5:16pm May 21 2013 (last edited on 5:19pm May 21 2013)
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A world inhabited by many different, strange creatures. War, famine and death are all too often problems for humanity, although peace and kindness are still existent if you look close enough. Choose from a number of different races ranging from Human to Orcs and start your own adventure today!! Choose from this list racesThe Angels (Immortal)- Angels often appear to people in the shape of humans of extraordinary beauty, and often are not immediately recognized as angels. Though superhuman, angels can be perceived in human form, although generally they have large proportional wings grown out of their backs, near their shoulder blades. "Perfect" is the only deion most people supply upon the sighting of one of these creatures.
Members~ The Brownies (Average Lifespan 60 years)- Tiny creatures, laid out end-to-end, a little bit less than seven Brownies make 2 feet, on average. Their skin comes in all the shades of a tree bark, with matching hair and eyes, and they have a somewhat angular look, having high cheekbones and a rawboned but lithe build. They are strong for their size, highly energetic and very agile, with a tendency to be mischievous.Members~
The Centaurs (Average Lifespan 220 years)- They are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. They are depicted as the torso of a human joined at the (humans) waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be. How beautiful the Centaurides are, even where they are horses; for some grow out of white mares, others are attached to chestnut mares, and the coats of others are dappled, but they glisten like those of horses that are well cared for. There is also a white female Centaur that grows out of a black mare, and the very opposition of the colors helps to produce the united beauty of the whole.Members~
The Demons (Immortal) - Very often one can see a strong tendency towards the element of fire at a Demon by looking at its appearance or by watching the way the monster behaves in battle. Certain kinds of Demons can spit or breathe fire or can even cast fire magic themselves, or seem to be composed of lava-like substances and therefore are often immune against fire-weapons. But don't let yourself be misguided by such definitions - evil can linger everywhere, and Demons may appear in any form and sizes, some even are said to be capable of shape shifting. Demons have no 'typical' appearance. There are of course certain similarities if you compare various species of Demons, but generalization is difficult. A great amount of Demons are two-legged, horned, have exceptionally great claws, sharp teeth and wear tails, some are winged as well; but all these properties very seldom occur on the same Demon. Depictions of Demons with ram's horns and goat feet are very common, yet they often are mere simplifications and shouldn't be taken as the real thing. There also exist Demons which are of spiritual form only for example like the mystrans, who have the abilities to possess others.Members~
The Dwarves (Average Lifespan 150 years)- Dwarves are similar in appearance to humans, the most significant difference of course being there height, which seldom exceeds 4-4.5 feet. Their growth ends between their twentieth and thirtiest cycle, however, male dwarves at this time already possess impressive growing beards. For a male dwarf his beard is an important sign of pride and dignity and sometimes can be accounted as the only reason why a certain dwarf is prefered instead of another when important clan duties have to be fulfilled.Members
The Elves (Average Lifespan 200-1000 years)- Elves in general are slender and tall in appearance, but unlike at the human race this is valid for both sexes. They usually reach the same size as male humans do - approx. 6 feet -, however, according to their delicate bodies they seem much taller than they really are. In comparison to humans elves are stronger in spirit and in limb and have an exceptional constitution and endurance. When they grow older they seldom get weaker, instead they become wiser and even more fair. Elven senses, especially of hearing and sight, are much keener and intense than those of Men and are highly resistant to extremes of temperatures and also have several natural defenses against magical influences.
