6:36pm Jul 9 2010
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"Why don't you just tell her. You know that she hates to be the last to know."Alice told him.
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6:39pm Jul 9 2010
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"I did tell her" emmett hissed. "And she exploded in my face...Im done." he stated, continuing to walk.
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6:41pm Jul 9 2010
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"She never told me that."She said shaking her head. "You guys are inseprable, I can't believe what you two are doing to yourselves. You guys are going to go crazy without eachother."
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6:43pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett snorted, "Tell her that." he stated...even though he knew she was right.
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6:45pm Jul 9 2010
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"You're making this harder than she is! This is riculous! Rosalie, get your butt over here, NOW!"Alice said. Rosalie came. "What the hell are you guys doing to yourselves!? I knew you'd be inseprable and you guys were. Until now."
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6:48pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett shrugged. "She tells me to tell her everything, and I do. I just told her about Morana and my past, and she gets totally mad.... because I told her." he replied, his back still to the girls.
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6:50pm Jul 9 2010
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Rosalie stayed calm. "Well I'm sorry. I really do love you Em, but why didn't you tell me about it earlier. You were acting like it was some kind of secret."
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6:53pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett sighed, "I told you, I didnt think it mattered." he replied... it was so long ago he didnt think he remembered.
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6:55pm Jul 9 2010
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"Well, to me it did."She said as she walked up to him. "I seroiusly do love you. So much."
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6:59pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett sighed. "I love you too Rose. And dont doubt that..." just then he heard the footsteps of a vampire approaching, he looked up and Morana was standing by them... "Morana. What about Wiatt?" he asked, jumping up and looking around for the Volturi member. Morana sighed, "Relax. He's out hunting, said I can go and he wont hurt any of you as long as Im back to the stream when he gets back." she replied saddness apparent in her face. "Whats going on?" she asked curiously to change the subjsect...looking at Rosalie's somewhat angry face.
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7:01pm Jul 9 2010
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"I never would, Em."She said. She glared at Morana. "Nothing you need to know."
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7:03pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett smiled..."Good." he whispered. Morana glared back at Rosalie... "But its something I want to know." she retorted knowing it was probobly about her...
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7:04pm Jul 9 2010
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"You may want to but I'm sure the hell not telling you because it's none of your bisnuess."She replied.
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7:05pm Jul 9 2010
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Morana smirked, "Touchy." she stated, she looked at Emmett, "Whats going on?" she asked again, ignoring Rosalie's glare. Emmett was about to say, but stayed quiet
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7:07pm Jul 9 2010
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"I told you that it's none of your bisness!"Rosalie growled.
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7:09pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jul 9 2010)
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Morana hissed loudly, "He finally leaving you Rose?" she snarled angrilly. Morana knew she had a temper but didnt care anymore Emmett stood up defencivly, he would never leave Rose and Morana knew that...she was just trying to hurt Rose.
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7:10pm Jul 9 2010
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Rose stormed off. She was really mad now. She ran up to her room. She through some stuff on the ground.
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7:17pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett glared at Morana..."Why must you insist on making her angry! You know I would never leave her!" he hissed. Morana glared, "You know I have a temper. What.were.you.talking.about." she growled...she knew it was about her but wanted to hear it from their mouths. Emmett clenched his fists..."Thats it!" he walked up and grabbed Morana, throwing her over his shoulder like a small child... he ignored her threats and screams...as well as the painful beating on his back. "The family is going to get some anwsers out of you." he hissed, wincing after every punch. "Put me down Emmett! I sware I will---" the threats went on and on... she wasnt going to tell the Cullens or the mutts anything! She was sure her angry cries could be heard long before they arrived at the house. Emmett carried the angry Morana up to the house. He saw several of his family members as well as the wolves staring at him. "Calm down. And stay here." he growled before disappearing into the house, he ran to Rose's room and pulled her into a tight hug. "Calm down my love." he whispered.
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7:19pm Jul 9 2010
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She started crying. "I swear, I. Want. To. Kill. Her!"
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7:22pm Jul 9 2010
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Emmett held her tightly..."shh, relax. You know she is wrong. Want to help me interrigate her about Wiatt?" he whispered trying to make her smile.
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