12:16am Jul 19 2010
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Alyx seemed inperturbed by the scene, walking in and examining the star below Rapheal's feet. "Huh. You though I would have heard this in triple six, huh?" He looked back at the people in the doorway, sating to Neil, "I wouldn't put the notebook away, Newtie. And why don'tcha' take a look at the note you nearly stepped on." Sighing, Alyx went up to Rapheal, examining the cuts on his wrists, the trails of blood down his arms. "Quite elegant, actually. Could be a good pianting." He mused, yawning slightly. "That's one down, Hmm?" While he tired of waiting for Neil to pick up the folder, he pulled the sleeve of his striped black shirt over his fingers, getly picking up the manilla folder. "Looks like we got a clue. Only two more until we can go to the thinking chari." He said his voice dripping with sarcasm.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:50am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 853
Neil's hand was over his mouth before he realized it. "Urk..." His eyes closed, tightly, and he took a few breaths. "Don't... call me that. Don't call me that." he muttered, hand lowering from his face. He couldn't look at whatever it was he almost stepped on, his eyes were almost glued to the grisly scene in front of him. What was he going to write down? He was going to remember this. Wrists slit and... and he was hanging... which wasn't different from the other victims but... why--? Neil's hand rubbed over his own wrists absently, a strange, dark feeling settling in his stomach. He hadn't been listening to Alyx, but at his sarcastic tone, he turned away from the body, and stared at Alyx in a blank, almost calm way. "Shut. Your. Mouth." He hissed. "Have some respect for the dead. And why do you keep calling me..." His voice drifted off to almost a whisper. "How could you know?! Nobody calls me that except... except..." He trailed off, face blanching slightly, he quickly stepped out of the room. In the sanctuary of the hallway he leaned heavily against the wall, head drooping, as he tried to keep himself from upchucking his measly dinner.

12:57am Jul 19 2010
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Kiri swelled with anger. You just don't toss around people's lives like that. When it isn't yours to toss. Death shows all over, of course, but it was tough to deal with. Before she could notice, before she could care, before she could even think, her body reacted to her anger. Her eyes hardened and burned like white-hot metal. Or green-hot metal. Her muscles tensed. A hand flashed out, quick like a cat. Her hand struck out against the skin of Alyx's face and cheekbone. As quickly as it had happened, it was over. She stood, hands stiff at her sides, Ziggy hissing on the floor. She swiped a closed paw at Kiri, wanting to be up in her mommy's arms again. Kiri stared straight and hard into Alyx's eyes, shoulders rigid.
1:04am Jul 19 2010
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Alyx's head snapped to the side, as Kirir's cold hand bit into his flesh, leaving small crimson track from her nails. Four long tracks traced from he corner of his right eye to the corner of his mouth. Blood dripped and oozed slowly down his face, as he turned to Neil. The slap seemed to have knocked him into another color zone right at grey. Alyx's eyes widened as he saw Neil slumped against the wall. "I'm sorry, Neil. I really am. Will you be okay?" He touched Neil's shoulder gently, the manilla folder dropping to the floor with a smack.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:09pm Jul 19 2010
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Kiri tensed for another second, then relaxed. "We might want to get you a band-aid or something." she sighed. Although right now, the murder was more important. Kiri bent to pick up the folder. "Well...It looks like we've got something to figure out. Look." Steath and wonder Like a nightmare Look in the stars Clue #1 "We've got a new clue here."
8:36pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 10:35pm Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
Neil jerked his shoulder away from the hand, reacting more like Alyx had tried to hit him rather than offer a comforting gesture. 'Why are you apologizing to me?' "I'm fine." he said, flatly, trying to steady his head and keep himself from reeling. Too much stress for one night, he conceded. Neil squared his shoulders and promptly stepped back through the doorway, a lot paler than usual. He leaned slightly over Kiri's shoulder to stare at the contents of the folder and then stepped back, eyes examining the wall with much more interest than a wall would usually be given. He didn't know what to make of that. Perhaps dip into his books and look for a constellation relating to dreams? Stealth and wonder. He didn't know what to make of it, but he couldn't get himself to say so. "What are we..." He trailed off, that sick feeling boiling back up into his throat. "We... we can't leave him up there." What about his family and friends? How many people were going to miss him? What if someone decided to come see him, and saw this? That is a memory no friend or family should have to live with. Someone needed to get him down from there. Should they call the authorities? The warning the Pewter "God" had given them about "getting others involved" made him wary about it... but, what were they going to do? "He cheated. He killed someone before the meeting even started. Because everyone was there-- e-except Raphael. ...who showed up late?" He couldn't look at the body, but if he'd been killed awhile ago, the blood would have started to coagulate by now. "Blood starts to coagulate as soon as the wound starts bleeding..." he trailed off, gnawing at his fingernails. Even with cuts so deep, the blood would still coagulate. The blood would be darker. Almost brown. He wanted to point his finger at Alyx-- after all, he lived right next door, and they were not too far from the meeting room from here. But he had arrived at the meeting quite early... and this seemed too... fresh.