Members The Fairies (Average Lifespan 170 years) - Fairies are generally portrayed as human in appearance and as having supernatural abilities such as the ability to fly, cast spells and to influence or foresee the future. They are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, females of small stature; they originally were depicted much differently: tall, radiant, angelic beings. However, since there have been sightings on only the rarest occasions, one cannot determine which deion is accurate.Members
The Halflings (Average Lifespan 110 years)- Hobbits are not called "small folk" and "halfings" for nothing. They are indeed rather short, tending to grow only about 3 feet in height, being shorter than dwarves and far less stocky and stout. Their weight often ranges between 50 and 60lbs, as they are "inclined to be a bit fat in the belly". Most Hobbits begin gaining their big bellies once they've passed the age of thirty-three. A large belly is not believed to detract from one's attractiveness, though. Female Hobbits tend to have an ample chest accompanying their large bellies. The body structure of the Hobbit allows for them to easily carry the weight, being big boned. They also have larger feet and hands, often making them appear disproportional to outsiders, and at the same time giving them a rather charming appearance.Members
The Humans (Average Lifespan 70 years)- Men are rather unspectacular in their appearance as they are positioned between all other races, not having the slender, delicate growth of elves nor the muscular and stout bodies of dwarves and they also don't possess a thick natural growing skin protecting them from most harm like orcs have. However, a man resembles the appearance of an elf most as he is approximately the same size, except for the female humans who are usually slightly smaller than the males and whose bodies are much rounder than those of elven females. Unlike elvenkind the hair color of humans is limited to brunette, blond, raven and very seldom red. Males also usually wear their hair shorter than their female counterpart. Male humans may also wear beards although they don't have any social importance like at the dwarven race.
The Merfolk (Average Lifespan 100 years)- Merfolk are sentient creatures, although not high in intelligence. They are humanoid above the waist, merging into a strong fish-tail below. Their hair comes in a wide range of naturally occurring oceanic colors; black, dark green through pale green, turquoise, blue, lavender, white, and silver. Merfolk are said to come in male (mermen) female (mermaids) and neuter genders (mer) although only the females appear in public; that is, above water in view of other races.The Mullogs (Average Lifespan 700 years)- Mullogs are a particularly small race, rarely exceeding 3 feet in height. Due to a lack of larger prey-animals but an abundance of smaller prey, which is still hard to catch, conditions in their environment seem to favour smaller bodies. While people of larger stature would have to invest a lot of time and energy into getting enough food, Mullogs can do with less, and can thus spend their time more efficiently, giving them an edge at hunting and gathering. With slender but muscular bodies and a brown or greenish skin, they are appear somewhat like the imp creatures, which are of magical origin, however, they display none of the imp's mischievous behaviour. Although small in stature, Mullogs can even convey a noble or charming image to human standards, depending on the occasion.Members~
The Orcs (Average Lifespan 90 years)- Although the appearance of Orcs varies from tribe to tribe orcs are generally slightly smaller than men but with more muscular bodies. Their skin and eye color varies from gray to brown or green and from yellow to red. Their eyes often seem to glow at night and it is said that they have an exceptional night vision. Orcs might have the highest endurance of all races except for dwarves and due to their good noses are able to track their prey over long distances. Their noses are broad and flat, even snout-like, the ears are usually pointed like at elves but bigger and their broad jaws hosts terrible fangs and sharp teeth.Member~
The Vampires (Immortal) - Vampires are masters of secrecy. In their natural form, they are often described as winged demons with the face and nostrils of a bat. Generally you will not see these creatures in their true form, for they only transform when they are on the hunt. In disguise they appear almost identical to humans, although perhaps a bit paler in complexion. They survive by feeding off the blood of other mammals, usually cattle or small, easily caught wildlife. There have been occasions however, when vampires have been known to attack and kill humans and other creatures as well.Members
When requesting to join remember to include the following: Username: Characters Name: Race: Rank: Gender: Age: Short deion of appearance/personality of character: Why you'd like to join: Sample of your roleplaying abilities:
Classes(these you CAN use): King/queen Prince/Princess Duke/Duchess Privileged Nobility (such as - A Baron, Viscount, or other minor noble with special rights and/or duties; ranked above Lords and Ladies. ) Lords/Ladies are allowed!

5:24pm May 21 2013
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Posts: 1,939
Username:Aslin Characters Name:Rika Race:Elf Rank:Princess Gender:Female Age:? Short deion of appearance or personality or both of character:<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=11kfcyc" target="_blank"><img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/11kfcyc.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
5:42pm May 21 2013
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Posts: 1,939
Good night see you tomorrow also every one is auto accepted.
5:57pm May 21 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Meh, looks intresting enough :3 ))
Username: Slyfox Characters: Maria Del Vizio Race: Human Gender: Female Rank: Knight (( If thats fine )) Age: 20 Appearance: WIP Personality: Mari is very much of a tomboy. She has a sstrong Italian accent with matches her perfectly. Maria has some anger issues and prefers to go solo whenever she is traveling. She despises girly girls who act as if they cant do anything for themselves but tries to ignore them as much as she can. Maria is also a rebel but she will still care for those who need help.
