8:54pm Jul 11 2010
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Name: Jane/Alec Age: unknown/unknown Species: both vampires Personality: rp it out for both Gender: female/male Looks: 
 Crush/mate: open open Other: twin guards for volturi
powers: jane: can make an illusion of pain alec: can disable the sences
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8:56pm Jul 11 2010
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((Accepted Funneh.))
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8:57pm Jul 11 2010
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((coolness and i need bella/renesmee to continue))
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8:58pm Jul 11 2010
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((Okay.)) Bella kept hold of Renesmee. She couldn't trust any one except Edward, Akila and Jacob.
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9:03pm Jul 11 2010
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Wiatt thought harder. attack them. he thought heavily, Morana took off after Emmett into the forest, both were growling angilly, as they stopped directly in front of Bella and their prey. Morana's red eyes were near slits, as she hissed lowly. Emmett growled dangerously... he thought of Rose. How could he rip Renesmee away from her family? it stung him inside...but he no longer had a choice. Jason stopped right behind Bella...cornering her. She could go foward or back. If she went to the sides they would lunge. ((its fun playing bad guys xD sorry, im pretty good at them ))
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9:05pm Jul 11 2010
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Rosalie grabbed Renesmee and jumped out of the circle. No one saw her. She was too fast.
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9:05pm Jul 11 2010
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Jacob snuck up behind him and threw him away from Bella. He grabbed Her and Nessie and ran. ( gotta go)
9:10pm Jul 11 2010
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Jason snarled, he raced and tackled the much larger Jacob...but it gave them the upper hand. Grab the mother! wiatt commanded in Emmett's head...Emmett ran and grabbed Bella in a tight headlock, ensuring no escape. He ignored her struggling...he looked at Morana. Morana nodded and lifted her nose to the sky, getting a scent of Renesmee... she took off after her.
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9:10pm Jul 11 2010
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((aw mercy :())
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9:12pm Jul 11 2010
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((Awe!)) Bella used her power, sending him all the way to Morana, knocking Morana down.
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9:12pm Jul 11 2010
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Jacob grabbed the nape of Jason's and through him off at La Push's cliff. he ran back to the others and tackled Emmatt. " Let go of her you, leech!" he thought.
9:17pm Jul 11 2010
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Emmett got up he smelt Rose. Morana ignored him and gave chase once again finding Rosalie with Renesmee.... she grabbed Rose by the hair and threw her into a large stone, Renesmee tumbling on the ground... she picked up the child and looked into her eyes... she had to fight it... she clenched her eyes shut and shut Wiatt out. Her eyes turned into a calming Red, Wiatt was still in her mind, but she had control. She held Renesmee close. She had to keep Wiatt thinking, he still owned ehr mind. She acted like she was still posessed. She walked past Rose. Emmett saw Rose and took a step foward out of his own free will, wanting to hold her...Wiatt prevented it... Emmett accompanied Morana as the two made their way back. Jason clawed the edge of the cliff... he groaned with agony but clamered up, collapsing on the edge. Wiatt grinned, Morana had his prey.
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9:42pm Jul 11 2010
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Jacob.......call my sisters. Before I die! Akila told Jacob in her mind.
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11:08am Jul 12 2010
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Morana held Renesmee close, hoping she wont scream... She could hear Wiatt, but he couldnt hear her. She had to make it seem as though she were still under his control. Why isnt his gift working? Is he distracted? she thought to herself. Emmett saw Morana with Renesmee... it killed him inside. Wiatt couldnt get Renesmee, just couldnt. He left Rosalie behind. How could Wiatt be so uncaring towards family? Jason limped back, he twisted his back leg on the way down and it stung to stand on, he smelt Morana and Emmett....he talked to Wiatt.... Im hurt give me a break. he pleaded. Proove that you deserve one was the anwsering voice.
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11:54am Jul 12 2010
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((could i join or is it to late? I reread all the posts so i wouldnt be behind.))
12:24pm Jul 12 2010
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((You can join Kelly.)) Rosalie was heated up. How could Emmett leave her behind. She knew Wiatt had something to do with it. She was going to save everyones life. She was going to fight.
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4:23pm Jul 12 2010
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4:26pm Jul 12 2010
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Jacob nodded at Akila's thought and contacted them. He ran over to Jason, and threw him off the cliff, sgain. He howled once, and SAm and the whole pack was there. They tsckled and fought WEiatt and Morana, Jacob got Renesmee back.
4:30pm Jul 12 2010
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Karissa ran to Akila, who was in a room that Carlisle put her in. Karissa was back in human form. "Akila. Are you okay?"She asked. "I'm afraid not, Karissa. She might even die. Tell Jacob to come up here in human form, please."Carlise said. Karissa nodded. She ran to where Jacob was. "Jacob. Akila needs you."She told him.
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4:33pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 4:34pm Jul 12 2010)
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Morana snarled and grabbed Jacob by the scruff, throwing several meters away, causing him to hit a tree. The tree cracked and toppled over... Morana growled, picked up Renesmee and ran. "Renesmee, you gotta trust me. I'm going to return you to your mother. Just give me a few minutes..." she pleaded, her eyes were sincere. Wiatt couldnt find out she snapped out of it... she dashed through the woods, knowing everyone was on her tail. ((mercy, do you meen emmett? emmett was with morana :))) Emmett cringed and got up, he thought of Rose, but could do nothing. He lifted his head and tried to sniff out Morana. Who was no where to be found. Jason howled in pain, but pulled himself back up the cliff. Jacob.... how could he try to kill me, when he knows i'm possessed... the thought stung his mind as he shook off the pain and ran in the direction of Emmett. I told you they werent your real family. All he cares for is the child. He tried to block out the voice. "Wheres Morana." he asked. Emmett shrugged, "I dont know. Most likely on her way to deliver the prey." he reported. Wiatt grinned, he was almost victorious.
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