2:04pm Jul 20 2010
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Kiri frowned. She was hoping someone would understand the clue. To be honest, she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Stealth and wonder, like a nightmare, look in the stars. Kiri couldn't puzzle over the clue for as long as she liked though, as she probably needed to get going. Her eyes shifted up to Neil and Alyx. "We should probably tell his family and friends... and the school. But his room must be left untouched. Its a crime scene. We need to..." Kiri's voice caught. "Sorry." She flushed a bit. "To keep it how it was so we can... look through it..." She was close to gagging. It was kind of disturbing to see the blood begin to brown on the carpet. Kind of really disturbing. She swooped down and scooped up Ziggy, then began to rush to the elevator. "Oh wait..." She turned back. "Don't call anyone. Just... leave it... We aren't allowed to tell other people... And if this is his punishment for not showing up, lets not be punished ourselves for breaking a rule as well..." She had to say, although she didn't really like either of them, she didn't want someone she knew now to die. "Meeting... is over. Let's all just... go home. And think." Her eyes flashed as quickly as the train of thought p*censored*ed through her. "You know, you guys look totally gay sitting like that." She rushed to the elevator and went straight to her room, lips curled in a smile.

4:09pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 853
[[Newt: ........ *shoots self* There are no words.]]
8:03pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 1,864
1:53am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 1:56am Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Oh no. Look what you made me do. In advance I would like to apologize for the misrepresentation/bad drawings of your characters. I hope this isn't offending. I promise to actually reply next time.]]
10:31am Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((-Rolls around on ground- "Hey, get me down, LOL." I love it. Poor Neil.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:16pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 10:36pm Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Heee. I still think I shouldn't be left unsupervised with a drawing utensil late at night. =P]] Just leave him hanging there? All night? Alone? Is that what they're going to do when they find him hanging? 'Oh it's that jerk with the gla.sses. He's not going anywhere. I'm tired.' He'd never even met this boy, and Neil wanted to cry. Yes, he was dead, and wasn't aware that he was going to be left to rot and hang like some kind of butchered pig, but Neil always worried there was some sort of awareness after you died-- like a ghost or something silly like that. Having to watch your friends and family cry and miss you (or not cry, in what he a.ssumed would be his case).
There didn't seem to be a pattern to the method of murder-- as far as he could tell now, but it seemed it was different every time. What hadn't been done? Quite a few things. Strangling? Wouldn't that be ironic. Strangled and then hung up. Neil hoped he wasn't strangled. That would probably be the worst. It's worse when it's someone you care about hurting you, but the thought of someone else being close enough to his neck-- whether with hands or rope or whatever-- made him feel sick.
Neil stared blankly at Kiri's retreating back. Sure. It had not been the first time the dreaded "G" word had been flung at him (among other, far more offensive words). But the current situation made it even worse. If they had been say, out in the public world and not standing in a room with a corpse, and had he perhaps been prancing about and talking about rainbows at the same time, he may have just shrugged it off. But they were standing in a room with a corpse and Neil didn't particularly like his current company, who had also been grouped into the accusation. But because they were in a room with a corpse, a juvenile outburst such as that shouldn't bother him anyway. His face violently turned red anyway, and then just as quickly dissipated back to waxy pale.
He took a moment to take a steadying breath and dry his eyes, as being insulted at the end of the day topped his emotional cake, and he was trying hard not to explode into an emotional break down. "Not even a joke." He said, icily, "So much as offhandedly mention what she said..." And he trailed off, as he wasn't exactly sure what he'd do about it. Probably just cry and go home. Which is probably what he plans on doing anyway.
Neil left Raphaels apartment, trusting, or at least just hoping, that Alyx would shut the door after he left. This time he headed for the stairs, as he didn't really want to be in the elevator again. He worried the jolting of the elevator might finally make him hurl. He wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Again he would seat himself at his desk and try to pull some meaning out of this horrible ordeal.

6:24pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((xDD Ilu so much. That was great. And you got Kiri pretty well, haha.)) Kiri was ready to sleep. Although she wasn't exactly ready to wake up. Sighing, she wondered if it would be best to just get over it and go through with the next days meeting. Ziggy yawned in her place on Kiri's bed, and that was enough to turn off the everworking brain of Kiri.
7:44am Jul 24 2010
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((Posts? D:))
1:52pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 853
[[Blaaagh we need the others to come back!]]
2:55pm Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 1,864
(( I know it necroposting, but I miss this thread, and still hold a grudge (yes, a bad one) to the people who never posted. Anyways, I can reveal the rest if you want. -sigh- The Rmail with all the clues and such is dead.))
6:36pm Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 6:37pm Aug 7 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[I don't think it is necroposting until it's been like, months. D: But yeah I feel the same. I was really excited about the mystery and stuff. aaghhh. D;]]
9:21pm Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((I can reveal everything if you want, or encourage new joiners. xP))
11:54pm Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I thought Winter like abandoned this. I just realized I missed alot. Or so it seems I didn't bother reading. Anyways, is this dead?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:03am Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Sort of, lol. I... want to revive it. And Winter sorta did, but I guess I can't blame her... She got bored of it... Ah well.))