9:37pm Jul 8 2010
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9:38pm Jul 8 2010
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((How about go helping her.))
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9:42pm Jul 8 2010
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((Moranas not that nice but i'll bring her over xD thanks though :D)) Morana heard the pleads of an injured vampire... she cocked her head and followed the sound, she emerged from behind a tree and saw the injured girl. She walked over and stood over her.
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9:44pm Jul 8 2010
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"Help."She said. Her arm was getting more broken. Akila ran to her sister. "Krystal!"She yelled. She ran over to her. She looked at the vampire. "You're lucky that I like vampires."She said. ((Krystal's a werewolf.))
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9:53pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 9:54pm Jul 8 2010)
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((sorry! *creature fail*)) Morana snorted, "What ever... you mutts are all the same." she sighed beggining to walk off... lucky she likes vampires? ha. the dog was lucky she was in no mood to fight... she already teased enough wolves today... Jason could smell other werewolves near the leech. He growled lowly and began to pace. Wiatt couldnt take it anymore, he needed anwsers from Morana, "Aro, may I go track down Morana? I want some anwsers." he asked calmly.
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9:57pm Jul 8 2010
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((I'm Jacob for right now.)) "And all you leeches are the same."Jacob said to Morana. Karissa saw Jason. "Hey Jason, can you help us?"She asked.
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10:18pm Jul 8 2010
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Morana sighed, great more dogs... she thought. "Im higher then the other 'leeches'" she retorted, "Pleasure to see you again." she teased coldly upon seeing Jason, who was clutching his neck where she kicked him... she was about to go when she heard the growl of a dog... she smiled wickedly and turned around, a dark glint in her red eyes. Jason growled lowly, the leech had escaped him many times... but he was forbidden to touch her... they were on Cullen land...and she was doing no harm..."Watch yourself bloodsu-" he was cut off by Morana "No you listen to me dog... I have little time for your games, and dont test me...Im faster and stronger then you, as proven many times before... its just ashame of how you and your pack of mutts need each other to keep each other safe or alive...poor babys." she smirked, before turning on her heel... Jason growled once more... he was tempted to break the treaty...but he would not... "My pack--" he was cut off once again... "Your pack gave you backup. To weak to fight on your own, fido?" she smirked again sitting calmly on the ground.
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10:20pm Jul 8 2010
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"I'm sure he's not and when we're off Cullen land. You'll be dead."All four of the werewolves said together.
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10:26pm Jul 8 2010
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Morana smiled, "Cullen? I am not familiar?" she teased...even though she knew very well, nomads had told her of the cullen clan as well as the werewolf pack.... "You cant touch me unless I endanger a human life. I cant help who I am, and you cant help who you are... its amazing how fidos are alloud on cullen land, and cullens cant be on your land... scared are we?" she said, unafraid of the dog's threats... she had drained werewolves before and was open to do it again, the blood of the dogs stung her insides but it was worth it with her new gift... she dosnt know how long it will last. "But unlike myself, to kill me... you pedigrees have to catch me..." she stated, yawning in boredom. Jason wanted to cut the leech red right there... but since vampires cant bleed, its a disappointment... but he knew she was fast, and partially right.
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10:30pm Jul 8 2010
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We got Laurent. I'm sure we can take you."Jacob said. The fashback didn't hurt him. He smiled because of it. "And the newborns."
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10:35pm Jul 8 2010
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"Laurent... scary. He was an unsuccesful pest wasnt he? And newborns? Their the least of your problems... and the only reason you got Laurent was because he was going to kill your love Bella Swan huh Jacob? But I guess you cant pick 'em if you ended up with what you did... I wonder what Bella would taste like, I hear she has the gift of blocking out others... for a human that would be a find power for my collection." she looked up at the sky thinking lightly, even though she would never hurt Bella, it was fun to tease the werewolves... it seemed it was affecting Jason heavily. Wiatt was on his way to find Morana...he had tracked her to the small town of Forks and he was pas.sing though a territory that smelled awefully like dog. His lip curled in a disgusted fashion as he stayed in the shadows.
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10:37pm Jul 8 2010
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Jacob was about to lose it. He was shaking all over. "She's a vampire already, remember?"
