3:43pm Jul 13 2010
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Carlise called the volturi. "Wiatt's about to kill little Renesmee and the wolves." The Volturi came in a flash, with Jane and Alec.
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5:52pm Jul 13 2010
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5:56pm Jul 13 2010
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renesmee ran to carlisle as fast as she could. " grampa!" she cried.
5:58pm Jul 13 2010
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"Hi, Nessie! Go to momma, kay?"He said.
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5:59pm Jul 13 2010
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Renesme hurried to her mother. " momma!" she c5ied.
6:00pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 6:01pm Jul 13 2010)
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Jane and Alec came out from behind Aro.... "Wiatt my dear. Why must you continue this behavior?" Jane asked grimly, putting a hand on Wiatt's shoulder. Wiatt growled at Carlisle before turning to Jane, "You know why." he hissed, pulling away quickly. Jane cocked her head, "I know little. You only told Morana. Where is she?" Jane asked in the same calm tone. She knew how to handle Wiatt, he was a tortured life... but he would heal in time. Alec was into the conversation...where was Morana? "With the child. She is near." he hissed. Alec looked to the sky, "Morana, it is safe to come out. We know your not shy." he called, scannign the forest for a trace of his lost love. Jane looked at Wiatt..."She will tell us. You might as we-" "I will say nothing" Wiatt retorted... Jane stood up, going to Aro...she whispered in his ear. "He is still suffering from the first time. We need his side of the story." she whispered to her fellow volturi member. Morana heard Alec but didnt dare come out. She held her breath, Rnesmee gave her away...she closed her eyes, and felt strong hands pull her from the bush... she opened her eyes to see Alec place her in the center of both Volturi and Cullens. She gave a threatening hiss Emmett backed up, almost all the vampires here were strong. And could kill easily.
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6:02pm Jul 13 2010
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"Aunt Jane!"Karissa yowled in pain.
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6:08pm Jul 13 2010
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Jane looked at Karissa but stayed by her brothers side... she hated werewolves as much as the next vampire... she was the one who- she stopped the thought. She looked at Morana. "No ones going to hurt you, why did you leave?" Morana shrugged, "Wasnt the life for me." she said through gritted teeth. Alec swallowed, and Jane looked at Aro... returning her gaze to Wiatt. Wiatt looked back at Jane but then to Morana. Morana looked at everyone but then stood up and went over to Wiatt, pulling him close. "Let.the.wolves.go." she whispered gently in his ear. She felt Wiatt tense up, but he looked at her, "Please, Wiatt." she said agian. Wiatt closed his eyes and stopped the curse. Turning away from Morana.
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6:11pm Jul 13 2010
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Aro went to the wolves. "Wiatt, why are you doing this to them?"He asked.
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6:12pm Jul 13 2010
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Jacob padded up to Jason. " Forgive me brother..." he thought.
6:15pm Jul 13 2010
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"Jacob, you need to help us. He probably killed your love, Akila"Karissa said to him in her mind.
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6:19pm Jul 13 2010
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Jacob shook his head. " i must finish this first."
6:20pm Jul 13 2010
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Wiatt growled, "Why? That is a good question... that can be anwsered by several others. Why did I loose my family? WHY am I cursed to be a bloodsucker whos power is meant to destroy others? WHY am I so angry when I dont know why? WHY when I see something I dislike, my first instinct is to kill it? and last but not least, WHY is the only reason someone speaks to me is when they want someone destroyed" he stated not looking at Aro. Knowing he will most likely be destroyed himself. Morana looked at Wiatt, "WHY do you still live in the past." she said calmly, gazing at Wiatt with blood red eyes. Jane and Alec looked at Morana, "Live in the past? Wiatt, what happened?" Jane asked, getting tears in her eyes..."And no one speaks to you only when they want things destroyed." Wiatt growled, at morana, "SILENCE" he screamed...he glared at Jane. "You do. You and Alec both." he continued immediatly after, cutting Alec off when he said "What the he!! ar-" Wiatt looked at the wolves who were now free..."You came to me. Asking to kill your own SISTER." he growled. Morana went wide eyed.
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6:21pm Jul 13 2010
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Jason turned away from Jacob. "Proove that you are worth forgiving." he spat, following the scent of Wiatt and the others, he senced Akila... lifeless on the ground.
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6:21pm Jul 13 2010
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"Wow, Jacob. Caring about Renesmee than your own girlfriend?"Karissa said in her mind.
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6:24pm Jul 13 2010
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Jacob shook his head. " i was trying to kill wiatt's power, but I can't." he whimpered. He turned to Karissa. " I imprinted on Nessie, I love them both" he snarled. Jacob ran to Akila.
6:25pm Jul 13 2010
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Morana jumped up, she glared at Jane and then Alec..."You a-asked...?" before they could anwser Wiatt nodded quickly. Morana stared at Wiatt, "They have to know. I am telling them, everyone your past." she hissed.
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6:26pm Jul 13 2010
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Akila wasn't moving. Wiatt had maybe killed her.
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6:26pm Jul 13 2010
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((ok here comes Wiatt's past. its pretty awesome if you askme, sorry if i dont respond... for a few minutes))
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6:28pm Jul 13 2010
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Jacob did all he could. he preformed CPR, mouth to mouth, and everything else.