was waiting. He walked over, and Wiatt held Renesmee in his arms, soothing her gently and ignoring any attempts she made to escape. Jason was still under Wiatt's spell... he could do nothing to get her back, and this angered him. you used me to do your dirty work. he thought bitterly. Wiatt simply nodded. Morana was in shock for a moment before remembering Wiatt's gift. She looked at the others. "Wiatt!" she screamed, running for the door, being grabbed by Emmett... Emmett called to his family members, "Stop! As long as we have HER, Wiatt wouldnt dare hurt Renesmee." he tried to convince himself of that fact himself, and near dragged Morana back into the house.
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7:52pm Jul 11 2010
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Everyone grabbed Morana. Akila and Jacob started to bark.
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7:56pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana struggled but she was only one vampire and there were maybe 10 or 11 grabbing her... "Let me GO." she yelled. Jason tried to contact his pack... but Wiatt prevented it. He whimpered. Wiatt rocked the now crying Renesmee..."Shhh, your okay." he whispered. Emmett didnt let Morana go.
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7:58pm Jul 11 2010
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Bella grabbed Renesmee. "Let. Her. GO!!"She told Wiatt.
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7:59pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Jul 11 2010)
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Renesmee looked into his eyes. The man was comforting her. She looked at him and frowned.She turned. " Mommy!" she cried.
8:01pm Jul 11 2010
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Bella grabbed Renesmee out of Wiatt's grip. "It's gonna be okay, Renesmee."She said.
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8:05pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:07pm Jul 11 2010)
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Wiatt cocked his head... "Get her." he whispered to Jason. Jason instantly obeyed, knocking Bella away from both Wiatt and Renesmee. Wiatt jumped the river into La Push, but looked back. "I'll take good care of her." he said calmly... before making ajump and disappearing out of site. He knew he was in dangerous territory, and kept running until he was safely past the border... only Morana knew where he was going. And Alice wouldnt be able to see. For she couldnt see wherewolves...and half his brain was wolf right now. Jason held Bella off and growled dangerously, knocking her into a tree "Go home." he commanded, speaking for Wiatt. Emmett looked around, "bella's chasing him. He'll kill her if he knows he's being followed." he knew of Wiatt's ways. Morana once told him when they first were reunited.
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8:06pm Jul 11 2010
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Renesmee sniffled.She clung around her mother's neck, with one hand on Bella's cheek, showing her the experience. Jacob raced to Renesmee. " Nessie, you alright? Did that damn leech hurt you?" He panicked.
8:09pm Jul 11 2010
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Akila ran to Jacob and Renesmee. "Nessie, are you okay?"She asked. Bella saw that Jacob and Akila had Nessie. She ran to them "Thanks for getting her!"She said.
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8:11pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Jul 11 2010)
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Jason had no choice he had to obey wiatt's commands. He looked at Jacob, fear in his eyes. Wiatt closed his own eyes. He reached Jacob...stop this put her down. he commanded gently he did the same to Akila. He knew Jacob/Akila obeyed his gift, Bella was a problem.... Jason would bring the child to him. Jason pick up the child and follow my thoughts. he commanded. Jason couldnt there were to many around
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8:12pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:13pm Jul 11 2010)
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Renesmee shook her head. " They hurt mommy.." she murmured. Jacob tried to fight, but couldn't.
8:12pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:13pm Jul 11 2010)
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Bella grabbed Renesmee and ran off with Akila folowing her. Akila grabbed Jacob so he would folow her. "Come on! Before Waitt comes!"Bella yelled.
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8:14pm Jul 11 2010
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Jacob followed Akila. Nessie frowned, and glared at Wiatt as her mother ran.
8:15pm Jul 11 2010
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Name: Angel Bloodrose Age: looks 16 Species: Vampire Personality:Grr.. Gender:Female Looks:Coming Crush/mate: Other:Can Freeze people and their powers.