6:09pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1
((Psh. Mand, its cool to be short. *short-five* I hate it when I get made fun of for it, though. Mah sister is younger and taller, so... ya. xD I dunno when/how to start.))
6:11pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Whoops. Ditto. Mah friend Snark was over and forgot to log off. xD))
6:12pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 993
((>.< You said you wanted to start. I as.sumed you knew what you were going to post. xD))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:16pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 480
(Hehe, I think it's funny how this thread has over 100 posts and it hasn't started yet. XD)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:27pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((:S? I nevah said I would start xD I said I would wait for you then we could start.))
6:29pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 993
(("((Yaay! ^^ We're ready! Winter and I can set the scene, so hold on to your panties. Thanks Choco, post a bio when you're ready! Fox, um... xD When do you get back? Soon, right?))" I as.sumed since you posted that, you meant you would. x3))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:32pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((By Winter and I can set the scene, I was reffering to describing the whereabouts of the characters. And, I was waiting for you, so it was like both of us. xD Erm, anyway... how shall we start?))
7:18pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 993
((I will start this way. By the way, Instead of going to clas.ses, the twelve have to meet up, since they have been chosen to solve the mystery.)) Corrine Thatch sat in her dorm room, wearing pajamas and a backwards Snuggie, scooping Dulce' du Leche ice cream and watching a black and white silent romance film. She sighed, waiting for the next subtitles to come up, wiping her face and sniffing every so often. It was the first day she'd been without James, remembering how they had found her boyfriend dead, electrocuted, sixth in the series of murders. Her phone buzzed on the tabletop, and Cori reached for it slowly, opening it and gazing sadly at the screen. That was were her messages from James used to appear. She sniffled once. The text on the screen was a reminder for her, the virgo always trying to stay on time, though often she didn't. Cori had gotten into the habit of setting reminders a half an hour before she needed to be notifyed. "Murder Meeting" Was all that the screen said, but Cori very well knew what that meant. Twelve students, each of a different astrological sign, were adressed in a letter from a murderer within the school, a murderer within the group. The point of the meetings were to decipher the cryptic clues left with each murder, which so far had been few, and stop the killer before too many people died, a new victim each week. Corrine groaned, much prefering the silent sadness of the movie to a meeting to convict a killer, but she managed to get up, shuffling to the bathroom where she began to do her makeup, then her hair. When she finally had decided that she looked good enough to go out in public, she grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans and a lime green tank-top, the two things closest to her. Agan, her phone vibrated on the table. "I know!" She yelled at it, sticking her tongue out at the reminder and dismissing it, shoving the phone in her pocket and hastily walking out the door. Always, Cori spent too much time doing her makeup, especially that day, since the circles under her eyes were much darker from stress. Her hair was in a low side ponytail, the quickest thing she could get it into, pinning her bangs back with a brown clip on the way to the meeting. Reaching the debate room, Cori looked in longingly on her clas.smates, wishing she could be learning the pros and cons of whatever they would be holding impromtu court over that day. No, instead I'm going to figure out who an insane serial killer is. Fun. She thought crossly, looking forwarrds and breaking into a slow run. Finally, she reached the extra clas.sroom, opening the door to the wide room, rows of desks lined up on the stairs for the sermons by teachers. Sighing a breath of relief, Cori was surprised that no one was there yet, that she wasn't late, and slid into one of the desks, pulling out one of the Law school textbooks in the holder infront of her, flipping through the sections and testing herself on the knowledge.