3:11pm Jul 19 2010
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Wiatt clenched his fists. Aro was wrong. Morana senced this. "The Volturi are just as foolish as I remember." she growled through clenched teeth, she was angry that she was defending him... she continued quickly, "... putting him away in prison wouldnt solve a thing. It will just allow more anger to build up. When he breaks out, he'll just finish what he started." she stated grimly but calmly. Jane's eyes went wide with Morana's outburst. Usually she was the quiet but ferocious type. Alec looked at Morana..."He is a danger to all. He wanted to kill mercilessly." he said apologetically, he loved Morana... and wanted her to be happy...he took her hand trying to pull her close. Morana pushed Alec away. "He almost killed mercilessly? The volturi KILLS mercilessly when ever they get the chance. Maybe all of you should be in shackles together." Jane clenched her fists, "He tortured the wolves without permission for NO reason!" she yelled. Morana growled, "So? He killed a wolf for YOU without permission." she hissed. She turned and glared at Jane. Alec looked down. "I agree." he said sadly, looking at his feet, but taking Morana's side. Wiatt shrugged, uncaring. He was as good as dead anyway.
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3:34pm Jul 19 2010
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"Why did you kill Akila's mom?"Aro asked Wiatt.
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3:53pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 3:54pm Jul 19 2010)
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Wiatt glanced at Aro, trying to hide his fear. He wanted to protect the others. "Why do you care." he hissed.
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3:57pm Jul 19 2010
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"I want to know."He growled through his teeth.
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4:00pm Jul 19 2010
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Wiatt just glared silently into Aro's eyes. he would not betray his friends.
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4:01pm Jul 19 2010
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"Tell me why you wasted an innocent life."He said.
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4:03pm Jul 19 2010
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"Why do you waste innocent LIVES." Wiatt retorted. Jane couldnt take it. "By god, Wiatt just tell him!" she said, a tear collecting in her eyes.
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4:10pm Jul 19 2010
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"Please."Aro said. He was calmer now.
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8:31pm Jul 19 2010
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Wiatt stood, "As I said." He began looking at Aro with his blood red eyes. "People only speak to me when they want someone destroyed." He continued when Aro gave him a confused ex pression. "Both Jane and Alec spoke to me about Akila's mother..." he said a coldhearted gleam in his eye. Alec pulled his sister close.
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9:39pm Jul 19 2010
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Kaeissa's eyes went black. Her eyes change color depending on her mood. Right now she was mad, so her eyes had a bit of red in them. She had a sad face. She looked and Jane and Alec. "How could you? She was part of your own family. She was a were-pire and you went to Wiatt to kill her?"She said. She ran off. She ran where no one but her sisters could find her.
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10:48pm Jul 19 2010
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Wiatt shrugged as the werewolf left. Jane clenched her fists. "An embaras.sment to our family. A mistake of nature. Wasnt even our true sister." she growled turning angrilly past the other Volturi and her brother. Alec was silent he glanced at Wiatt and Morana. Morana looked at Alec and shook her head, she turned and disappeared into the wood. Wiatt jumped up and chased after his fleeing friend. He now counted Morana as one of his friends. Alec saw Morana leave and took off after her and Wiatt. Jason growled angrilly at the Volturi and fled after Karissa, although he didnt know where she was going or where she was.
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10:56pm Jul 19 2010
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Krystal saw Jason. She told him to follow her. Akila was in her human form. "She was your half- sister."She said to Jane.
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10:57pm Jul 19 2010
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Jane glared at Akila. "What a mistake that was." she hissed darkly without looking at her niece. Jason nodded and took off after Krystal
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11:00pm Jul 19 2010
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She took a big breath. "She was still your sister. She would have chose to be a vampire more than a werewolf. She loved being a vampire. She loved being in the vulturi and you took it away from her."
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11:06pm Jul 19 2010
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"She never should have been one of us. There was never love for her. Anywhere. The only time I loved her was when she brought you into this world. Now I am even more ashamed. Go join your filthy mother, she wont be missed." Jane snarled, pushing her way past Aro and beggining to go into the deep wood.
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12:17pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila looked at Alec. "Why are you all self- centered? Why do you have people do your dirty work. I still can't beleive that you killed your own family. Is there any other family member that you killed?You guys know that you were my only family after she died? Did you even know that my dad cheated on my mom and she almost jjumped off a cliff?"
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12:47pm Jul 20 2010
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Alec turned from following Morana. "I knew. Knew everything. And Wiatt's killing techniques were a lot quicker." he growled. "Your father was right to leave. If only my filthy half sister jumped off that cliff. then her pas.sing would be a lot easier." he hissed, turning and disappearing after Morana and Wiatt. he called after her, "And I never counted you as my family." he growled.
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12:52pm Jul 20 2010
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Akkila lost controle. She morphed into her wolf form. She tackled Alec. She pinned him down. She started growling at him. ______________________ Karissa arrived at the place where she was born. No the hospital, but the woods. _______________ Krystal found Karissa.
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1:54pm Jul 20 2010
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Alec growled and kicked Akila off, "Stupid dog. Just as worthless as your mother." he snarled jumping to his feet. The voices of Morana and Wiatt echoed several meters away. Jane heard her brother and glanced at Aro before disappearing after her brother. Jason came next to Karissa. "Are you okay?" he whispered.
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1:59pm Jul 20 2010
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Karissa took a deep breath. "Yeah."She lied. ________________ Akila got up and shook her fur out. She growled."Worthless bloodsucker."
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