11:22pm Jul 27 2010
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Akila and them went to Karissa and Jason. "We talked to them. I saw something wierd. Morana's helping us."She whispered so no one up there could here her.
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11:27pm Jul 27 2010
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Jason went wide eyed, "what?" he asked quietly. Morana dragged her palm around Wiatt's head, circling him in the same seductive manner. "Wiatt, my love... stop the torture." she cooed softly, brushing her lips ever so lightly against his cheek. Wiatt was in silence, he followed Morana with his red eyes...
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11:29pm Jul 27 2010
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"She's seducing him to stop it."Seth smiled. Krystal playfully elbowed him. "Ow."He whispered.
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11:38pm Jul 27 2010
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Jason smiled to himself. Wiatt felt his neck hairs stand on end. Morana smiled to herself... "You promised we could go live in that cabin of yours... but in order to do that..." she began she looked into his eyes, allowing him to finger through her hair. "YOu have to let the werewolf go." she whispered, leaning in close once more. Wiatt swallowed as he took in Morana's features... so lively, and beautiful. He took a step back, Morana grabbing his hand. MOrana put a hand on Wiatt's chest. "Its whats in here that counts." she whispered. Wiatt grimaced, "I hear no heartbeat." he growled. Morana smiled soothingly, "It dosnt take a beat to have a heart my love..." she whispered, leaning in so their lips almost met. "Please?" she whispered. Wiatt grimaced and thought in his mind...Karissa I will have to leave for a bit. he thought, ceasing his torture upon the dog.
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11:47pm Jul 27 2010
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"I'm free."Karissa whisperedas she took Jason's hands.
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11:50pm Jul 27 2010
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Jason's eyes went wide with shock as he pulled Karissa into a tight embrace.
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11:52pm Jul 27 2010
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"So, what are we going to do?"She ask. She started into his eyes. Her eyes sparkled and turned baby blue, her eye color for love.
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11:58pm Jul 27 2010
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Jason sighed and looked at the pack. "Take out the leech." he growled, returning the gaze to Karissa before kissing her affectionatly. Wiatt grimaced at Morana. "Happy?" he growled, before racing off in the other direction. "Yes, Thank you Wiatt." she whispered. Wiatt heard this and looked back, "YOu know where the cabin is right?" he smiled warmly. Morana nodded and watched Wiatt flee in the direction of her new home.
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12:24am Jul 28 2010
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She kissed him back. She forgot about almost everything. There was no more pain. She closed her eyes.
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8:36am Jul 28 2010
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Jason smiled lightly at his love. Morana raced back to the cliff's edge and sat on the ledge, one leg dangling freely, the other crossed under her body. Her arms behind her, for support. Her hair blew threw the breeze as she watched the wolves' excited looks.
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2:15pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 2:16pm Jul 28 2010)
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Akila did a backflip. "Come on, let's go."She said. "One sec sis."Karissa said. She looked into Jason's eyes. Her eyes sparkled.
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3:28pm Jul 28 2010
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Jason smiled warmly his eyes were full of comp*censored*ion for Karissa, he kissed her gently and stood up, "Lets go." he said, putting her hand out for him to take. Morana smiled at the werewolves, wishing she could find love as they had. She sighed heavily and looked out to the setting sun.
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3:32pm Jul 28 2010
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Karissa looked at Morana and smiled. She mouth the words: Thanks.
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3:46pm Jul 28 2010
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Morana caught the look from Karissa and smiled lightly. She waved towards the pack before jumping up and disappearing into the distance.
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3:53pm Jul 28 2010
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"She's actually nice."Akila said.
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4:03pm Jul 28 2010
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Jason snorted. "for now." he growled, glaring at the vampire as she disappeared.
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4:12pm Jul 28 2010
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"Let's go have fun."Karissa said.
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4:19pm Jul 28 2010
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Jason beamed, "Thats what I like to hear." he said excitedly.
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4:21pm Jul 28 2010
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Karissa giggled. She grabbed his hand and put her head on his shoulder.
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4:23pm Jul 28 2010
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Jason smiled and Kissed Karissa's head, squeezing her hand gently. "What did you have in mind?" he asked
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