8:02pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm May 13 2010)
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((maigawsh. Double post. Sorry about that.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:09pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((grrr...I dunno what to make my mirabilis do. He's being all boring and not giving me ideas. >:( Oh well...even if I had ideas I couldn't post them now. To busy. I will try to post tommorrow.))
10:26pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 10:29pm May 13 2010)
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Posts: 28
Roak widened his eyes. Take Twell? He knew better than to argue with the leaders. He bowed before them. "It will be done." He strode over to where Twell was sitting. She was fidgeting around like always. Roak couldn't suppress the anxiety he felt over taking the young veram with him. He had tried so hard to spare her from this, but maybe it was time she decided on her own what she wanted out of life. Either way, she was about to experience it first hand. As soon as the veram spotted him she zoomed over, flitting about his head. "Roak guess what? That Meiko talked to me! He was super nice and and he said he's going to tell me about being an as.sas.sin. See I don't annoy everyone!" she said proudly, perching on his shoulders. Roak chuckled as he strode swiftly out of the Guild. "Well maybe you'll have some stories of your own to tell him. You're coming with me on your first mission." Twell almost toppled off of the liyure's back in surprise. "Wha-wha...Really? Me?" she spluttered. "Yes you. Don't get to excited, this isn't fun and games." Roak had a bad feeling about this mission. Twell, on the other hand, couldn't have been happier. She sighed contentedly and for once in her life was quiet. The two creatu continued on their way, towards the estate of Berauschen and whatever fate would bring them.
8:58pm May 14 2010
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9:29pm May 14 2010
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Unveiling moved forward as Roak moved away. He resumed his composure, then faced the two Leaders. The only show of his excitement was an almost unnoticeable twitch of his tail. "I am ready to recieve my next task." Dejja eyed his carefully. The young Meiko was strong, cunning, and swift. Already, he had killed someone, on his first try. Not many could call that feat. She glanced at Maghnoc, who nodded, understanding her thoughts. "You are to accompany Roak and his little Veram friend. The Liyure is tasked with killing Berauschen, and I want you to observe. It would do good to see a great as.sas.sin in action. If help is needed, you will help. But don't interfere if not." Maghnoc spoke up. "You have been given your task. Complete it and return..." "Or don't treturn at all. And remember, if something happens to Roak, you are to abandon mission and return here. You are not yet strong enough to take on this mark." Unveiling nodded, then was dismissed. He turned and swiftly found the Liyure and Veram. As he padded over, he remembered promising to tell the Veram about being an as.sas.sin. He'd have plenty of time. He had researched all known marks of the Guild, and Berauschen was one of the most famous, since he was not yet dead. His estate was at least a good two days away. Travelling alone. With three...Probably around four days. When the two started moving, he spread his wings, and sped up, landing just beyond them. He walked toward them, his blue eyes no longer hard and uncaring. "I have been as.signed to come with you. To study how a great as.sas.sin works." He intentionally left out the part about possibly helping, as he knew Dejja and Maghnoc wanted. After all, sending help was considered an insult amoung the Guild.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:38pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 20
((apologies to all! between work, signing a lease on an apartment, and my ballroom dancing lessons, I haven't really had time for roleplay. o.o' but, the play must go on!)) Rimefeather watched the wingless Veram as she circled, mildly amused. He fluffed his feathers a bit, as the heat was indeed beginning to get to him. "Well, I admit I am not in my element" he began, "but at least I've got my health." He continued to watch Flowerly curiously. "And why do you believe I'm out to harm you, little one?" He always referred to those he felt superior to as "little one", regardless of stature, yet his voice was still emotionless, like a recorded message. "I'm no more a threat to you than this sand pit I've constructed. I merely wish to be by the sea..." His sentiment trailed off once more as his obsidian eyes gazed out past the vast blue ocean glimmering in the sunshine.
I need to be seahabilitated
11:39pm May 14 2010 (last edited on 11:43pm May 14 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Flowerly snorted her flicked her large fluffy tail.She could feel how he underminded her and thought he was better his monotone voice almost sounded as the ones with hate and venom behind it.She gulped and gave him the stink eye with her piercing baby blues.SHe stood up digging her paws that were almost to big for her in the sand till she hit the cold dampness underneath. She gave a evil grin showing her sharp white fangs "dun call meh little one thanks,i seen thing and done things that you should never dream of"Battery acid pumped through her she almost shaked with fury she had never been disperected in such a way physically sure,but never emotionally it stung liek nothing she had felt before.She looked away and stuck her snout up.Sniffing the salty air letting the wind blow through her fur.THis uilius made her mad...more than the usal annoyances of pirate life."so i dont need yer matter eh factness"SHe snarled.Wanteing so depeartely to leave but she had nothing better and would see how this panned out wonder if he had anything on him.

