6:04pm Jul 12 2010
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((haha okay kelly, i can tell your a twilight fan xD)) Jason snarled at Jacob..."Out.of.my.way." he growled...his eyes angry.
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6:05pm Jul 12 2010
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( i gotta go..)
6:05pm Jul 12 2010
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"Jason. You're going to regret chosing Wiatt. He'll have you everyone."Karissa said.
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6:06pm Jul 12 2010
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"But he didnt kill your son." she sniffed, looking at the ground...she pictured her little boy, playing in the gras.s around their home, where they once lived... "Just because he was different. He wasnt a full vampire...he had human blood. And he was growing, he wouldnt of been a vampire child for long. He wasnt illegal!" she whispered.
6:07pm Jul 12 2010
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"That's why he wants to kill Nessie!"Akila said.
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6:08pm Jul 12 2010
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((aw bye mercy :()) Jason growled once more... he shifted back to normal form. "He was more of family to me then either of you." he growled which was possibly true. Yes, the leech did use him, but looked out for him as well... "And he wouldnt KILL me." his eyes narrowed at Jacob.
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6:09pm Jul 12 2010
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Claire looked up, "Pardon me? Whats a Nessie?" she asked, tears streaming down her face.
6:09pm Jul 12 2010
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"How do you know. I know what he's capabul of. He killed my own mom for no reason. I know him more than you."She said. The memory stung her.
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6:10pm Jul 12 2010
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"Her actual name is Renesmee and Wiatt's trying to kill her."Akila said.
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6:13pm Jul 12 2010
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((i gtg! post again tonight!))
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6:14pm Jul 12 2010
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Claire's eyes went wide..."She is a hybrid?" she asked wide eyed...why was Wiatt targetting all these human/vampire children?
6:18pm Jul 12 2010
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((gtg, brother wants a turn on computer :( i'll be on tomorrow or rlly late tonight :)))
6:23pm Jul 12 2010
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((Awe....)) "Yes she is."Akila said.
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7:38pm Jul 12 2010
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Jason growled, "I shared a brain with him. I know more then you ever would. I know that Morana knows all his secrets. She knows why he's killing." he growled, "Maybe your mother had good reason to die." he growled, still bitter from Jacob... he was still in human form but ran around the two wolves and kept going, not looking back.
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9:09pm Jul 12 2010
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Karissa started crying. Krystal came over to her. "Wow, you're such a monster. Why don't you just her heart out?"Krystal asked sarcasticly.
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10:46am Jul 13 2010
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Wiatt waited in the mountains...he had to find Morana...for she had his prey. He gave a low growl, before disappearing farther into the shadows. Jason was still in human form, he looked back when he heard Krystal..."If only any of you had a heart to rip out. You might as well be leeches." he hissed lifting his nose to the air... he couldnt smell that well but he knew Wiatt was very far away. He sighed and looked up the rock face, he held his broken hand, which was already healing... He needed a doctor but wouldnt dare ask Carlisle. Morana knew that danger was pas.sing quickly. She would be able to return Renesmee in an hour or so. then find Wiatt. She made her decision, she had to tell the wolves and the Cullens...she sighed at the thought...she needed to tell them Wiatt's past. Emmett shuddered, Wiatt was distracted so he had some of his own free will left. He loved Rosalie and his family... they would never take him back. In a few short hours, Wiatt had cost him everything.
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1:44pm Jul 13 2010
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Krystal had enough of Jason. Karissa kind of had a crush on him. Krystal attacked Jason and slammed him into a boulder.
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2:15pm Jul 13 2010
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Jason cringed as his injured hand landed on the hard stone along with his shoulder. His eyes narrowed, and he threw Krystal off with his good hand, causing her to collapse on the ground. He held his hurt hand tenderly, and quickly wrapped it in a scarf he had around his neck. He closed his eyes, he wanted this to be over... why didnt Jacob kill him? wiatt senced Jason in distress..."So he did live?" he whispered to himself... debating whether to take him over again or not...he still couldnt find Morana. he sighed heavily and his eyes flashed to Emmetts...releasing Emmett of his spell. Emmet clutched his skull as he felt Wiatt leave... he looked at his hands..."Im free." he whispered, quickly turning and running through the forest...but stopping when he saw Jacob, Karrisa, Krystal, and Jason at the bottom of the cliff...he could tell Jason was no longer possessed...he slid down the rock..."Im good guys, Wiatts nto here." he said relieved...not noticing how badly Jason was hurt. Morana took a deep breath..all was quiet. Would she be able to sneak Renesmee back to Jacob or Bella? She thought Bella would be the best choice... she looked at Renesmee, and stayed in a crouch but began making her way to the bank
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2:18pm Jul 13 2010
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"Em!"Rosalie yelled. She ran up to him and kissed him.
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2:27pm Jul 13 2010
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Emmett was in shock, but pulled Rosalie close..."I love you, I love you." he repeated this over and over in her ear. Kissing her between each word.... he looked at her, "Morana knows. She knows why he's doing this. She has Renesmee... but we cant find her." he said frantically.
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