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:51pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 7:51pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[wheeeee.]] His cocoa had gone cold an hour ago, but he hadn't noticed. An open book sat forgotten on his small, creaky desk. His bony hands were clasped in front of him on the desk. His glas.ses were drooping, and his eyes were moving rapidly over the message he had received. His eyebrows furrowed and he mouthed something under his breath. "Just because I was born in March does not immediately mean my personality is completely different from everyone else- it could have been completely random." he fell silent, his lips a hard white line. He flipped open his notebook and scribbled a few things down. He got up, pencil in his teeth, and started pacing. Neil was not a detective. He was an English major, for goodness sake. He was pretty sure he was not going to be able to figure this out. But, there would be eleven more people. Eleven more stupid young college students he would be forced to work with. He didn’t want to admit it, but things were not looking up for the murderers victims. Groaning, he sat down, his head in his hands. He was supposed to be going to a meeting. He didn’t want to go, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Going to this college was a stupid idea; he should have just stuck with his bookstore. Why write when you enjoy reading more? He leaned back in his chair, pencil rotating absently in between his fingers. “Are you Callahan or Scorpio?” He sighed and stood, running a hand absently through his hair. He immediately made a face. And what a state to be in when going to an important meeting. Oh well. Neil was already dressed, but threw another sweater on for good measure, and tugged on his wool coat. He pulled his hair into a pony-tail and shoved his things into his bag, which he slung over his shoulder. At least the murderer was not eating its victims. ‘It was very nise’ Neil shuddered slightly as he dropped his keys in his pocket and left his house. He was living a bit off campus, living in a small one bedroom apartment. It was within walking distance, but far enough away that Neil felt detached enough from the “hoodlums” who lived on campus. He had only been in this building once, and he couldn’t remember why. As he walked down the hall, feeling a bit tense and anxious about this whole thing, he kept checking his notes. The room number was written in clear print, and he had it memorized, but he wanted to be absolutely, completely sure he was going the right way. When he finally arrived at the meeting place, he hesitated, peeking in the room a little bit. He loved being on time. But early, early was too early. There was only one person in there- and he did not want to have to talk to her before the meeting. In fact, he didn’t want to talk to anyone. He wasn’t sure why he was feeling so adamant about it, but there it was. Taking a deep breath and letting it out in a low sigh, Neil gripped the door handle and slipped into the room, almost noiselessly. He immediately took a seat in the chair nearest the door, and stared at his hands. Why couldn’t he be home reading?

8:33pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx hunched over his canvas, compleltley covered in paint. His phone stared a pounding b*censored* beat, making his paintbrush fly into the air as he yelped. He picked up, listening to his mother talk about how much she missed him, and dripping with love, she started begging him to come visit, but the college boy sighed and set the reviver on the desk, turning back to his work. Next to the open phone rested a peice of paper, folded neatly, albeit the streaks of paint and fingerprints from where the art student had first picked it up. He ran his fingers through his soft, bright red hair, glancing at the clock, before taking a thick brush doused with red and dragging at across his nearly finished painting, heading to the door, before stopping in a mirror to rub most of the paint off of his pale face. Giving up after a strak of green refused to be removed from his eyebrow, Alyx saw it. The small, orange bottle with his name printed across the side stared at him, daring him to leave without it. Crossing the room to it, Alyx picked up his bipolar medication and promptly hurled it across the room, the white top flying off as it struck the wall, scattering blue pills everywhere. Picking up the smudged peice of paper from his easel, Alyx read it through again, picking apart the statements, about the star signs. Alyx wasn't even aware of his star sign until the letter had arrived, and what did it matter that he was an Aquarius? He sighed, picking up a blank sketch pad, and a small purple bag filled with pencils and charcoal. Who knows, maybe there would be a good drawing out of all this claptrap. Grumbling, Alyx opened the door to the spare clas.sroom, noting the two other people there. The boy by the door semmed to be either really bored or absurdly scared, ut long hair also seemed interesting to draw. Alyx took a seat so that he could veiw the other boy in profile, and busily started drawing the basic shapes of the man's face, the glas.ses on the verge of falling down the other's nose. The girl on the other side of the room seemed a wreck, her hair and makeup made to conceal the redness and dark circles of the girl's face. Alyx looked hard at the girl, his one good eye narrowing. Her face was familiar, for some reason. They did go to the same school, maybe she was in one of his cl*censored*es, but she didn't seem the artist type. Shrugging, Alyx went back to drawing the man across from him, his long, red hair shadowing his face. ((Fail, mmhmm, yus indeedy do!))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:41pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 853
[[=o No fail. Also, when one of you overlords eventually kill Neil off (because man who wouldn't) do I get to write an amazing death scene to go along with it or... is he just dead? I mean. I wont complain. I just feel the need to document my characters suffering.]]
