5:41pm Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((I'm suprised winter hasn't discussed me...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:23pm Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 993
((:P It's up to you to discuss and decide your fate with this roleplay, not mine. ♥))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
10:12pm Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Eh. i already told you I dun really care. *shrugs* I just don't have time anymore. I barely have time to even hatch nowadays.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:50am Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Sorry I didn't post guys, I was sick and just didn't feel like roleplaying.)) "Cori, you're... thank you for standing up to talk to us today. It really shouldn't have been you. My condolences for your loss." Jethro looked over at the guy who had spoken then back to Cori. Her loss? He thought to himself. He bit his lip as he tried to figure out the what the guys had meant. He looked back at him only to see that he was busy writting something down in a notebook. Ah, right I think it was her who had the boyfriend. He thought as he looked back in her direction. He watched as colour flodded her cheeks. She looked a bit stunned as if unsure what to say about that. He waited to see what the younger girl was going to say but jumped slightly when he heard a hiss. He looked towards the cat girl he had seen talking to Cori earlier. Her little cat was hissing at the guy who said his condolences(sp?) for her loss. He raised and eyebrow but then much to is surprise the cat just stopped hissing and relaxed back into the girls lap purring. Well that was odd. He thought leaning back into his chair. He turned his attention away from the strange cat and back to the speaker who thanked the guy, although she did look rather unfortable. But then she quickly composed herself. "Well, I forgot if I'd already metioned this, but the three teachers were all found in their rooms, though all mixed, and all of them were hanging, but none of them died that way. Also, there was a little emblem beneath Professor Plum, one that showed all of the zodiac signs. I think the killer has a thing for horoscopes. Anyways, I'd suggest that anyone who had thought of anything speak up, because the faster we solve this, the faster the killer is behind bars." Jethro sighed softly. He couldn't beleive it. Out of all the other Taruses in the would this so call 'Pewter God' chose him. He had just his life together for gods sakes, and now he was launched into this. I really should have taken that other scholarship to Oregon. He thought as he looked down at his textbook. He looked around the room and wondered if anyone else was going to respod to that. He sure as hell wasn't. He didn't have anything smart to say, and she was doing a good job explaing plus he didn't want to have her eyes glare at him once more. Once was enough. He looked back around the room. Suddenly noticing something. Aren't there suppossed to be twelve of us? He thought sitting up straight his blue eyes scanning the room some more. He ran his tongue over his teeth. I'm sure the kids just late. He thought uneasily as he leaned back into the chair. Don't get paranoid now, just sit back and listen to what she has to say.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:24pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 993
((Vacay time today :D Have fun while I'm gone! ♥))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:13pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Psh, nice. Well Have fun Win XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:29am Jul 8 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Hehe. I should post, but its like midnight... I've been on for too long. Since like 8. Erm... I'll be back.))
1:32pm Jul 8 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri saw a flash of terror in the eyes of Jethro. Her own eyes widened, and Ziggy whipped her head up sensing the fear. What? What is it? When that happens, you tell someone. A ghost out the window, or a sudden realization? Its got to do with the murders... Kiri studied him nervously. She couldn't quite tell. "Jethro," she began, looking him in the eye, "Do you have anything to say?" ((Fail, but I'm working on another RP right now so I'm switching back and forth.))
1:38pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 1:39pm Jul 8 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
"Jethro," He heard the cat girl call him. He looked in her direction. "Do you have anything to say?"
Way to play it cool Jet. She saw the frantic look. He thought. He looked at her. "Oh I'm sure it nothing really." He said. "It's just, aren't their supposed to be twelve of us. There's only eleven. But I'm just being paranoid, I'm sure the other kid is just late." He said in a reasuring voice, he was sure the girl didn't need it be he sure did. He looked back over the room just to make sure he had counted right, but sadly he wasn't mistaken. There were only eleven kids.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:59pm Jul 8 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri turned her eyes back to her lap. "Interesting... Its been a while now." Her eyes flicked back to Cori, then to the rest of the room. "Shall we go look? No harm could be done, and if the kid's embarr*censored*ed its their fault. I mean, we were gonna survey the school anyway for potential clues. Bring your notepads." Kiri stood, effortlessly bringing up Ziggy with her. Years of practice showed when the cat never even woke from her sleep. "We're going on a field trip." Her eyes surveyed the room quickly for any objections.
6:42pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Jul 8 2010)
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Posts: 853
Going? Going where exactly? How did she know where to find this rogue student? Neil slowly stood, his notepad held loosely in spindly fingers. "Do we have a destination? We don't even know who it is that's missing- how are we going to find them?" Calling the college and asking them to give them a call would be more rational than a bunch of foolish college students stomping around campus. He had a cellphone. It was in his pocket. It would take him less than thirty seconds to call and ask them to call the emergency number registered for that student. But then, that plan would only work if they knew who it was they wanted to call. 'Have you seen this person? We have no idea who they are, what they look like, or even if they are a boy or a girl, but we need to find them. Yeah...' There are some incompetent things he would let slide. This was not one of them. He was wondering if this girl was bipolar or something. When she first arrived, she seemed timid and unsure, shy maybe. Then cutesy and joking (about murders, no less), then outrageously angry for no reason, and now... direct and acting like a leader. Try as he might, he wasn't borderline enough to go through that many emotions and attitudes in twenty minutes. He didn't know what to make of that.