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10:44pm Jul 8 2010
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"Really? Then I guess you did a lousy job protecting her." she said in a fake voice of pity..."Oh and then you went to love her daughter... that would be awkward 'oh honey I used to love your mom but now i love you'" she teased..."Wow, your jumping everywhere! A human who turned into a vampire, to a vampire-human hybrid BABY, to one like yourself..." she applauded the wolf, a chuckle on her face..."Good job!" she stated with a voice of amusement..."And the unavailability of blood inside a body, dosnt make them immune to my gift... I could always just kill her for the fun of it....and since shes a vampire now, you still cant touch me for threatening her." she finished darkly. Jason was angry, his fists were clenched and his eyes were focused on the vampire... Morana noticed this, "Oh. Did I strike a nerve?" she asked.
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10:46pm Jul 8 2010
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"I've had enough. Bloodsucker. I love Akila now. And before I lose it, I'd advise you to leave us alone, now!"Jacob said. Akila smiled. He just told her off and he said that he loves me!
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10:53pm Jul 8 2010
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"You told Bella and Renesmee you loved them too... its just a phase.... and key words... "I love her NOW" what about later, sweety?" she retorted showing no fear. "No ones asking you to be here... feel free to leave..." she said crossing her arms as she stood up... her head looked up, she senced familiar footsteps approaching...she hid the surprise on her face. Jason glared, "You would be dead. if the treaty didnt protect you." he growled.
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10:59pm Jul 8 2010
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"Jason, wasn't the treaty broken along time ago?"Karissa said. Akila lunged at her but Jacob caught here. "Yes, I do love her. If you say one more thing about any of this. I'm letting her lunge at you and kill you."
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11:10pm Jul 8 2010
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"Down Fido." Morana giggled... she thought it was time to show these wolves her gift... she blinked, her eyes went from a blood red to a cold hearted green... "Bring it on." she growled. Jason's eyes went wide, it couldnt be... Morana cracked her neck as a low growl echoed in her throat, and got into a crouch, her nails lengthed into points and her frozen bones and muscles grew and her stone skin turned to black fur with a white stomach and neck... she was the size of any other werewolf...in a wolf form...she had drained the mutts before... she didnt know if the power would run out. Jason snarled and felt himself changing, "You sick, twisted..." he began... finally getting hold of himself... "Jacob! She drained a werewolf, thats how she can do that!" He knew of the vampires gift but didnt think the small girl would manage to kill and DRAIN a fully powerful werewolf... Morana's shoulders bounced lightly showing she was laughing, she morphed back... "I can do more... remember that." she stated coldly..."And aww... apparently I struch a few nerves...Akila afraid she isnt really loved? Poor puppy, would a biscut make it all better?" she asked... that was it she heard Jason shift and lunge... Jason couldnt take it, he had it with this brat. He was in his wolf form, and lunged, Morana met him half way and the two exploded into a full out battle... he knew Morana had the upper hand, but he didnt care...he had said enough. He took a powerful kick in the ribs... he yelped as he heard one or two snap. He collapsed to the ground, and felt himself be picked up by his back legs and shook violently and then thrown against a tree... it cracked with the force... Jason forced himself up, ignoring the pain and grabbed the leech by the arm and dragged her down a steep hill... suddenly he felt himself shake, his eyes went wide...what was happening?
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11:12pm Jul 8 2010
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Jacob, Akila, Karissa, and Krystal all went into wolf form and help Jason finish this bloodsucker/ leech off.
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11:21pm Jul 8 2010
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((ok im going to color coat... Morana, Wiatt, Jason Jason let go of Morana... he tried to fight it but couldnt... he couldnt even speak... suddenly he saw his friends coming for the kill, and he snarled loudly... his fur pricking...ready to attack...his PACK...no stop...what are you doing? he tried to stop himself and tried to shift back, he couldnt... he began moving foward, in the direction to the other wolves... he saw Morana ready, but she was scanning the forest...as if looking for someone...not paying attention to her upcoming death. He shook again, as his lip curled into a threatening growl. kill them. a voice said in his mind... NO! why would I do such a thing? they are my family! he told himself, but his body obeyed the voice and he stood ready to attack his friends. Morana looked around the forest, he was here... where though? She was unafraid of the dogs, but was more interrested in what games were being played.
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11:22pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 11:23pm Jul 8 2010)
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What are you doing??? They all asked Jason.
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