6:13pm May 21 2013
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Posts: 1,939
((Acceoted. Well she might hate Rika. Also... SPREADETH THY WORDETH.))
6:21pm May 21 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol if you dont want her too, maybe just make a different type of personality? But its fine if you dont, maybe Maria will like Rika in the RP ^^ ))
7:34pm May 21 2013
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Posts: 1,939
((Yes... Also we need MEN!))
1:21pm May 22 2013 (last edited on 1:15pm May 23 2013)
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Posts: 9,781
Username: Spirit1212 Characters Name: Called Shadow Race: Centaur
Rank: Princess Of The Centaurs Gender: Female Age: 19 1/2 Short deion of appearance/personality of character:  Her tail isn't in a ponytail and she is all black on her horse-section. Her eyes are silver and her black hair goes over her left eye and to her mid-back. She is very mysterious and has serious anger issues,which most fear her because of. She has been alone for years and is known as The Runaway Princess. She loves her lonely life,but sometimes thinks about what it would be like to be around others again. She is a tomboy,but still likes guys. Rp the rest out. Why you'd like to join: This rp seems to be cool and fills a need for some fantasy. Sample of your roleplaying abilities: Shadow,who had been sitting straight near the den wall,nodded
silently and slipped out onto the wet grass under the moonlight. Her
glowing silver eyes shined as the thought of finding new territory to
have adventures in,but she didn't know that this adventure would make
two new packs,separating her from her beloved sister. _________________________________________________
Sitting on top of a very large rock Shadow watched her pack run
about,training,hunting,battling and caring for pups. She was in the
middle of thinking back to her pup-hood when a howl broke her into the
real world and her eyes flashed open. A bleeding pack-member known as
Storm lay on the ground,an outsider standing over his body. Launching
herself from the rock Shadow dove towards the wolf standing over her
deputy and felt her teeth latch onto his neck.
(Decided I would stop there.)
(Taken from the rp We Fight Day and Night for Revenge ~ Remake.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:37pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 9,781
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:40pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 1,752
(could I join?) (I need to post my bio later i got to go)
4:04pm May 22 2013 (last edited on 4:21pm May 22 2013)
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Posts: 1,752
user name- holidays321 character name- lilith race-angel rank-princess gender-girl age-200 years old look/personality- A sweet loving girl with very long flowing hair and a creamy skin color. She is normal sized and a t times shy. why you would like to join- I love anything about magical forms, they make me stare in awe at the amazing powers or whatever they have special about them. (I love typing it is way more fun than writing.)
example of rping- Lilith looked across the light sky. The sun was rising above her head. The creamy sky was filled with amazing colors of all shapes and sizes! It was as if the sky was filled with fireworks. The marvelous rays of the sun came closer, she lingered about for a couple of minutes and then made her choice and basked in the light of the sun. The day was coming to a marvelous beginning. All was well (I just chose a random topic.)
6:39pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 1,939
((All accepted and we NEED MEN.))
7:56pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( I guess I will also make a guy since I know these two wont, no offense. And I would invite Wulfey but I know he doesnt get on very often and I dont want to wait on him. I will try to get Minnie on this or some other person and hopefully they ll be willing to make a guy.))
