1:30am Jul 9 2010
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When Emmett heard that, "Well that little-" he stopped himself, the lousy vampire still wants to kill Renesmee? Morana's eyes went wide, "W-Wiatt. H-Here?" she gulped... her eyes scanning the forest but it was to late... Wiatt hopped down from the bush and landed several paces away from Morana, Alice, Emmett, Carlisle, and the others ((Sorry cant name them all))... his red eyes gleaming darkly... "I was expected?" he smiled at Alice.
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1:32am Jul 9 2010
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Alice and them glared. Rosalie was still holding onto her Emmett. They all started growling.
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1:39am Jul 9 2010
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"Well...I see mostly all of you are in a bad mood." he growled back... "What are you doing here, Wiatt." Morana hissed... her eyes narrowed coldly...her fists clenched. Wiatt shrugged, "Looking for you. Heard that Bella's daddy is still human.. what blood type? A, B, AB, O? I'll figure that out by myself most likely... I prefer A...AB and B are horrible for my digestive system..." he smiled slyly at the group of vampires and werewolves. Morana hissed, "If you do ANYTHING, to Charlie...or any human for that matter...I will killyou." she growled, "And dont think I WONT." she added. Wiatt sighed, "I know your strong Morana...only playing...and of course I wanted to visit the baby." he added, glancing at Bella.
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1:40am Jul 9 2010
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"No!"Everyone, including the werewolves, said.
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1:45am Jul 9 2010
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OoC: ;o what's happened at the moment?
1:45am Jul 9 2010
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Wiatt rose an eyebrow..."No to what my friends?" he asked...he saw Jason..."Jason... how did you like my mind games?" he tormented Jason growled but sunk back farther into the group, he was afraid...if Wiatt could do something like that...he didnt want to be responsible for the death of his friends. "Shut up, leech." he stated. Emmett didnt want Wiatt anywhere close to the home without supervision...
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1:48am Jul 9 2010
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((Wiatt is wanting to kill Renesmee. Right now. You didn't miss much.)) "You're not seeing Nessie."Jacob said.
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1:54am Jul 9 2010
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Wiatt shook his head, "Why? Are you still protective of your love, Jacob?" he asked, completly unaware that Jacob was with Akila now... He was recalliing how protective Jacob was of the small infant when the volturi first came to kill it... of course, Morana convinved Aro to spare its life. Wiatt made no promise what so ever to keep the kid alive... so there is no promise to be broken...the hybrid would die. "There is no way in he!! that you are seeing Renesmee." Emmett growled, pulling Rose close to him. Morana glared, she didnt trust Wiatt... Jason growled once, he didnt want this vampire near him or his family, Morana was bad enough.
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1:55am Jul 9 2010
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((milo, our charrys just got aquainted pretty much... and yeah wiatt wants to kill renesmee.))
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1:56am Jul 9 2010
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Jacob growled. "I have a love that I'm keeping for ever. And she's right next to."He said right when Akila was the only one next to him. Rosalie stayed locked onto Emmey.
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2:02am Jul 9 2010
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Wiatt was shocked Jacob found a new love..."huh, I must admit, I didnt see that one coming." he said a confused look on his face. But he quickly recovered. Jason jumped in, "Lets just give him what he wants so he'll leave." he growled..."Just give him Morana and we're done." he stated bitterly, glaring at the vampire he had fought moments before. Emmett turned and glared at Jason, "Just sacrifice her? And send her back to be a slave for the Volturi?" he growled. "Defencive much?" Jason growled turning his back to the group, he just wanted Wiatt gone. Morana snarled at Jason and looked at Wiatt..."If I go, will you leave." she stated expressionlessly... Wiatt nodded. Morana took a step foward and looked back...but she came to Wiatts side...
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2:05am Jul 9 2010
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Rosalie grabbed Morana. "Don't leave. I don't know why I just said that. But you don't diserve to be a slave."
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2:10am Jul 9 2010
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Morana shrugged, "Its fine... Im used to it by now." she reas.sured pulling her hand away. She turned to Wiatt... "Aro will be pleased you are returning." he stated grabbing her arm gently... he knew she was tence... Morana glared darkly and allowed herself to be taken away... At least the others are okay. emmett groaned, "Morana! Dont go with that jerk." he called after her...knowing he was being ignored. Wiatt smirked... he would still make a stop at the Cullen house.
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2:12am Jul 9 2010
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Alice ran to the house. Bella and everyone else fallowed.
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2:18am Jul 9 2010
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Jason knew they were expecting him... he needed Morana, whom was ignoring him bitterly. He tapped her and smiled, she glared. "Hide my thoughts." he whispered... Morana glared at him. Morana hissed, "What are you doing." she snarled, but she knew Wiatt's thoughts were already hidden, thanks to his gift. Theyve been hidden, no one would be expecting what he did next not even herself. Wiatt stole Jason's brain once again... his first command...act natural. the mutt did as it was told. Jason strolled up to the house with the pack, "whats going on?" he asked curiously... he never did find out what Alice's vision was.
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2:22am Jul 9 2010
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"Wiatt's stopping here."
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2:24am Jul 9 2010
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Jason went wide eyed, "what? he got what he wanted... whys he still coming?" he growled angrilly. Emmett pulled Rose close to him, Wiatt seemed like a dangerous charracter... poor Morana. ((and i gtg for the night.... be back in a few hours. :)))
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2:27am Jul 9 2010
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((Okay.)) Rosalie still held on to him. She kissed him. "Renesmee, is what he really wants."
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2:33am Jul 9 2010
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Poppy went inside and stood with her hands on her hips. They were arguing again. Poppy never stepped into the fights, so she flitted upstairs into her room, shutting the door. She tried to ignore the voices downstairs by listening to her ipod. She flicked up her laptop and quickly checked her emails. She got bored after a while, so she turned the laptop off and flitted back downstairs. They were still arguing. Poppy darted to Alice. "What are they arguing about?"
2:35am Jul 9 2010
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"Wiatt want Renesmee."Alice said.
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