9:41pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Yikes, long posts. xD I can't be on much today, sorry D: I'll make up for it later)) Kiri looked over at the other students in the "Murder" room. She had just gotten up after crying herself to sleep, being an emotional person. Too much death was around... But she couldn't do anything, right? What if... What if she died? The black cat in her arms let out a cry of angst. Ziggy didn't like being held for long. Kiri's green eyes flitted back to her cat. "Right," she said to the feline, "let's do this." Ziggy "mrrrrow?"'d in question, and Kiri looked back to her. "I don't know either." Kiri stepped into the cl*censored*room akwardly, realizing she had been staring for a while. Embarr*censored*ed, she smiled brilliantly, yet small. "Um..." she started, taking another shaky step forward, "Hi."She lifted a hand from black cat-butt to wave slightly, and Ziggy let out a painfully annoyed meow as she slipped down quickly. A pale hand flew back to its position. Kiri stood for a second more, unsure what to do, and rushed quickly to Corrine's side. Her face flushed red and she lowered her eyes. "Oh my god..." Kiri grabbed Corrine's hand. She was almost laughing and crying at the same time. That was just too akward.

9:46pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((And Grayvs, you never know, mebbe you will. ;D Mebbe you won't. Remember, we WILL notify people when things concerning ONLY THEM are happening. Like, if you're the killer, or whatever. Nice job, all of you, btw. And if winter is okay with this, I don't think you should ask before starting a small relationship. No auto-hates, no insti-loves, no not having a reason to like or not like anyone. It happens like it does in real life. No one says "Hey, is it okay if I fall in love with you?" or anything xD Okay, long OOC post aside, lets keep it up.))
9:57pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 9:57pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[Thank you. Meeh, I will endure not being able to make him suffer immensely. And yeah. I apologize for my long post. My original post was longer. I get carried away sometimes. I didn't want to frighten anyone so I cut a lot of it out. Heh.]] Neil didn’t look up at the sound of the door opening. It was only a few seconds later that he twitched in annoyance and slouched slightly forward. Someone was looking at him. He could feel it, and it gave him goose bumps. ‘Just ignore it. ... Wish I brought a book.’ To occupy himself, he set his notepad out in front of him, and aligned his pencil up next to it. He fidgeted with it for a second, as if to get it in the correct spot, and then left it, folding his hands in front of him again. This lasted for a moment, and without realizing it he raised his hand to his face and started gnawing on his finger nails. There wasn’t much left to gnaw on, but he went about it anyway. ‘Really need to break this habit.’ He breiefly looked up when the girl entered, this was enough to make him stop chewing on his nails, however, and instead pushed his glas.ses back up. “ . . .” He didn’t feel like saying anything to her, but gosh, look at her. At least let her know he wasn’t judging her in every possible way- which he was, but, eh. What was she doing bringing a cat into a clas.sroom? He was glad he wasn’t allergic. The cat made him think of his uncle, and this put him off a bit. Neil cleared his throat. “Greetings.” Poor girl. Off she went. He didn’t think he helped much. But how odd, to be embarras.sed in such a grim, serious situation. ‘Speak for yourself, hypocrite.’

10:21pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 480
Renee Asher stood at the kennel's entrance to the local animal shelter and crossed her arms over her chest. At her heels was a small golden colored Co,cker Spaniel waiting for Renee to take him outside to run. "Sarah, I have to leave early for a, umm, meeting at the University." She twirled a strand of her long honey hair around her finger and smiled deviously at her fellow shelter volunteer. "Could you cover for me please? It's a mandatory thing or, believe me, I wouldn't go." Renee leaned against the wall and looked at Sarah pleadingly. "And Rictor needs to be watched in the dog run. So, can you cover for me, Sarah?" The girl looked down at Rictor the cocker spaniel and smiled. "Go ahead, Renee." The dark haired girl took a leash and collar off the wall and hooked it around his neck. "But you owe me." Pushing through the doors of the shelter and heading out towards the University, Renee dug into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out the note all of them had recieved, making her cringe. It had been hectic at the school for weeks now. Six murders. And the killer had chosen her and eleven others to partake in a sort of game? Chosen by their star signs. She didn't really understand it and, to be honest, she was sort of afraid. Up ahead Renee could see a few people waiting for the city bus and sat down on the bench to wait too, slipping her pink flip flops on and off nervously. The bus slowed to a stop outside the school and Renee cautiously stepped off, pulling at the neon green tank top she'd thrown on this morning. Within minutes, she was walking through the crowded halls, waving at everyone as she p*censored*ed, while silently dreading the meeting. She'd read and reread the note so many times now that she memorized the room number they were all meeting in and slowed as she approached the door. Taking a deep breath, she anxiously rubbed her tanned arm and then stepped inside. Renee's bright blue eyes glanced slowly around the room, seeing that four people had already arrived. Two boys and two girls. Taking a deep breath, she silently made her way over towards the girls, sitting a few seats away from them next to a window.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
