8:39pm May 10 2010
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((We'll start as soon as I hatch a colored female Meiko to name Nevalk, and figure out which Jaaku and which Ebilia are going to be the Guild leaders. *returns to showroom* And i am going to cut off characters here. You can still go up to your previous limit of three, but No more users. Otherwise, the guild will end up too big to hide, or there will be too many normal Creatu, and the whole thing will be set off.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:13pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((im sorry to sound like a n00b but what guild? huh?))
10:25pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 10:27pm May 10 2010)
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Posts: 28
((Oh cool, did I get in Fox? ^.^ and if you need more as.sas.sins I can add Hachi as a dark female one, shes my black ebilia)))
5:07pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((The As.sas.sin's guild. XD And yes, Skitten, you got in. As far as guild members, I don't need any more. Too big and it'll be a bit...Eh..hard to hide. As.sas.sins and their secrecy.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:23pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((so like um when do we get to start i know you said when you hatch a meiko but....))
7:37pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 28
((no problem fox, just got rid of my Ebby anyways :X))
8:11pm May 11 2010
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((Skitten: Lol Rocca: I'm debating on just starting it now, and waiting till I bring in Nevalk...Lemme just choose an Ebilia and Jaaku. One very short second.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:53pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 8:58pm May 11 2010)
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Posts: 3,469
((Starting.)) Unveiling stretched, yawning, as he stood from his bed--a pile of scraps. Anything soft they could find was put to use. Blankets, human clothes, pine needles, anything. The three of them stuck together--Substanz, Nevalk, and he. He flicked his ginger and tan tail, yawning again to display sharp teeth. He flared his wings, then furled them, and repeated the process, stretching. He glanced around the abandoned cabin where they lived--holes in the roof and walls let in light, but no rain, somehow--and didn't see his brother. Probably out hunting with his girlfriend. Unveiling didn't have a problem with Nevalk, rather thought of her as another risk to his career. He already had to be careful around Substanz. Looking around again, Unveiling darted from the cabin, and strode out onto the street. It was early morning, and very few Creatu were on the streets at this hour. Those that were were either in his profession, or were scurrying about, trying to get home before breakfast. Unveiling nodded to those he knew, then darted down an alley. He leapt a small fence, jumped up some crates to a roof, leapt off on the other side, jumped against the wall and landed on the other side of a fence, glided across a small gap, turned sharply down an almost hidden pas.sway, and skidded to a stop at the precise center of a large tile with a rather odd insignia on it. He backed up two steps, then jumped, just as some poison darts shot across the alleyway. Skidding to another stop, he flew to the top of another building, then dropped down on a rather thick wooden grate. Slipping through an opening in the grate, he flared his wings to slow his desent. Sure, it was a rather hard way to get to the Guild, when he could have just flown, but in reality, the part of the city containing the Guild was covered by a dome. The rest of the dome had broken in a battle, only half of the city remained protected. And the Guild was smartly placed in this half. As The ginger Meiko folded his wings, his bright blue eyes glinting in the darkness, two shapes came from the far corners of the single room. More shapes seemed to appear out of nowhere, but these two seemed to be the more important. ((And you can go from there. Maybe you're an as.sas.sin out on a mission, or at the Guild, or maybe you're a pas.serby who's just witnessed Unveiling dashing across the streets, though I wouldn't reccomend following him, its an option. XD
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:04pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Laflo was perched on the roof of some random building, preening his wings. He always liked to haave them nice and well kept because that made flying much easier. As he examined his surroundings, Laflo sa a suspicous looking Meiko head somewhere as well as a few other creatu that Laflo didn't know. He wasn't sure what they were heading off to do, but he wasn't sure he wanted to find out. Laflo remained where he was, quietly preening his brightly colored feathers. He had a sudden urge to go investigatenow. Something deep in his brain fought against all intelligence andlogic to say that he should go see what was happened. Laflo actually flapped over a few homes towards the direction he had seen the creatu heading, befor regaining his sense and perching once more on some roof.
9:35pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 9:55pm May 11 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((okay i have to write in chunks because my internet likes to fail and i have to refresh so if you see the -c- symbol please note im not finished writing,normally i write on microsoft then paste buts it not working....)) Flowerly slowly opened her eyes,she jerked awake from a drip of water hitting her pierced scarred face.She looked around the sound of creaking filled her large ears as the boat tipped back and forth.She jumped up trying to keep her balance,the cubords had sprang open covering the old spliterened floor with food and broken dishes.Clear warm saltwater was up to inches on her paws.SHe paniced and saw a large break in one of the planks in the bottom side of the boat,she had to escape. Flowerly's heart raced.She darted to the ladder that led to the deck on the small house boat.She raced up it the rope bruning her fingers as she kept falling as the boat shook,finally she got up and ran to the tip looking out into the crystal blue ocean as the scorching sun beat down her thick maroon fur.She saw that land was about a mile away,with enough motivation she could swim there,Flowerly gulped her icy blue eyes wary and frustrated even though flowerly had lived on the sea her whole life she hated the water.She closed her eyes and leaped plunging into the warm salty water... Her head bobbed out and the strong pull of the current carried her to land after about an hour of shear terror the waves spit her out on the sandy beach of some unknown island.She crawled out of the waves and coughed up the vile sea water she had swallowed,her stomach felt as unstable as the boat she had just been on,she coughed and vomited,though not much as food wasnt all that availble on the boat. She touched the wet cloth on the top of her hat to make sure it was still in place,she sighed knowing it was there.Flowerly was exhausted her body ached all over and a dream like state numbed her sences,she shivered as a wind hit her small thin body without the thick abundant fur to cover herself as it was saoked.She tilted her head back and fell unconcious in the hot white sand.