8:48pm May 22 2013 (last edited on 5:51pm May 24 2013)
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Posts: 4,211
(OH HAI THERE! Conversations have been spoken, letters have been typed, and persona have been made.) Username: Minuette1298 Character's Name: Tyren D'Tois Race: Demon Rank: Lawd (That's Minnish for Lord...) Age: 8,000 and livin' the dream! Appearance/Personality: Oh man... I haven't typed an appearance for about a year. ONE MUST KNOW HER BOUNDARIES! But here's nothing. Tyren is a demon who looks almost like the average humanoid, except for few variations. From his back sprout two black bat wings, on his head are two gnarled horns. His feet are horse hooves, (Not to be confused with pony feetz) and his hair grows almost below his chin around his pale face. His eyes are of the unnatural sort, with black 'whites' and gold irises that fr ame a snake pupil each. He wears a red tle="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance">linen vest with the sleeves of a bolero vest over some slightly baggy slacks. MY JOB IS DONE. Oh, right, personality. WHOOPS! Tyren is, well, how do I say this... Sly. No, not slyfox, SLY. He will make a joke out of pain, make a game from murder, trick the trickiest of tricksters. He is not nice. Period. Reason for joinage: Well, you see here, I come from a long line of tle="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance">dentists, and I actually really like penguins. And I saw that you are all in need of manliness. Roleplaying abilities: Tyren tle="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance">strolled along an empty dirt road, black smoke trailing behind every step. The dark clouds curled beneath his hooves and slithered up around his face, which made nothing but his golden eyes visible. As a demon, he constantly looked for pain. He found no supplement for his hunger among the people he haunted. This continued until the slightest hint of exasperation reached him, and he was off like a hound. (I will create a girl, no matter WHAT you say. This is my only condition if you want my Ty-Ty.) Username: Minuette1928 Character's Name: Pierre Carlin Race: Fairy Rank: Marchioness, (A Marquess, privileged nobility) a guard that would defend and fortify against potentially hostile neighbors. Age: 45 Appearance/Personality: Alright, I just went off for a picture because I'm not going to type out her appearance. Too lazy.  Pierre is a bit stubborn at times, due to being short (About 4'3) and small of stature. She absolutely hates being called weak, and will probably blow up emotionally. She'd most likely avoid large crowds, as she'd probably be stepped on by some of the taller locals, though she will talk to small groups if necessary. She's bold and a bit proud of her strength, but she won't boast like some will. (You've seen mah reason and abilities. You don't need any more.)

8:50pm May 22 2013 (last edited on 8:58pm May 22 2013)
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Posts: 2,763
User: Slyfox
Name: Robert Haddix
Race: Vampire
Rank: Thief
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Rob is a very laid-back character. He is a big rebel and a daredevil and also seems too be too flirty around girls. Most people would describe him as a thief and a lawbreaker, Im sure you get the idea here. Robert likes to think of Tyren as his best friend and loves to create some tricks and chaos around everywhere, but Robert will open up to almost nobody except for him.
8:59pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol thx for joining Minnie ^^ I have made my charrie a good friend of yours but Im still working on my bio for Robert so he is a WIP))
9:05pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 4,211
9:08pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 2,186
Username: Angelmist27
Character's Name: Alex
Race: Angel
Rank: Prince
Gender: MALE ((No need to fear! Angel has fixed your gender problems!))
Age: 19 ((at least he looks 19 :3))
Personality: Alex is a sweet young man. He will accept anyone and everyone no matter how they act or look. He may look like the cute shy type, but he is anything but shy. He can be quite courageous and bold at times and other times he can be stubborn. His is never afraid to get his hands dirty when its for a close friend. Aside from that, Alex isn't as perfect as people might portray him. In fact, He's blind. He may not be able to see, but Alex can sense even the smallest vibrations around him, and uses that as his new source of sight.
Why I would like to join: This seems pretty cool and legit, so why not? And I finally have the time to do more then one roleplay. "^.^
Example of RP skills: We have RPed together multiple times, but if you want, I'll put up and example! ^.^
1:29pm May 23 2013 (last edited on 1:30pm May 23 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
(I guess I will make a male. Haven't made a main character male in awhile,so bear with me.)
Username: Spirit1212 Characters Name: Called Dark Race: Centaur
Rank: Prince of the Centaurs Gender: Male Age: 18 1/2 Short deion of appearance/personality of character: Like his sister he has silver eyes,but his white hair goes over his right eye and to his chin. He enjoys people and can control his anger much better than his sister,Shadow. He spends his time in the sunlight acting as if he has all the time in the world and not a care at all. He ran away with his sister and is called The Runaway Prince. Rp the rest out. Why you'd like to join: Look above at Shadow. Sample of your roleplaying abilities: Look above at Shadow.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:32pm May 24 2013
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Posts: 1,939
((All accepted and Minuette what do you mean want///?))