1:33am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 993
((x3 Cori's wearing a neon green tank-top too. *pokes post*)) A smile came to the virgo girl's face when her room mate and best friend entered, carrying her infamous black cat. "Hey Kiri." She whispered, nervously glancing at the two boys, the ones she remembered as the Pices and the Aquarius from the initial reading of the letter. of course, she represented the Virgo, and Kiri the Libra. Sliding the Law school book down into the pouch in front of the desk she sat in. The door opened and another girl entered the room, a blonde girl who was quite short, over a half a foot less than Corrine. Right. The Leo girl. Only five of the twelve members had arrived at the meeting, one which would start soon. Supposedly, the meeting was to start in five minutes, but Cori doubted that everyone would make it in that time. The letter had said that the murderer was amung them, and she shifted her weight uncomfortably as she wondered if the killer was in the room yet, a shudder from that thought sending down her body. As the Leo girl began to walk to the aisle near Kiri and Corrine, pas.sing them and sitting by the window. I thought Leos were outgoing. She thought, wishing that she would have someone other than Kiri to talk to, so that she had more than one friend. Ignoring the sour thought, Cori turned to the girl, deciding to break the awkward silence. "Hi. I'm Corrine, but I'd much prefer being called Cori. What's your name?" It sounded cheesey and fake, but at least it was a start.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:39am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri gave the new girl a sideways glance. She was nervous. All of this, these murders, this meeting, scared her. Kiri tried to examine her features from within her cove of short bangs and hair. She took in blonde hair, and a slightly shorter figure. "Hey." Kiri didn't want to draw much attention to herself. It made her feel uncomfortable and arrogant. She shook out her hair, trying to recompose herself. Soft, midnight black fur brushed against her fingers, and she took comfort staring into the green swirling eyes so much like her own. An earnest meow escaped the pink lovely mouth before her. "I know." Kiri crooned to her precious kitty-cat. "It's tough. We'll make it through this." "Mrrow?" "Yeah. I know. I know, baby. Its okay. You hungry?" "Mmm?" "Uh-huh. I'll get right on that." Kiri never once looked away from those gorgeous, sparkling eyes. Kiri absently petted the cat on her lap, who was now sleeping happily. Her eyes were flashing all around the table. So... The Leo is blonde and short, but a little skittish or something. The Pices is the skinny, agile other blonde one. The Aquarius is the red haired, serious looking artist. Kiri was used to remembering people by their hair. Green eyes looked strongly forward across the table to the artist. He's hiding something... I think. Even if eyes glanced up to her, Kiri kept looking forward absentmindedly. "What was your name again?" She asked nicely to the Aquarius. Her eyes flitted to the clock and back. "Everyone should be here by now..." she muttered to herself. Her toes tapped quickly on the floor. She made sure to be soundless with her feet. Her sister hated that when she was at home. ((-cuts off post- Well, I'm getting all ADHD and mah brain is leaving this post. So, um... Yah. x3))

4:40am Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 4:41am Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,588
Willow's phone started playing "into the west" which ment this had something to do with the murders, just as she had started to settle down to study. "Typical" she muttered, as she bookmarked the page and shoved the book into her bag, before checking to see if she was right and heading out of the library towards the spare clas.sroom "6 people die and I have to take time out to attend a meeting, in studying time. Yay" Willow thought sarcasticly, as she approched the room where herself and eleven others were to meet, before her train of thought took a dark turn "I should not be thinking like this, i could be next" Pushing open the door, Willow could see almost half the "Chosen Ones" as she put it, were there, before heading for a seat on it's own, and taking out the book and started trying to study figuring she might as well until the others arrived. ((Going offline now, may not be on til late tomorrow))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
