6:29pm Jul 13 2010
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Akila woke up. She started caughing up blood.
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6:30pm Jul 13 2010
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Jacob panicked. " Akila, Akila, listen to me! i love you, you will not die!" he said, sitting her up and bandaging her wounds.
6:36pm Jul 13 2010
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Wiatt looked at his feet but nodded. Morana took a deep breath..."Wiatt was 17 when he was changed...it wasnt his choice. He was changed by a vampress who was searching for newborns to make an army. His father was changed as well. His mother and two sisters were both human. His family as well as himself, was unaware of thepossibility of a human/vampire hybrid. When his mother announced he would be getting a new sibling, Wiatt was far from excited. His mother started suffering from malnutrition... the unborn child was sucking the life from her." she glanced at Wiatt... who was hiding his face in his hands, trying to block everyoneout. She took a deep breath and continued. "When the child was born... it killed his mother. Wiatt hated the hybrid from doing that. His father took care of the enfant until it was old enough to take care of itself... it appeared to be 12 maybe 13." she continued... sitting on a stone. "It was powerful. It fed on his two sisters and murdered his father. The hyrbid was out of control. It murdered the innocent, nearly destroyed the town. It then fled, Wiatt went in pursuit. Another werewolf pack, protected the child from Wiatt. Wiatt would kill the hybrid at all costs, it had cost him everything. He challenged the werewolves and was victorious, he killed the hyrbid and the remaining wolves. But at a cost. The townsfold believed it was him who did the damage. Riots went after him, everywhere he went...he was rejected...-" "Stop." Wiatt said through his hands. Morana instantly fell silent. She looked at Alec and Jane, both of who were glaring at Renesmee with hatred...
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6:37pm Jul 13 2010
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((i think i did pretty good xD))
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6:43pm Jul 13 2010
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Akila sat up. She smiled. She hugged Jacob. "I love you too."She said. ((You did awsome!))
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6:45pm Jul 13 2010
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Jacob smiled and hgged her. Renesmee looked sorry for herself. " I'm sorry, Mr. Wiatt..." she whimpered.
6:46pm Jul 13 2010
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((haha thanks)) Morana smiled, relieved that Akila had woken up. She walked up to Aro and touched his shoulder, Please dont kill him, hes really useful to the Volturi and didnt understand. she thought knowing Aro had heard her thoughts.
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6:46pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 6:48pm Jul 13 2010)
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Bella put Renesmee on her lap. "He'll be okay, Mornana. Only if he stops totchering the wolves."Aro said. "Now, who killed my mom?"Karissa asked.
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6:54pm Jul 13 2010
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Renesmee cried into her mother's shirt. " i'm a monster!" she cried.
6:56pm Jul 13 2010
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"You're not a monster"Bella said.
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7:02pm Jul 13 2010
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Renesmee was not pacified. " But my kind is!" she wailed.
7:02pm Jul 13 2010
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"Not everyone."She said.
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7:03pm Jul 13 2010
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Wiatt glared, "The child is right." he hissed at Bella. Morana glared, "Do I have to shut you up." she snarled...looking at Aro and thankfulness. Wiatt then looked at Karissa, "I.DID." he growled looked at Alec and Jane.
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7:04pm Jul 13 2010
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((i'll brb, dinner time :)))
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7:05pm Jul 13 2010
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Renesmee whined. " See!?" she sniffled.
7:08pm Jul 13 2010
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"I was making sure because our own Aunt wouldn't even save us. Her own sister was a werewolf."Karissa said. "Don't listen to him."Edward said to Renesmee.
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7:13pm Jul 13 2010
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Renesmee sniffled. jacob ran to Jason. " I ask your forgivness.You will be allowed back in the pack"
8:29pm Jul 13 2010
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Wiatt stood up and looked at Karissa..."As I said...the only reason someone talks to me, is because they want somebody destroyed... your aunt and uncle..." he looked at Jane and Alec "...Spoke to me many times about their sister... well, your mother." he stated looking at Renesmee. "Dont worry child... your father is right... your not a monster.... YET." he growled, instantly silencing himself when Morana gave him the shut your mouth before I shut it for you, look. Jane clenched her fists, standing behind her twin brother... Morana just watched. When would the Volturi leave? Emmett held Rose closer to him, the Volturi made him feel uncomfortable Jason growled, 'If I know your just going to kill me next time I am posessed, what makes you think I would come back to your pack?" he questioned, it was apparent he was still angry. he stood in the shadows, not wanting to get involved int he vampire drama.
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9:43pm Jul 13 2010
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"He's not going to kill you, Jason."Akila said in her mind. "Em, are you okay?"Rosaleie asked.
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10:50pm Jul 13 2010
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"Hes attempted it already." Jason growled.
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