2:12am Jul 9 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((And yes, just BTW, Kiri does have some emotional problems ;D)) Kiri rolled her eyes mildly, enough that others (hopefully) wouldn't notice. Stupid. Her bangs shook as she rattled her head a bit to refocus. "We were going to survey the school anyway," she repeated, eyes stone before fiery walls. "So we might as well go look for this kid. Ummm... Anyone know who it is? Let's see..." Her eyes looked around searchingly. "They must have a friend in this room. Come on, who knows it?" Her cheekbone twitched in her slight amusement. She always had thought it funny when people were called "it" for unknown gender. Ziggy shifted and purred softly. She seemed content, while around her they were going on a manhunt... Kiri's heart longed for that life. Lazy, comfortable with no cares in the world. She smiled. What a life that would be.
8:39pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Jul 9 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Doesn't everyone? xD]] ". . ." Oh, were they now? When had that been discussed? He had not heard about a survey. He had not heard about the meeting until the day before. Neil decided that he didn't like this girl. Sure, he had established already that he didn't like anyone here, but only because he immediately decides that he wont like anyone before he knows them, to save himself from being disappointed later. Because usually, they turn out to be the same, disappointing greedy flesh bags as everyone else. Now, he knew her enough to know he wouldn't have liked her if he had been opened minded about her. And he was going to continue to dislike her, until by some miracle she stopped acting like such a... he didn't even know what to say. Fourteen-year-old came up, but he would give them a bit more credit, since they're going through all that teenager crap. Coupled with her borderline attitude and- did she roll her eyes at him? Oh, so he's an idiot for asking the most sensible question to be spoken in the past half hour? Because everyone knew about the survey? Yep. That's old news for everyone here but him, apparently. And she expects one, out of eleven, out of hundreds of students, will magically be friends with someone here? When they don't even know WHO it was that's missing? Oh well, his logic is just flawed then. That plan makes perfect sense, it's just oozing with genius. He didn't even know the names of anyone who was coming to the meeting! He only knew he was supposed to come! And besides, Neil didn't have friends. Not in this place, anyway. All his friends were either already past college or had skipped it completely. He already regretted making the choice to come. But, he was not going to voice his opinions on this, and call her out on how stupid this whole plan was. Nobody listened to him anyway. The geeky kid with the gla.sses who reads all the time naturally knows absolutely nothing, and needs to be lead like a child, by the hand. She'd just find some way to make him be the idiot, because, you know, they're in college. Everyone's a genius here, except the ones who take it seriously. Yep. Everyone knows better than anyone else. He turned away from her, and crossed his arms. Let them solve this, he was probably going to be outvoted ten to one, if they're logic was on par with hers. Why try to say anything? The killer was here, and he was surely laughing at them. 'Or she.' he thought, and stared icily at the wall, forehead creased with a frown.

3:20pm Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Jul 12 2010)
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Posts: 1,864
Somewhere in Kiri's brain, there was a wall of rock. The rock was green, and lush. It was unstable. Behind it lay a m*censored*ive lake of clear, clean, salty water. This water had only to have a small crack in the wall to leak out, or explode out. When Kiri's eyes caught Neil's, for just half a second, that wall was pierced. Kiri's head jerked away to the nearest wall. Her hair swiftly shifted to cover her face. For a minute, a second, Kiri lost composure. Her mouth twisted and eyelids crushed together for a moment in time. Her face reddened, and her brain thought, I am hated. You are hated. Ziggy, could be hated. At that, her jade eyes flew open. Her face cooled. No tears leaked. Fire had been set to the green, lush wall that was her eyes. Her hair shifted slowly back as she looked with a killing (excuse the pun) gaze. The fire retreated quickly behind the wall. Bangs shook. Arms tightened around the black cat in her arms. "Alright," she half-sighed, "Just to recap. Right now, we are going to look around the building for this... person. Also, just to hit two birds with one stone, we are going to take our notepads and scribble down any clues we see or possible lead-ins. Alright? Lets go."

7:16pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((D: Post or I'll kill you))
3:10am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 1,864
(( D< No srsly doods Imma start killin pplz.)) A muffled gunshot rang through the campus unheard. Flesh hit the ground soundlessly. ((You don't wanna let me finish. >8V ))
3:46am Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,588
((you can kill Willow off, this rp is getting to be a little too much for me and so i'm leaving it))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
5:23pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Okay, you guys. I don't mean to sound rude, but this is getting out of hand. As we said, this is not your average roleplay. It is a CAPPED roleplay, and closer to a book. It is a story and a plot. You must be active as we said. You guys are dissapointing me. This RP has barely started, because people are not posting. We have like four people who are active, out of twelve. AT LEAST ten of the twelve should have been active at a time and if you leave you should have an alibi. Don't join knowing you "probably wont be on much", etc. Its not okay. And sorry to sound like such an uptight little prick, but I think most of you KNOW this isn't right. Thanks and good night. Have fun being killed off by the Overlords.))
6:17pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Sorry I haven't posted. My mother banned me from the computer. She wants me to get a life XD))
Jethro watched silently at Kiri and the other guys back and forth. It was clear that they did not like each other, the tension was thick. "Uhh, guys?" he said wavng his hand slightly so the would remeber that there were others in the room. "We might want to ask the football team." he said getting up slowly. "We tend to know every one. I'm sure someone will have heard about who else had a meeting with us."
((That was a bit of a fail.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:57pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,864
((Naw, you're fine. Some haven't posted, like, ever. TwT))