9:25am May 15 2010 (last edited on 9:25am May 15 2010)
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Posts: 28
((Sorry for the short post, I have to get ready for a wedding ^.^)) Roak studied the young Meiko. He was used to working alone, but he trusted the wisdom of the Guild. "Very well." he stated simply. "We need to leave now. We will make camp as soon as morning hits. It is too dangerous to travel in the daylight." Twell hopped off of Roak's back to get a better view of Veil. She couldn't have been happier to have the company. Although she loved Roak, he wasn't the most talkative. "Hi Veil! I'm so excited! This is my first mission? Are you excited!? I can't believe I am finally going to become a real as.sas.sin!" she babbled on, clearly glad to have a companion. Roak turned to Veil quickly. "I almost forgot...do you have anything you'd like to do before we leave? If so, do it quickly. There is a good chance we...." he glanced at Twell, then lowered his voice so only the Meiko could hear "There is a good chance we won't be coming back from this mission." his silver eyes glinted in the moonlight. "If there is nothing you need to do, then lets go."
9:42am May 15 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Unveiling nodded once to Twell, before answering Roak. "If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to my brother. Although he isn't aware of my status as an as.sas.sin, or even the Guild's existence, he'd still notice if I was gone." In response to the last statement, he quietly answered. "There are three of us, two of which are accepted as.sas.sins. Even if we don't succeed, we'll at least be able to make it out alive, and get ready for another try." With that, he turned and jumped, beating his wings to get airborne. He banked sharply to the left, heading for his home. ((Short post, I'm braindead.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:58am May 15 2010
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Posts: 20
The Uilis turned his head to the side in typical owl fashion. This Veram, she was so...angry was the only word he could think of. "Very well then", he stated simply, allowing his head to roll back to its normal position. He clicked his beak, a habit of his when he wasn't talking, but his thoughts were interrupted by the thunderous growl from his stomach. He peered at it as if he had no idea what had happened, and frankly it had caught him by surprise. He had forgotten about breakfast in his peevishness at the Drindian. He turned from Flowerly, heading to the breaking waves, scuttling along the waterline in search of...in search of what? He didn't quite know, but he did know he was not in the mood for the processed nastiness so often served at restaurants these days. ((short post, writer's block and work))
I need to be seahabilitated
12:09pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Flowerly wanted the punch the s*censored* out of this frickin' uilius' mouth but the choked it down.And shook herself clean from her fury.She looked ot the city and became to walk in the hot sand toward the looming buildings.Life was an adventure so why not live it?She gulped and stomped on the black pavement her nails clicking with each step. (sorry i couldnt think))
12:15pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Laflo woke up, only slightly caring that he had falen asleep on the roof of some stranger house. He actually did this quite often, only finding real shelter when there was bad weather. He preened his wings a little bit before taking to the skies, gliding over the town to see if anything particullarly interesting was happening at the moment. He could find nothing to big, so Laflo landed and pulled out a few coins from his bag he carried with him. " Gonna need more money soon... " Laflo muttered, knowing that he only had enough coins for a few more days of decent food. He found a fruit seller and bought an apple, biting into it was he wandered around in search of easy money.
9:28pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 20
Rimefeather continued up and down the surf for a few minutes before finally calling it a day. Frustrated and still hungry, he turned disp*censored*ionately towards the town and grimaced. His stomach gurgled at him irritatedly as he spread his wings. "Oh hush you!" he snapped at his entrails before taking to the skies in the direction of the mindless cafes and processed-food-loving public. He strolled over to the fruit vendor and stood patiently behind the vibrant Mirabilis as he surveyed the vendor's wares.
I need to be seahabilitated
7:34pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 20
((I have bad news guys. I'm moving to a new apartment at the beginning of June and I don't know if/when I'm going to be able to afford internet there, so for the sake of keeping this thing alive I'm going to drop. I'm so sorry. Please remember me fondly and send me an rmail so I can get back with you guys when I finally am able to afford the internet. D:))
I need to be seahabilitated
8:00pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Aw. Okay. Fare thee well spikey.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:18pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Laflo soon found a nice looking opportunity. Not to far off, he saw a small hudle of Creatu that were obviously betting on some game. He walked forward and looked to see what they were playing. It was a simple game of bridge. Laflo smiled, he had a feeling that today he was going to be lucky. As soon as the current game ended, he stepped up and offered his small amount of money. The other creatu placed their bets and the game began. Finally, Laflo won, taking the prize money from a rather unhappy looking Vogar, Skaldyr, and Myotis. The Vogar cussed loudly, throwing his remaining cards on the ground before stalking off somewhere. Laflo smiled at the other two creatu before pocketing the money and leavinhg before they decided to try and take back their money.
4:44pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Sorry I haven't been able to reply lately. Been busy. But i haven't abandoned you guys. Just can't go much further without Roak, or introducing a pet I don't have. So...Bear with me.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:27am May 28 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((this is still up?))