2:05pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason cocked his head, "You lie." he whispered. Alec cocked his head. "Just like your father." he whispered dangerously..."So thats where you inherited your worthlessness. Perhaps I should have spoken to Wiatt to kill your mother when she was still with child with YOU." he snarled with a smirk. He heard Wiatt jump down beside him. Wiatt's red eyes met Akilas, a cold grin across his face.
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2:11pm Jul 20 2010
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"I wish I wasn't a were-pire. I actually wanted to be a vampire to. Now go ahead and kill people. We needed you and you turned your backs on us. Now I know why people call you cold heart because you don't have a heart!"Akila growled. "I was there when Wiatt killed my mom. The memory haunts me. I was 1 week old."
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2:12pm Jul 20 2010
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Karissa looked at him. "I have something to tell you."
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2:14pm Jul 20 2010
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Alec shook his head, "For us to turn our backs, we would first need to care. I didnt care." he taunted coldly. He approached his neice, and put her hand on his heart, "You feel that? I have no heart." he growled pulling away and beggining to stroll back up the hill. Jane came from behind, "We all WANT things. I kill for good reason. An embaras.sment to our family she was." shhe growled Wiatt cocked his head, and smiled darkly to himself.
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2:19pm Jul 20 2010
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"She was still your family Jane and Alec."Aro said. "You had no right to do that."
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2:23pm Jul 20 2010
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"They say you cant choose your family. That is wrong. It isnt blood that makes a family. It is the amount of love." Jane retorted. "Why do you care, Aro? You hate the dogs as much as the next vampire." she hissed. Alec simply glared. Morana appeared beside Alec, she was confused...Her facial ex pression was confused.
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2:26pm Jul 20 2010
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"It's very rare to see werewolves. There are barely any left. And it should be illigal to kill them."Aro said.
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10:01pm Jul 20 2010
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Jane gave a disgusted look. "ha. Dont make me laugh. rare to see a werewolf? Just go to any country and you will most likely find at least one pack. Just wipe them out. Illegal to kill them? That is by far the worst suggestion I have heard...ever." she growled. Morana understood what was occuring. "I agree Aro, thats like saying 'oh lets make it illegal to kill a human. or we could make it illegal to kill vampires.' woot! great idea." she said in a sarcastic manner. "then again we kill both of those species." she replied. "And werewolves kill vampires. So we might as well return the favor." she hissed. Wiatt shrugged, "I would kill 'em either way. So do what ever the hell you want." he stated unamused.
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10:05pm Jul 20 2010
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"Jane, you're wrong. There are only three places with werewolves and everyday everyone of them die."Alice said.
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10:09pm Jul 20 2010
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Jane smiled, "Great. Lets finish them off." she growled turning her back. Wiatt sighed, "I thought vampires were supposed to hate werewolves." he shrugged unamused once more. "times are changin." he stated grabbing Jane by the shoulder. He smiled and began to stroll farther into the forest. Jane looked once at Wiatt and followed without another word. Alec went in pursuit. He looked at Morana, who stayed in place. He continued after his friend and sister. Morana was frozen in place. What was going on?
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10:16pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila ran off. Karissa looked at Jason. "I need to tell you something."
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10:17pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason cocked his head, "Anything." he replied, a small smile on his face, trying to cheer her up. Morana sighed and looked to where her friends had left. She looked at Aro and shook her head ashamed, she pushed past him and into the open air.
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10:19pm Jul 20 2010
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She half smiled. "It's about what just happened. "I'm a werewolf and vampire. My mom was one too so the blood caught on."She said.
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10:22pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason's smile faded, "Why are you telling me this?" he questioned, confused.
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10:24pm Jul 20 2010
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"It's something you need to know. I don't even want to be it. I just want to be a normal werewolf."Karissa said.
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10:26pm Jul 20 2010
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Jason sighed, "You can't change who you are." he said in a calm tone... Morana wandered around a small path, she hugged her arms...thinking.
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10:28pm Jul 20 2010
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"I know, but I wish I could. I wish I wasn't related to two worthless bloodsuckers."She said.
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10:31pm Jul 20 2010
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"And I wish I was human." he whispered.
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10:34pm Jul 20 2010
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"Why?"She asked.
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10:38pm Jul 20 2010
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"Because. I wont be cursed to live forever. And have the freedom to love whoever I want. Not worrying about imprinting or anything. Not having to put the pack first. Not having to deal with leeches. Just freedom." he said looking at the sky.
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