2:59pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 28
Roak sat on the hard stone floor of the Guild, still as a statue. He could feel the soft, cold smoothness of the rock, each detail and flaw apparent to his expertly tuned body. He glanced around at the other figures in the room, making sure to take in his surroundings without openly staring at the other as.sas.sins. Being a long time member, he knew enough to respect the privacy of others in the Guild. However, one could never be too careful, it was impossible to trust these as.sas.sins, one should never allow themselves to get to relaxed. Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted his musings. "Roak, hey Roak, what are we waiting for?" the tiny cream veram by his side yawned widely. "This is soooooooo boring." she flittered up near the liyure's head, continuing to chatter. "Is this some sort of meeti...." Roak interrupted her with one sweep of his gold taloned paw, sending her skittering across the floor. "Twell, QUIET" he growled. Twell sat up and brushed herself off indignantly. "Ugh, whatever, you are always so serious. " she sat back down next to him and began to examine her perfectly manicured nails, painted a bright pink. Twell attempted to copy the actions of Roak, surveying the other as.sas.sins around her. She let her gaze wander, lingering upon the ginger Meiko that had just arrived. Suddenly, both of Roak and Twell became aware of a presence in the room, more important than the rest. Their eyes were drawn to two dark figures emerging from the shadows....
7:17pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 9:11pm May 12 2010)
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Maghnoc inspected a claw, stopping his forward 'stroll.' Dejja came to a dtop right beside him. She was limping slightly, from a recent job that had tried to fight back. Cracked one of her legs, but she was okay. The Jaaku looked at the Ebilia worriedly, but she didn't notice, and his ex pression was so slight, he doubted anyone else did either. "So, Unveiling, you have come again. I take it your last hunt went well?" The ginger Meiko looked straight ahead as the Ebilia started to circle him. Meeting her eye was a dangerous thing. "Yes, Mistress. Immortals is no immortal. The blonde Meiko stood no chance for me." The Ebilia purred in delight. This was a great acomplishment, making one of the Co-Leaders happy. She stopped infront of Unveiling, inspected him for a moment, then continued to circle, stopping behind him. He kept his gaze straight ahead. "Ah. So strong for such a young age...What is it that drives you? Acomplishment? Desire? Revenge? Or rather, greed? I can't read you. You are Veiled. Since you have pas.sed your first task, you shall be accepted among our ranks, and your as.sas.sin name is now Veil." She turned to Maghnoc, who held up both clawed hands as he turned to the rest of the as.sas.sins. "You may congratulate Veil on his achivement, but no more than that. Welcome him to our ranks, then come one at a time, or in the case of partners, two at a time, to see Dejja and I. We will as.sign you your tasks." With that, the two Co-Leaders seemed to melt into the darkness. ((Ima post Substanz tomorrow, he's gonna walk along the beach, keh Rocca?))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:58pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 28
Roak silently stalked forward with Twell perched precariously on his shoulders. He stopped in front of the ginger Meiko and eyed him warily. He looked young, just a few years older than his Twell. The hard look in his blue eyes sent a shudder down the liyure's spine. "Congratulations....Veil" he stated simply, with a bow of his shaggy head. Twell glided down for a better look. "Oh congrats, Veil! That name is so cool! Wow, I can't believe you are an as.sas.sin! Did you really kill someone?" the words spilled out as she stared at him, wide-eyed. "Twell, enough!" Roak growled at her. he picked her up in his mouth and carried her off to a corner. "Now you sit here and wait. I have work to do." the look in his eyes made her silently obey. Roak then made his way over into the darkness to stand before Maghnoc and Dejja. "I'm ready for my task." he said.