10:44am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx started a bit when someone came up behind him, amnd he sighed deeply through his nose, turning to the girl clutching a sleeping cat. "Whyyyy?" He asked, drawing out the last letter in the word. He had only turned enough for the girl to veiw his ruined eye, and it stared blankly at the weiro, whom he as.sumed was the libra. He turned further and looked the girl up and down, staring into the shadowed face, hidden by her hair. Not waiting for her answer, he turned back and finished the drawing of the Pisces, the half-lidded eyes, the slipping glas.ses, Alyx had captured the boy perfectly, and turned the page, searching the room for someone else intersting to draw. Maybe he should do a drawing of each of them, to remember names, faces, and star signs. He turned to the girl who had asked him his name, and began a swift drawing of her, includng the snoozing cat hangin limp in her arms. He was actually enjoying himself, much more than he had expected a murder meeting to be. He smiled under his messy red hair, drawing the careful shape of the Libra's wide eyes. The cat was actully a very beautiful animal, well groomed and glossy. He reminded him of the cat he had in his apartment, only his cat was white calico, and was named Akuma.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:51am Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 853
Whhyyyyy-y? Neil's eyebrow twitched, he frowned, and flipped open his notebook. 'They're all a bunch of idiots,' he thought, thinking about everyone else in the room. 'This person really is a sadistic and cruel person. This is not some club meeting, people are dying, and yet, 'howdie-doodie there, what's your name? My cat?, oh, Sprinkles comes with me everywhere.' And maybe they'd do that annoying, nervous giggle they always do. ' Gritting his teeth, he started writing a few things down in his notebook. "Pewter, metal alloy. Earliest known use... ancient Egypt. Also a bluish-gray color. Pewter and zodiacs? Mercury? Neptune? Blue planets in zodiacs... Neptune: Pisces. Uranus is kind of blue... which one was it? Aquarius. Someone has a grudge against astrology, physics and botany. Knife, chemical fire... drowning, electrocution, poison. Everyone was found were they should not have been... A plum in a greenhouse." There had to be something more than just the personalities. But so far blue just led to the water zodiacs. He somehow doubted a water zodiac was killing people. Something else about the zodiacs had to have meaning. Pewter God. He could only think of Neptune. Poseidon was the god of water... the god of pewter? It made him sick to his stomach to think, that when someone died he would have another clue. Disgusting. These kids didn't have to be here, they shouldn't be, and yet- they were going to die because of some--. Neil breathed in a deep breath. Well, the first one in here who is fascinated by astrology should be a suspect. 'Maybe it's the cat.' He might have chuckled, but he was feeling too depressed and upset about all this and merely shook his head at himself and rubbed his temple. 'I'll grab that book on the stars from home... maybe it has something about zodiacs in there.' He didn't know how to go about pewter. Find a book on metals? Pewter God. He hated that "toodalo." And ten people a day? What a disgusting, low human being. Neil didn't believe that violence was the answer (to most things) but he wanted to see this "dearheart" hang. He'd fix the knot himself, he had gotten pretty good at fixing those kind of knots. Out of curiosity, he looked up his horoscope. Technically the meeting hadn't started yet, so he didn't find it rude. He waited for the page to load on his fancy-pants phone and stared toward the door. "You are filling a void with an inadequate replacement. Continuing do to so may result in you never getting the real thing. Do not fear absence, something will fill the void." Neil stared at it, and closed the page. That didn't help him at all. And what was it going on about? He wasn't substituting anything. ‘Say you’ve lost your mind, Neil, say you have a Hyde running around behind your back. Would you be able to kill all of those people?’ He considered it for a moment. ‘I don’t take botany. I had never heard of those people until I saw the paper.’ He tapped his pencil on the table. ‘I’m clumsy. I have terrible handwriting. Even if I somehow had lost my mind I doubt I would speak in such a condescending tone.’ He leaned back in his chair, I sign that he was feeling a bit more comfortable in the room. But he had to be honest. He was a bit off, at least, that's what his doctors and friends and everyone keeps telling him. But he was only a harm to himself, right? Neil wondered if they'd ask about your mental health history during this meeting. They probably should. But he doubted that they would. [[Please, whatever you do. do not be intimidated by my rambling long posts. I don't do it on purpose. D:]]
