8:17pm Jul 11 2010
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Jason was following quickly behind.... He felt Wiatt's influence growing stronger. Wiatt strained his thoughts. He found Morana and Emmett...perfect. He reached them. Morana. Emmett, stand up and meet Bella akila and jacob out the door... he felt the two obey. Morana went stiff, she walked out the door, followed by Emmett... what are you doing wiatt! she screamed in her mind. I am killing that child no matter what she heard him say.
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8:22pm Jul 11 2010
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Edward knew what was going on. He blocked Bella and Nessie.
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8:23pm Jul 11 2010
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Angel walked up to Wiatt. She froze him and Morana in time. She turned to dust and went inside his mind. She strolled through his memories, happy ones, and bad ones. She stayed inside, and unfroze him." Hello Wiatt, she made him say.
8:24pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana hissed and ran grabbind Edward by the leg and swinging him well over the house... Emmett jumped in front and got into a crouch awaiting the child... Wiatt was so going to pay Jason saw Bella Akila and Jacob, he nipped at their heels...missing them by a few inches.
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8:25pm Jul 11 2010
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((mercy, no one knows where wiatt is o.O he left))
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8:26pm Jul 11 2010
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The throwing didn't affect Edward. He got into the house.
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8:28pm Jul 11 2010
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Morana hissed and was about to follow... but Emmett grabbed her, "Sh. Their approaching." he warned looking to the forest.
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8:28pm Jul 11 2010
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( Well Angel finds people, freezes them in time, then travels their minds.) As rightful Alpha, Jacob phased and lunged at him. You can't hurt them, not while I'm around. Jacob thought. He growled loudly at Jason. He was bigger than everyone in the pack but Sam.
8:33pm Jul 11 2010
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Akila phased. Just to make sure that Jason didn't go away.
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8:34pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:34pm Jul 11 2010)
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((yeah but wouldnt she have to know where he is? o.O)) Wiatt called to Jason... hes not your target. Ignore him. Jason nodded to the invisible voice and lunged around Jacob, continuing his chase to the others... He knew Morana and Emmett were on his side now. Morana approached emmett... and got into a crouch, she was ready
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8:35pm Jul 11 2010
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Without thinking, Akila lunged at Morana. She litterally tackled Morana.
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8:39pm Jul 11 2010
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( She just knows.) Angel gave him a headche. " You don't know what you're doing!" she made him say. Jacob chased him and tackled him to the ground, he bit him and pulled skin.
8:42pm Jul 11 2010 (last edited on 8:43pm Jul 11 2010)
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Morana grabbed Akila, and threw her... she ignored Wiatts commands to stop and rebounded with a strong lunge, she dug her knees into the wolf's ribs hearing them shatter under her force... she jumped off, growling angrilly...then she thought... she ignored wiatt's commands to stop when she was angry... but Wiatt was there once more, ignore her he commanded and Morana obeyed, beggining to back up and taking her position back with emmett.... she heard Jason growing closer. Wiatt fought the intruder and managed to regain morana after her temper attack Emmett senced the newcomers, and got into an attack position...he was sure they would be shocked to see him, fighting for wiatt. how would the volturi react? Jason ignored it and threw him off... arriving at Morana's side.
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8:43pm Jul 11 2010
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Akila yelped. Jacob. Call Karissa in your mind. I'm not strong enough. She begged.
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8:45pm Jul 11 2010
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((dudes could i play jane/alec? their my favorite volturi:D))
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8:46pm Jul 11 2010
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((Ya, Funneh.))
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8:47pm Jul 11 2010
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((coolio :D... do you know enough about them so i dont have to post my bio? *is lazy*))
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8:48pm Jul 11 2010
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((All I know is Jane's power.))
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8:49pm Jul 11 2010
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((ok i'll get the bios one second))
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8:50pm Jul 11 2010
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