10:03pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 10:05pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 20
Squaw! SQUAW! SQUAW! The Uilus winced slightly at the sound. Ugh, how he hated the sound of Drindians in the mornings. Now unable to sleep thanks to his rude awakening, the porcelain-faced creature stretched, popping the joints in his wings and shoulders. He ruffled his feathers, preened them back to smoothness, and promptly left his little hostel, almost immediately breaking into a sweat. He clicked his beak a few times, a scowl trying to form over his emotionless face. Now, where was he supposed to meet his family, again? Oh, how he loathed family gatherings. Well, really, gatherings in general. No matter, he would do as he often did and wander aimlessly until he found what he was looking for. His family wouldn't mind, they'd become accustomed to his quirks and behaviors. At least, he didn't think they'd mind. As he began his trek across the city, he pas.sed a small cafe, a bookstore, a number of clothing stores, an upscale restaurant, and a park. He yawned, completely apathetic. Suddenly, a familiar sensation washed over him and he closed his eyes, relishing the salty embrace of the wind on the sea. Then he knew that the beach was where he had to be, family time be cursed. He picked up his pace, first trotting, then a brisk jog, a sprint, a dead run, and finally a skim over the surface of the earth as he unfurled his wings like great windcatchers. No sooner than his paws kissed the earth was he pastern deep in the surf, his face to the sun. As he slowly opened his eyes to gaze upon the crystalline surf, he noticed something washed upon the sand, souring his picturesque landscape. He heaved an irritated sigh and trudged towards the crumpled heap of...fur? He raised an eyebrow, as he had expected a pile of trash or flotsam from an off-coast maritime disaster. He slowly circled the creature, drawing ever closer. He noticed the Veram was breathing, but he was wary. Slowly he reached out, poking the creature's ribs before hopping back, waiting for a response.
I need to be seahabilitated
10:17pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((okay)) Flowerly slowly opened her icy blue yes to the feeling of a jab in her side,though the thought of it being someone poking her was the last from her mind.SHe just *censored*umed it was a piece of her once home house boat.But even so she let out a involuntary growl showing her white fangs.Looking up she saw a large uilus looming over her scrawny frame.SHe jumped up in the hot white sand digging her claws in and scrunched her nose to look fierce even though it didnt really work with the large gold ring septum piercing in her nose."who are you?"Her raspy voice demanded.SHe looked around confused looking out into the horizon as to where exactly she was but dare Flowerly ask it would make the wingless little veram look even weaker.AN=nd she hated nothing more than to seem weak.SHe raised the fur on her back ready to attack.Her heart beat faster and she grew hot with fury (sorry its a little short D:))
10:59pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 20
The Uilis took one step back, his once ivory feathers shifting hue to a slight mint green in the changing light. He turned his head to the side in cl*censored*ic curious owl fashion, allowing his salmon hued ruff to puff up slightly. Peculiar, this creature was. He purred, a strange sound from such a creature, as he folded his wings and clicked his espresso hued beak. "Well, I cuold ask the same of you. I'm Rimefeather." His voice was flat, matter-of-fact, and slightly cold. He sat down, only to immediately hop up again, as his fluffy little tail did not seem to be compatible with the scorching sands. He watched her slightly, speaking as he dug a small crater into the sand, exposing the cool moist sediment beneath it. "But who I am is really of no importance. And it seemed that you were in distress." He sat comfortably in his tiny hollow as he continued. "At least, when someone confuses you with flotsam, you're surely not well off." He wondered if this irritated her, his unconcern of her threats, as he was well aware of her missing wings, and all too aware of his own being intact.
I need to be seahabilitated
4:40am May 13 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((am i too late to join :C))?
6:13am May 13 2010 (last edited on 7:15pm May 13 2010)
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Flowerly looked up to him and looked him dead in the eye searching to see what his intentions were.SHe let go of the grip of her toes in the hot sand and shook off the see water that still was clingling to her thick maroon fur.Flowlerly sniffed "eh fine"SHe let out a quiet snarl."im flowerly and it so happens my ship sunk,if you must know"Flowerly sat down the sand not really bothering her rump."im no flatsom er whatever you think i am!"She thought about her flightless self and sighed.She had never really sighed before and she didnt like it.Flowerly paced around the uilius."you dont seem to be weel off yerself i see...something in you"She knew this uilius had been in pain,she smelled it could sense it.Even better for her to get away.She looked at his odd coloring then to his eyes looking for his motive of being here she didnt need help not now,not ever.
7:16pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 1,361
8:02pm May 13 2010
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((Twintkitty, I'm sorry, but yes, it is too late.)) Unveiling nodded to Roak, his blue eyes softening slightly at the sight of Twell. Glancing over at where the gold Liyure was, with the two leaders, he bent down swiftly to the little Veram. "Thank you. And yes, I have killed. I can tell you more about why later. Oh." He nodded his head to Roak. "And don't let him dampen your spirits, kay?" With that, he strode off, being congratulated by many before he stopped, waiting for his next task. Dejja looked at roak with hard eyes, then stepped back for Maghnoc to speak. "Roak. One of our best. And least suspected...We will as.sign you a very difficult task, for this target has killed many of ours. He is well aware of our attempts to kill him, and has many guards. He is Berauschen, the black Iluvu, and ruler of this country. He is highly arrogant, and very wealthy." He 'stepped' back, letting Dejja move forward to finish the as.signment. "We want you to kill all of the guards, him, and steal everything you can carry. Take that little Veram too, she can help. Maybe not with the killing, but..." She flicked her tail. "Now. You have been given your task. Go complete it and return..." Maghnoc narrowed his eyes. "...Or don't return at all." ((Mkay, since Rimefeather already found Flowerly, ima not introduce Substanz yet, though he plays a major part in Unveiling's/Veil's past...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."